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  1. Ystranc

    Protecting saws and other tools from rust

    Libron do a wax that is specifically for saws, I never had any issue with it transferring to timber.
  2. Ystranc

    Air drying / curing pork foods... in Wales.

    The humidity has been extremely high this year making evaporation a slower and less reliable process outdoors. Our refrigerator dries meat left open to air quite effectively because it circulates air between compartments and the freezer compartment removes moisture by freezing it before...
  3. Ystranc

    Trapping, numbers game

    I’m not brilliant with improvised traps but I do well enough with Talpex, Fenn traps, magnums and snares. I know that isn’t really what the OP was asking but it’s difficult to get any practice with something that doesn’t appear on the approved traps list here in the UK. People can be funny...
  4. Ystranc

    A great loss to the british countryside

    I first heard one in StJohns in the vale up in Cumbria fifty years ago, I didn’t hear them again until I moved to my current home in mid Wales..I guess there are still pockets of them. There is more bird life here than I ever remember seeing elsewhere.
  5. Ystranc

    A great loss to the british countryside

    We used to hear them here in spring each year but then a mouth breathing Neanderthal felled a large area of trees to build three executive houses facing the river Irfon and we didn’t hear it again this spring. Ask me next year.
  6. Ystranc

    Snaring rabbits

    Bloody Cardiff are banning everything.
  7. Ystranc

    Snaring rabbits

    Rather than buying wire snares and getting caught with them while poaching a lot can be achieved with thin green or black braided nylon line. If you don’t care about legality or animal welfare.
  8. Ystranc

    Snaring rabbits

    It’s not yet had Royal assent has it?
  9. Ystranc

    Snaring rabbits

    The reason for putting the snare on a run between places where the rabbit steps is that is where the rabbit is jumping forward, its momentum will draw the snare closed before it can arrest its forward motion. Elsewhere in the thread it’s suggested trapping near fences works well, while it can...
  10. Ystranc

    Tapeworms in hens

    Tapeworm are rarely a problem for hens, roundworm and gape worm are more common but easier to treat by adding wormer to their drinking water. To treat tapeworm use thiabendazol at 75mg per kilo orally repeated after two weeks but you must confine them and completely clear away all faecal waste...
  11. Ystranc

    Trench art Tinder Box?

    We get there in the end..
  12. Ystranc

    Trench art Tinder Box?

    I think you’re spot on with that Chas..
  13. Ystranc


    Possession of a sharpened spear, an item with no credible purpose other than as a weapon would indicate premeditation. You could certainly forget using self defence as a legal defence in a court of law.
  14. Ystranc

    Trench art Tinder Box?

    If it was actually issued to a chaplain it would either have a War Dept. mark or the broad head arrow. My guess (and it is only a guess from looking at the handle and hasp) is that this is Indian, much later and not military in any way.
  15. Ystranc

    Trench art Tinder Box?

    Surely a tinderbox has to seal air tight in order to smother tinder and keep it dry? My guess would be that it is an incense burner or similar
  16. Ystranc

    Is a psk really needed in the UK?

    True, 11 miles as the crow flys is impossible here in my part of mid Wales and there are large areas of the uplands that are waiting to ensnare you in a bog or stymie you with a steep gorge or a sneaky convex grassy slope that gets steadily steeper and turns into a sheer drop into a lake. It’s...
  17. Ystranc

    Is a psk really needed in the UK?

    The advice to carry a compass (assuming a person knows how to use it) can be a life saver for those who expect to be able to navigate the wilder parts of Britain using an app on their mobile phone. (Moronic but it does happen) 11 miles is just the daily dog walk for me so obviously I don’t...
  18. Ystranc

    Sixth Sense - What is it ?

    It is estimated that around 5% of the population are either psychopathic or sociopathic, this isn’t to suggest that they are all a physical danger to the rest of the population. Just that one in twenty people that you meet are statistically likely to have either of those disorders.
  19. Ystranc

    Still no hornets.

    Yup, we seem to have more than our fair share of hornets this year. No stings but plenty of irritating batting against the windows. We have placed better guards on the beehive entrances. There are also quite a few wasp colonies out in the fields which the hornets will be raiding soon.
  20. Ystranc

    Dartmoor - That’s better!

    Certainly a more popular legal decision than the last one. I have my doubts that the Darwalls will be given leave to appeal unless they can introduce new evidence to support their position.