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  1. F

    Food shortage again?

    Easter bunny has had to self isolate. Sent from my COL-L29 using Tapatalk
  2. F

    Fishing brolly tents. Nash Groundhog

    It started with a brolly and ended up with a tent. Originally I was looking for a rally big umbrella that could be kept in the car to be used when the pub beer gardens open up. From there the thought process was that carp fisherman have really big umbrellas! So started looking at carp fishing...
  3. F

    Decent field jacket

    If your after something slightly different, Paramo have the Halcon Traveller jacket on sale through ebay. Not cheap at £60 - £95 (depends on size), but has goods reviews and looks useful with plenty of pockets, its designed to be silent, and is aimed at photographers.
  4. F

    Potassium Permanganate?

    They sell it one ebay and amazon. Had a quick look at the rules and they appear to get excited when your using 100Kg a year. Dont shove it in the post to anybody and be careful about where you store it. Because its an oxidiser keep it away from fuel (gas and oil). Could possibly go up if you...
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    Old West Firearm question

    2 of my shotguns are from the late 1800s, both have been reproofed for modern powders, although it is a risk. Blackpowder behaves differently to modern smokeless powders, and needs a very long barrel to extend the range. I have shot alongside the MLAG (Muzzle Loaders Association of Great...
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    Greetings from Sussex

    Hi from West Kent. One of my favourite brewery's is near there, Longman.
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    I am involved in recruitment at work, we manufacture gas sensors and analysers used in a just about every industry. All sides of the business are covered from our Sussex HQ, including R&D and manufacturing. One of the main things I look for on a CV / covering letter is technical hobbies...
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    A. Went he BTEC route, ND followed by HND. Environmental Science. B. I had a maintenance grant topped up with a student loan. My parents were skint and I was the first and only person in my immediate family to go to uni. Debt over 2 years was about £5k. I didn't start paying back until a couple...
  9. F

    Carrying knives to the woods - knife license...inevitably rambling onto American gun stuff

    Depends where you live. In he countryside, even pretty near to London people are not alarmed if you go into a pub with a shotgun in a case. One of my locals pubs has a clay shoot nearby and shooters will go in there for a drink or food after shooting. The landlord of local has held onto an air...
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    Congratulations to NASA

    I made some optical kit about 20 years go that's sitting on Mars, hopefully not in the wreckage of one of the crashed landers. Same company did bits for Hubble. Think we made 100 units, shipped 10, they used the best three.
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    View Changing/Enlightening Book

    The Singing Citadel by Michael Moorcock. I really struggled with reading and writing at primary school, I had to got a specialist literacy centre once a week because I was so bad, and nearly got held back a year. But one day my dad gave me this book to read, and haven't stopped reading since. I...
  12. F

    Who already really needed his First Aid Kit?

    Did hit my hand with a rather sharp axe, sort of glancing blow along a knuckle and finger. But first aid kit wise I just held the wobbly bit in place and applied a lint free dressing, and replaced that a few times until it stopped bleeding, a carrier bag was handy to contain the blood and...
  13. F

    Do you carry a multitool in the woods?

    I carry one, mainly use it while cooking to handle hot stuff.
  14. F

    Is it stil worth carrying a compass?

    If its for occasional use I would just use a smartphone, the GPS on them is pretty good and they tend to have newer chips than an old model stand alone GPS. You can download geocaching apps, use a free mapping app, or one of the paid for apps. I have an old Garmin etrex somewhere, but haven't...
  15. F

    Is it stil worth carrying a compass?

    I carry one when out and about, mainly so I don't have to keep getting a phone out and fiddling with it, but also because I like using them. Map wise, yes I tend to get a paper map of places I am going (wife likes them as well), I can also print OS maps from my OS maps subscription. Because I...
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    Heinnie Haynes list them, if your after something in particular they might be bale to get you one
  17. F

    COVID changes to your life?

    My wife will probably stay working from home, she works for a local authority as a planning officer. We are lucky that we have a dedicated office at home for her to work from, and she has a good works laptop / remote working setup, our broadband is also very fast. Probably going to look at our...
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    *The* Gift-It-On Thread

    That looks rather good, not tried friction fire lighting in ages, so me please. Will PM you. Anybody want a Silva compass? Points north, no bubbles, not much else to say about it ;)
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    Hills + radio = fun!

    Interesting thread. Havent used my radios since moving, but might tempted to upgrade to the intermediate.
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    Hedge layers measure.

    High pressure we deal in bar, low its psi. Cylinders are still rated in bar 200 / 300 but most of our kit is sold with input pressures in psi. Most analysers are built with metric fastenings, but gas fittings are imperial for a lot of kit. Then again most customers still use 4-20ma for outputs...