North Wood meet August 26~29 2016

  • Hey Guest, Early bird pricing on the Summer Moot (21st July - 2nd August) available until March 31st, we'd love you to come. PLEASE CLICK HERE to early bird price and get more information.


Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Jul 24, 2009
West Midlands UK
August meet 26 ~ 29 to include bank holiday Monday

Welcome to North Wood 2016 :) Dates for your diary

At the last meet there was some talk of organising a Hangi (earth oven) with a selection of meat and veg. whether you guys want to do it at this meet or the October meet, I will leave it up to you maybe have a chat in the North Wood group forum? :) There may also be a program of work to clear new pitches, and collect and process wood for the communal fire, any help will be most welcome.

We will aim to camp on the centre pitch, however if ground conditions dictate, we will use the old winter pitch at the farm end, just offload and return vehicles to CP1 at the farm, I will update this nearer the time.

collecting wind blown and dead standing is allowed this meet if you prefer to have your own small fire, live wood is to remain untouched.
Again I intend to temporarily up the pitch fee's from £5 per night to £6 for a maximum of two nights per meet
This is necessary to replace communal items and for the occasional hire of power tools such as a brush cutter to clear brambles etc. enabling more pitch choice

As before, early get in / extra days may be available if enough interest is shown :)

for clarification this is a private and sole occupancy piece of woodland sourced and managed by me. This facility is advertised elsewhere and is available for anyone to attend either individually or as a group, whatever organization you affiliate to.

everything you need to know about the meet is here...

the long winded but necessary caveat's

Location of meet

North Wood is set in the heart of middle England and has excellent access to the M1, M6, M6 tollroad, M42, M40 and M5.

location is
opposite the belfry golf club on theA4091, for those arriving early there is a large layby opposite the entrance,the full address is;

Middleton House Farm
Tamworth Road
North Warwickshire
B78 2BD


please pay on arrival or as soon as is practicable. I don’t want to be chasing people for fees as they’re packing up!

• 18+............. £5 per night, Plus £1 communal fee, see above.
• Aged 12~17 .....£3 per night
• Under 12


To ensure the future of North Wood as a camping, bushcraft venue, and to conserve the continuing stocks of wood for the communal areas, the following conditions will apply Unless stated otherwise in the meet introduction

Wood collected and processed during the course of the meet is for use in the communal fire area (excluding small sticks, twigs) so that everyone benefits, or in some cases for the use of the farmer.

If you want to bring in your own Honey Stoves, hobo stoves, twig, small stick burners (thumb size) and the like, they are acceptable providing they have sufficient ground clearance or protection to prevent scaring. Pit fires or similar are not acceptable.

Modified jerry can (or similar) stoves, tent/tipi/lavvu stoves and the like are not acceptable unless you bring a sufficient amount of fuel for your needs for the duration of the meet.

live wood is to be left untouched, unless of course there's planned maintenance,in which case it will go to the communal fire or any projects.

With all the dead wood to hand, I know it’s going to be tempting to carry on using it for individual fires, I’m hoping this is going to be self regulating however if individuals blatantly ignore this, they will not be invited back.
This is not negotiable, If you require clarification on what is acceptable, drop me a pm.

I hope I have explained my motives for these actions clearly. They have been put in place to ensure the longevity of North Wood as a venue.


There are male and female toilets located next to CP1, an outside water tap is situated at the end of the car park wall. (
see map link below)


we’re still here on trial so it really is a case of leaving no junk / fire scars etc. the only thing we should leave is a good impression, take your rubbish home, there are no facility’s to leave it on the farm.
There have been odd occasions when other peoples rubbish has had to be disposed of, If you brought it in, it’s up to you to dispose of it. No exceptions.

Under 18s

Are to be accompanied by a parent or guardian, and will be the responsibility of the person who bought, invited them.


Generally speaking our meets are very good natured and self regulating. However if someone is found to be unduly aggressive, unruly, or are otherwise hostile in any other form, they will be asked to leave immediately. if the offending person is a minor then the parent or loco parentis will be asked to accompany them off site.

If a member or guest has possible behavioural issues, the meet organiser should be informed before attending the site. In an instance where other members or their guests are put at risk, the member, inviting member and/or their guest will be asked to leave with immediate effect.


there is no insurance cover of any description covering the attendees of North Wood meets, any incidents arising will be entirely at your own risk.

dogs or other pets

Are not allowed, exceptions can be made under special circumstances.

Restricted areas

A small section on the approach to northwood is sssi, unless otherwise instructed this will be marked and out of bounds, as will a small area within the wood which is personal to the farmer and is strictly out of bounds, (see map link below).


Access is from 1200 on the given date unless we have made prior arrangements toget in earlier. For security reasons the electronic gates will be closed overnight from 1900 to 0800 and all day Sunday, possible late or early arrivals feel free to pm me for the gate code. We will vacate the site no later than 1300 on whatever day the meet ends.

The gate from the farm yard into the meadow must be kept closed at all times,if you open it you close it,

the fields on the approach to the wood are sometimes hired out to a private company. If on arrival there is any activity on the meadow between CP1 and the wood, and you need to unload or park your vehicle on CP2 or CP3, keep to the track and proceed with caution at 15mph


There are no medical facilities on site, the nearest A & E is 15 minutes drive at;

Good Hope Hospital
Rectory Road,
Sutton Coldfield,
B75 7RR

And finally for those not familiar with north wood,
this link may help...

switch to satellite and click on the symbols for more information.

well that’s it for now, any questions just sing out

All the best and look forward to meeting you,

Entering your name would indicate you have read and accepted the above guidelines. please include this line in your paste.

1. Woodspirits 26~29
2. Johnnyboy1971 TBC
Entering your name would indicate you have read and accepted the above guidelines.please include this line in your paste.
1. Woodspirits 26~29
2. Johnnyboy1971 TBC
3. TinkyPete - TBC due to work
4. Priam 26~29
5. Rumpole_Stitskin TBC 26~29
6. Andy t +1
Entering your name would indicate you have read and accepted the above guidelines.please include this line in your paste.
1. Woodspirits 26~29
2. Johnnyboy1971 TBC
3. TinkyPete - TBC due to work
4. Priam 26~29
5. Rumpole_Stitskin TBC 26~29
6. Andy t +1
7. Nomad64 (TBC)
Entering your name would indicate you have read and accepted the above guidelines.please include this line in your paste.
1. Woodspirits 26~29
2. Johnnyboy1971 TBC
3. TinkyPete - TBC due to work
4. Priam 26~29
5. Rumpole_Stitskin TBC 26~29
6. Andy t +1
7. Nomad64 (TBC)
8. Preper
Re the hangi discussed by some last meet.
I intend to arrive late Friday or early enough on Saturday to get the hangi dug and prepared for Saturday night.
All welcome to get involved as always.
I will bring a few edibles for all to try, some digging tools and a healthy appetite :)
Does anyone have some hessian sacking we could use?
Preper :)
Re the hangi discussed by some last meet.
I intend to arrive late Friday or early enough on Saturday to get the hangi dug and prepared for Saturday night.
All welcome to get involved as always.
I will bring a few edibles for all to try, some digging tools and a healthy appetite :)
Does anyone have some hessian sacking we could use?
Preper :)

nice one Mark, I can get some new hessian and probably a few rocks too.
Entering your name would indicate you have read and accepted the above guidelines.please include this line in your paste.
1. Woodspirits 26~29
2. Johnnyboy1971 TBC
3. TinkyPete - TBC due to work
4. Priam 26~29
5. Rumpole_Stitskin TBC 26~29
6. Andy t +1
7. Nomad64 (TBC)
8. Preper
9. Hubs (TBC 26-28)
Entering your name would indicate you have read and accepted the above guidelines.please include this line in your paste.
1. Woodspirits 26~29
2. Hubs (TBC 26-28)
3. TinkyPete - TBC due to work
4. Priam 26~29
5. Rumpole_Stitskin TBC 26~29
6. Andy t +1
7. Nomad64 (TBC)
8. Preper
9. Toxophilite
Last edited:
I will bring a leg of lamb for the hangi also got some digging tools that I feel happy to leave for future purposes whether for digging pits or removing troublesome roots from stumps, Cheers all see you there Friday.


We have a a number of knives, T-Shirts and other items for sale.