You know your OUT IN THE COUNTRY when!

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When you go for a quiet wander along the shores of Loch Chon and you are greeted by a bunch of neds, fisherman and psuedo bushcrafters in everthing from quads, to landies to vans, bikes and canoes; and all you can see and hear is the axe weilders hacking down the lovely oaks, the roar of huge fires, the thumping beat from a generator powered boogie box and the yells and screetches of those exploring various altered states of consciousness and experiencing their own internal inferno in the most external of ways.

Think I'm kidding? go up there on any sunny bank holiday weekend or during the summer in a nice spell and see for yourself! :rolleyes:


"you know you are in the countryside when" go out for a 10minute walk, then see an animal trail which you follow and before you know it its 3 hours later!!!

Any hands up for a simpler way of life? we live so fast, drive fast, think takes a whole day for me to wind down after being in the city. i think its not that people want to change the countryside or dislike it in any way. i think that its the off key energy of people who cant slow down (Toddy's drivers who wont pull over). the energy just doesnt resonate with the surroundings.
I was walking through the countryside today. Anyone also think that the fields are full of artificial fertilizer and pesticides, the cattle and sheep are bred so that they have no natural selection for their own survival..... ? And i am from farming stock and have every sympathy for the farmers, who work very hard to provide us with food.

The best part of my walk today was following a badger trail for a mile and trying to see tracks around the sets. Now that felt real and got me into tune with "earth time" much more quickly.

Anyway, to conclude, i vote for a simpler life were we sacrifice the 24 hour lifestyle for sanity.

Someone was talking on another thread about keeping bushcraft simpler too, more pure. just down to basics.


Jan 21, 2005
S. Lanarkshire
My irk with the folks who won't pull over is mostly 'cos they refuse to see that this wonderful countryside that they've come all that way to view is actually folks' home, and they use these roads for simple things, like getting kids to school on time and picking them up again :rolleyes:

I do think the countryside should have more people, and certainly in most of the areas I work that is slowly happening. Modern technology makes it easier to find work that doesn't always necessitate commuter travel, and the more people, active people that is, there are in an area the better the infrastructure, like a local surgery, chemist, post office, shops and schools, and these too provide work.

I don't want to see suburban sprawl everywhere, but a more 'sympatico' housing regime would remove the need for what a friend refers to as, "Scot's Reservations". I think society is changing, more people appreciate the natural worId and how divorced most are from it.

That said, I do appreciate the pace of life that allows me to go for a walk and then realise my tummy is growling 'cos I got sidetracked, missed lunch and dinner needs making :eek:

You know you're in the country when those nettles are looking like soup and not something a dog piddles on or the Council ought to come and spray with weedkiller in case someone gets hurt :rolleyes: !!

I also like the sig line (sorry I can't recall who has it :eek: ) about our memory being streetlights no one can see. What a waste of a skylit night :D



Jun 26, 2008
When grass grows in the middle of the road.

People offer to help if your car breaks down.

You can leave out an honesty box for eggs, preserves, plants and cakes and nobody will nick it.

The pub stays open until you leave.

You don't have to look for a public toilet if you're caught short.

John Fenna

Lifetime Member & Maker
Oct 7, 2006
Where the atributes of Modern Life are harder to access but the atributes of Real Life are easy to access - ood and bad points to both!

British Red

M.A.B (Mad About Bushcraft)
Dec 30, 2005
Where the atributes of Modern Life are harder to access but the atributes of Real Life are easy to access

:35: :35: :35:

Thats it exactly - spot on John. Personally I don't want it polluted with all the trappings of city life - big supermarkets, loads of stores offering endless "choice". I'm happy to pay a little more to buy from locals where the money stays in the local economy and isn't siphoned off to pay shareholders and executives!

Originally Posted by Scrimmy
When you seem to acquire a natural hate for rambling groups.

Only the ones we see or hear......or leave livestock wandering, litter on the ground, dogpoo in the trees, fences broken etc etc


The ones that think grass verges and gateways are car parks and forget you need to get a combine harvester past them.

The ones that hunt in earnest packs....

The ones in vivid coloured waterproofs

The ones that forget that a lot of us could live in cities with loads of other people ....we just plain don't want to

But most of all........ Gods help me...the ones in bobble hats


John Fenna

Lifetime Member & Maker
Oct 7, 2006
Where the atributes of Modern Life are harder to access but the atributes of Real Life are easy to access - ood and bad points to both!

This includes being far from the madding crowd - and when it takes an Ambulance 1 full hour to reach a casualty...personal experience....

British Red

M.A.B (Mad About Bushcraft)
Dec 30, 2005
Mee too - and having to go looking for the ambulance as it gets lost ;)

I still wouldn't have it any other way though!


Mar 29, 2009
When your sat on a razor ridge 2000 feet above sea level, watching a Golden Eagle watching you as you sit in rapture and forget to breath.


Jun 10, 2006
south wales
15 minute walk from my front door and I am in the countryside, wonderful, the Beacons in the distance and I can still pick up Radio 4 on my little Sony radio:)


We have a a number of knives, T-Shirts and other items for sale.