You are safe in Florida


Bob Hurley

It's been reported that some anti-gun groups in America have posted advertisements in British newspapers saying that due to recent changes in gun laws, you are not safe in Florida. This is rubbish.

In the past, some of our state/local governments have stipulated a "duty to retreat"; i.e., you must run from a criminal until you are cornered before you can use deadly force to defend yourself. The new Florida law eliminated that requirement, allowing you to stand your ground and defend yourself from assault. It did not increase the number of people carrying guns, and it is not a "license to kill". You cannot shoot someone because they're vandalizing your auto or stealing your lawn furniture. It addresses properly the concerns of someone traveling with their aged parents or small children, who can't be expected to effectively elude an attacker. That is ALL it does. Those warning you that you aren't safe in Florida must think you're all violent criminals, because those are the only people who need fear this change.

A majority of our states have passed laws allowing concealed carry of handguns over the past ten or so years. In my state, the permit to carry requires a full day's training, much of which is in learning what you can and cannot do, and stressing the heavy penalties for failure to obey the laws. In every state these laws have passed, violent crime has markedly decreased. The criminals no longer can easily pick their marks. It may seem odd to those who live where most guns are banned, but statistics show Americans are safer where we can be armed.

Come to America for bushcrafting, or just for a fun vacation. You're safer now than you've ever been.


We have a a number of knives, T-Shirts and other items for sale.