Wild smoke

Robson Valley

On a new journey
Nov 24, 2014
McBride, BC
Here in the valley, it's the wind that makes BBQ awkward.
I have a sheet of plywood for a wind break.
Other than that, any WX warmer than -10C is BBQ.

Nobody I know likes a heavy smoke done with any wood.
In a 3 hr run, 3 or 4 pieces of apple wood no larger than cigarette packets,
they are normally gone in the first hour and that's it.

The Pacific Northwest tradition is alder.
At present, I have a home-made alder log mallet for bashing on my froe.
Beat to Hello, its days are numbered then into the BBQ!


I'm sure somebody on here told me years ago that you could use Coltsfoot as a tabacco substitute, never tried it though :)

Thank you for the info, I found some info on smoking it and have added it to the list.

"Coltsfoot is often smoked by blending it with other herbs to treat coughs and chest problems. The flowers, leaves and even the buds of this plant can be used for smoking."
Jul 30, 2012
I quit smoking about a year ago, and I'm quite happy in my current state as a non smoker, as I do not like nicotine.
Having recently read 'Life in the Far West', I remembered how nice it is to smoke a small pipe when sitting around a camp fire.

Mentioned in the book, was 'Kinnik-Kinnik', a Native American smoking mixture, comprised of a mixture of herbs and the tree dogwood.



My question:
Does anyone here know of any European alternatives to tobacco?
Perhaps we mightrts of comprise a list of all herbs that are non toxic for pipe smoke?​
The biggest problem with tobacco smoking is its an addiction, and like all addictions it should be seen as un normal. thing is that society has gone on since raleigh brought it back as an acceptable state of affairs to have the populace hooked on a stimulant?!

Obviously cannabis but your not much good for anything afterwards especially axework. Cannabis being legal in some parts of europe/america

Robson Valley

On a new journey
Nov 24, 2014
McBride, BC
I have a enough trouble coping with life and reality(?) as it is.
The LAST thing I need is a toke up my snoot to upscrew all of that.


Jun 28, 2014
Strathclyde, Scotland
I've smoked Dried out Cow Parsley stuffed with dried grass before. worst smoke ever, and i certainly wouldn't buy a ten pack, but needs must when the Devil drives and all that. :rolleyes:


The biggest problem with tobacco smoking is its an addiction, and like all addictions it should be seen as un normal.

I would agree with this. Having worked on a tobacco farm, I would say that another problem is control of supply. It's a long and drawn out process to cure tobacco, making it rather ineffectual for small time production.

My ideal bush crafting is to take what you find, and use it to make yourself comfortable.
In the case of tobacco, I'd have to seek or cultivate a certain plant just to retain my base comfort level. (See addiction)

In this way picking some raspberry, chamomile, perhaps some mint from the side of the road, enhances my comfort.
If however, none is to be found, then I am not at a loss for the lack of something.
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Jan 21, 2005
S. Lanarkshire
Sage…..real sage grows here, but it's planted as a herb, it's not a roadside plant. American sage, the salvia of tobacco use doesn't grow wild here….you'll not find either at the side of the road is what I mean.



Full Member
Feb 4, 2014
Here's my tuppence Tavurth. All ties must be cut if you want to remain free of smokes.
It all inevitably leads back to where you left off. Addiction is smarter than you are.


Here's my tuppence Tavurth. All ties must be cut if you want to remain free of smokes.
It all inevitably leads back to where you left off. Addiction is smarter than you are.

Ed, thank you for your care. I believe that one who was addicted to alcohol might enjoy a coca-cola evening, just as a recovering bushcrafter might take pleasure from a hike.. ;)

Life is full of the object of our addictions, be it nicotine, or even shopping. I've enjoyed smoking, but detested the nicotine, and hence I'm trying different paths.
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Full Member
Feb 4, 2014
Ed, thank you for your care. I believe that one who was addicted to alcohol might enjoy a coca-cola evening, just as a recovering bushcrafter might take pleasure from a hike.. ;)

Life is full of the object of our addictions, be it nicotine, or even shopping. I've enjoyed smoking, but detested the nicotine, and hence I'm trying different paths.

Just my experience, desire rarely defeats will by frontal attack.
Good luck.


Just my experience, desire rarely defeats will by frontal attack.
Good luck.

Here we follow a very interesting albeit slightly off topic path.

I believe that what we have called 'Will' is a set of subconscious cycles, which operate harmoniously, creating a balanced internal ecosystem. Furthermore, addiction could be seen as a dopamine response, which in chemically altering the timing of internal clocks, changes our habits and preferences.

From this perspective, to defeat would not be the purpose, better to subvert negative processes and retrain to a more productive end.
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