Recent content by Supersymo

  • Hey Guest, Early bird pricing on the Summer Moot (21st July - 2nd August) available until March 31st, we'd love you to come. PLEASE CLICK HERE to early bird price and get more information.
  1. S

    Mora full tang knifes

    Th Thank you. The cassttom number 8, the trapper and the lion steel are now firmly on the list . I also like the look of the helle temagami
  2. S

    Mora full tang knifes

    I've been using the cheaper Mora's for a few years and to be honest they do everything I need them too. I won't be using the new knife for fire wood processing or any other heavy work. The woodland I have access to is only 2 acres so I'm never far from base camp. The main uses will be food prep...
  3. S

    Mora full tang knifes

    I've found the cheap Mora's to be incredible value for money so I was hoping these might offer similar value and bit quite special. They sound rather awful, thanks for the reply
  4. S

    Mora full tang knifes

    Thanks dale, I currently have a couple of clippers and am more than happy with them. I came across these more expensive Mora's I mention in the reply to stew
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    Mora full tang knifes

    Hi stew, thanks for the reply. I noticed they do a few knives with what I would assume is a full tang and wooden scales , look and finn are a couple of name's but can't remember the others. There substantial more than the normal Mora's so curious to see if anyone has used them
  6. S

    Mora full tang knifes

    Good evening all. I'm currently in the market for a new knife and wondered if anyone had experience of the mora full tang knifes? Many thanks Tony
  7. S

    Few More Stoves

    Damm these look mighty fine. I too am very interested in one although I probably wouldn't use it just stroke it gently whilst purring
  8. S

    First Meth's Stove

    Looks great
  9. S

    Tarp and Hammock Tutorial

    This has answered so many questions for me in one go. Thanks very much for sharing
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    It's a brave man...

    Death by log splitter
  11. S

    Got the courage to film my first video on YouTube

    Great video. Thanks for sharing
  12. S

    Campsites New Forest / Purbeck Coast?

    Acton field in Lytchett Matravers. The views are stunning as it's overlooking swanage bay. There is a small toilet block with coin operated showers and a bakery van comes round most mornings but that's about it.
  13. S

    Outdoor oven

    Many thanks for the replies. I was hoping it would be a case of stacking a few blocks together and putting a lid on. Looks like my next weekend is going to be a busy one
  14. S

    Outdoor oven

    Evening all. So after a rather hectic weekend clearing my garden I'm now left with a collection of concrete blocks,bricks and paving slabs. I would like to coble this lot together to create an outdoor oven but have a couple of questions I need help with. Does the oven have to be dome shaped and...
  15. S

    Hello from Dorset

    What a wonderful welcome. Many thanks. I'm sure I will be picking all you're brains very soon