Recent content by ShortNCuddlyAm

  1. S

    Which kit item pushes your buttons ?

    Bags n shoes (well, rucksacks and walking boots/shoes/other footwear). Closely followed by knives.
  2. S

    British Blades Forum - down

    Thanks for that post, Martyn. I've been having a similar problem (mostly it wouldn't let me in, occasionally it would). As Dave was consistently getting in, I ruled out the ISP, but flushed by Mac's dns cache - seems to have worked :)
  3. S

    how to change thread display

    User CP then Edit Options - about two thirds down :)
  4. S

    Are you a Swiss Army Knife owner?

    Yup - a Victorinox Sparta - had it since the mid-late 70s :) Also have a few of the diddy little keyring ones because people tend to get less freaked out by their use in an office environment...
  5. S

    An under-appreciated bit of kit:

    If I told you he didn't, I'd be lying ;)
  6. S

    An under-appreciated bit of kit:

    Google: bear grylls raft bird pacific The first few hits should be explanatory... On the other hand, you may not actually want to :eek:
  7. S

    Icy Cornwall

    I would guess rabbit...
  8. S

    British Blades Forum - down

    I'm definitely up for shortbread!
  9. S

    British Blades Forum - down

    Strong tea, no sugar ta!
  10. S

    Too Much Kit?

    Tea from a thermos just isn't the same as freshly brewed though!
  11. S

    British Blades Forum - down

    You broked it!!!
  12. S

    British Blades Forum - down

    Just back for me now too
  13. S

    posts the wrong way round?

    Welcome Jonny! If you go to User CP, then Edit Options, there's something you can select in there to change how the posts are displayed
  14. S

    Kit advice for woodlore course.

    No idea what kit you'll need - but what a great pressie!
  15. S

    Too Much Kit?

    I've been lugging too much stuff around since I was old enough to pack my own bags for school, holidays(*) etc, so it's as much habit as anything for me! (* and it is stuff - it makes a lot more sense to me to have a variety of books to read, for example, than it does to have a variety of...