Search results

  1. M

    Water skin

    I've been searching all over the internet for a completely natural (non-lined) water skin and as usual I've come to the conclusion that I'm going to have to make one myself! Anyone know anything about how they're made/waterproofed? The idea is that it stays completely flexible so I suppose...
  2. M

    dyeing cotton canvas tarp HELP

    Ta very muchly!
  3. M

    dyeing cotton canvas tarp HELP

    I've got a white linen tunic arriving in a few weeks which I had intended to dye with nettles in our big pasta saucepan (haven't told mum about that one yet....) and after reading this I'm now wondering whether it's going to work. Any suggestions?
  4. M

    Wool trousers

    I know this has been discussed before but as I finally have something of worth to say on this forum I thought I'd put it up! As a man of 6'4 with a 36" waist I've always had a hard time getting trousers that fit, especially army surplus or any kind of 2nd hand. So after an exhaustive search...
  5. M

    MOD Ration packs

    I've recently been given a load of ration packs from someone who works on an army base and he was told to take no notice of the dates whatsoever. I've eaten things with 2002 on it and they've been fine, I think they just stuff them full of preservatives.