BoB Taiga

Hi i'm Robert but everybody calls me bob after my late grandfather, as he was also called bob, i'm single but have a wonderful daughter called Layla, i have had many job's over the years as variety is the spice of life and i get bored, so i like to switch things up.
I love the outdoors i grew up in a house on the isle of wight, and our back garden had a gate which led straight on to St'Boniface downs (National Trust) so i was pretty much doing what all kids should do in that environment, build camps, hide and seek and play at war etc etc.
From that i joined the Cub's and after that i was allowed to joint the 1st Marine Cadet Troop in England one year early, which made me sixteen and everybody else was 17, absolutely loved being in the Marine Cadets.
Finished school at 16, went to Technical College and studied Engineering (All Aspects) and majored in systematic electronics which i worked in for a few years before i became utterly bored.
So i then decided i might join the army, had an interview at pile street newport, got there to have my interview and the army recruitment guy said he wasn't interviewing me, and two Marines from poole marine base were he to interview me, to cut a long story short i was head hunted by them, but i decided over the next few week's after the interview that there had been enough of my family in the armed forces, so i decided not to join, where as many of my buddys from cadets did.
Now i just like to get outdoors as much as the british weather allows.

May add more to this later...

MTB,Backpacking,Primitive Technology,Reading,Hunting,Foraging,Carpentry
Isle Of Wight
Outdoor Activity
Primitive Technology/Wild-camping/Expeditions
Semi Retired Electronics Eng.