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  1. T

    possible tv show

    Still very much under discussion an opportunity presents itself of passing 3 months somewhere wild . The idea is that a group of people can work harmoniously and with the common goal of creating a mini utopia along lines of swiss family robinson. I have been asked to suggest some candidates and...
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    I went to the ethnic shops today.

    Seems my Ghanaian sauce was censored. It is actually called S.H.I.T.O sauce. Do ****enic based compound get censored too
  3. T

    I went to the ethnic shops today.

    i have some Ghanaian friends who turned me onto "GARI" porridge ,tinned sardines and "****O" sauce.All available from any African shop . They told me its practically a subsistence food but its tasty and has a wicked chilli punch and dont weigh much at all. Id just carry the dried Gari and the...
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    Bottling food

    I have a cajun friend in South Louisiana that got caught up in Hurricane Katrina. She told me that apart from actual human and animal bodies and sewage from cess pits contaminating any available water,thawed and decaying meat from freezers and fridges was adding to their problems. The only...
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    Elder flower cordial recipe

    i have an easy recipe . you get a large plastic bucket.lay alternate layers of elderflowers packed down tightish and sugar to cover each layer . repeat almost to top . chop in half a dozen lemons and fill bucket with hot water . cover and leave for 24 hours , strain and bottle. i make about 20...