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  1. Kim C

    Longstrider, Longstrider, wherefore art thou Lonsgstrider.

    Hi peeps, I here through the grapevine that Mr Longstrider is back in the game and has resurrected his sharpening enterprise, my question is: has anyone here any new contact info/web address for this fine purveyor of all that’s sharp & shines. Any info appreciated.
  2. Kim C

    Just covering my options

    Hiya, I thought I would cover my options should the BB site go off line again. I see there are other BB members on here so this must also be a very interesting forum to be a member of, I'll do a bit of lurking and reading and I dare say I'll put my tuppence worth in occasionally. Cheers Kim
  3. Kim C

    And yet another BB refugee

    Psssst......Pssssst! Hey mate I need a fix, Have you got of blades for me to look at as my normal supplier has left me high and dry. Seriously though, In the absence of BB It would be useful to have another way of contacting other like minded sharp/shiny...