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  1. T

    Heads up - Post office not sending sharps after 22nd April

    Is this the right place to have a bit of a rant about the Post Office? I would like to point out that the knife makers I know are among the most creative people around with multiple skill sets. I look forward with them to finding ways to bypass the restrictions that do nothing at all to...
  2. T


    Thank you, yes I mean the root is for the binding and a branch for the rest of it. your pictures are exactly like the ones I just made. Hemlock foliage once crushed give a scent very like poison Hemlock which is the origin of the common name of Hemlock other than that there is no relation...
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    Some nine years or so ago I did a woodlore course where we made some fish hooks out of Hemlock roots. I thought I would Google it and see what came up but no one seems to have ever heard of them, that cant be right so I ran for the woods (Hamsterly Forest ) and knoked up a couple. Take a look...
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    SWC Handmade Knives

    SWC knives, I ordered some kits two months ago and several emails went unanswered when enquiring about delivery time, then I ordered something else and I messed up the payment and got a reply within a few hours, since I have inquired again with no response. Umm, you decide. I guess he is very...
  5. T


    Hello everyone, I have never Forumed or bloged or anything like it in my life but here goes. I work and do all my bushcraft in North Yorkshire, my workshop where I run my own specialist wood finishing busines is surrounded by several thousand acres of farmland where I have permission to...