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  1. British Red

    How to plan a solar system

    I know, you wanted me to add another planet....
  2. British Red

    How to plan a solar system

    Hi! It controls the input to charge the batteries. We plan to cover battery arrays and inverters in future episodes. This one is pretty much "how to store power". The next one is "how to use stored power".
  3. British Red

    How to plan a solar system

    Hope it helps!
  4. British Red

    How to plan a solar system

    For those of us interested in homesteading and off grid living, solar power is becoming increasingly approachable. One tricky aspect of building such things is understanding how all the components are compatible. Our latest video explains how to get the right number of panels, the right type of...
  5. British Red

    Reindeer Antler

    That's lovely Mark. Reminiscent of the old AW Instructor Woodlores in that it is very "clean" in it's lines
  6. British Red

    Petrol - stabilising

    Not tried the 4 stroke stuff but definitely agree on the 2 stroke
  7. British Red

    Petrol - stabilising

    The recommended does added to a full can should be good for two years. That's what I've used.
  8. British Red

    Petrol - stabilising

    There are a lot of issues in play here. The first one is that you often get a know it all popping up to say "it's illegal to store more than 30L of petrol at home". It isn't, you just have to inform the Petroleum Enforcement Authority (PEA). So I use a lot of petrol tools & can rip through 30L...
  9. British Red


    Having used all sorts of generators I think that propane is the best fuel. Petrol goes off quickly, diesel / kerosene less so but it does spoil & it's hard to store more than a day or two of fuel. Propane cylinders store pretty much forever & most propane generators will also run petrol. I...
  10. British Red

    Another Eagle Finished

    Blimey that's a tidy bit of work Mark!
  11. British Red

    Starting Chicken Keeping

    One of the most frequent questions that we are asked is "what equipment do you recommend for new chicken keepers"? Over the years we have made many detailed videos on individual items but often what people want when starting out is a simple checklist with the best coop, best feeder etc. listed...
  12. British Red

    Portable Power Stations & Solar Generators

    This week, probably as a result of the positive review of the Aferiy unit, we were sent an Allpowers S2000 Pro unit to review along with a 400W panel. How can I put this whilst adhering to "Thumpers Rule"? We liked the panel....
  13. British Red

    Running DIY WoodStove over night in a small cabin & safety issues

    (Deleted as covered by others)
  14. British Red

    Water storage

    And models said that building on flood plains was a good idea. My observation based on 15 years of water harvesting in a rural area with private drainage is that in these types of property it's laughable. My steading roofs can easily gather thousands of litres in a good storm & that's not...
  15. British Red

    Water storage

    I cannot honestly believe water butts could hold enough water to make any meaningful difference to a flood scenario
  16. British Red

    Water storage

    Who is asking you to instal one out of interest?
  17. British Red

    Running DIY WoodStove over night in a small cabin & safety issues

    Just so. If you reduce the flue and hence airflow out to 22% of it's design then 78% of the oxygen in is also stopped. This will make all fuel burn far less efficiently & could potentially risk carbon monoxide production. Best case the fire will burn smokily and too cool.
  18. British Red

    A few finished recently

    Lovely work Mark, great to see you making!
  19. British Red

    Running DIY WoodStove over night in a small cabin & safety issues

    No stoves are fully sealed, if they were, there would be no oxygen getting in & the stove would go out. The important thing is to have a good sized exit for exhaust gases and a good source of fresh air into the room. Remember the triangle of heat, fuel and oxygen. Flues act to suck air into...
  20. British Red

    Running DIY WoodStove over night in a small cabin & safety issues

    60mm is tiny for a flue, I can't imagine why anyone would reduce it that much?