

Mar 8, 2010
Montgomery, Wales
Oh im not the only one then, I quite like being a veggie....

Do you reckon you could harvest pigeon eggs?

Hi another veggie here - not so far from you by the looks. As a student first time round we used to harvest herring gull eggs from the (not very high!!) cliffs. They were not at all fishy and fine for cooking (and not scavenging off tips) - I'd put aside the ethical possibilities of murdering the odd bird foetus in the interests of survival...but of course pigeons are less seasonal.

But I used to enjoy fresh I'd prefer that route for protein. And seaweed.

Apart from that my only veggie input to "bushcraft" is the best veggie knife :lmao:
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Full Member
Jan 10, 2006
Herring guls are supposed to have one of the best eggs of any seabird.

(according to a very dedicated hands on ornithologist of the 30s)


Jun 9, 2005
Gone feral...
OMG here we go again... Next time, could we all choose some other food choice to force to justify? I know, what cheese...I like it, so there, and there's nowt you can say to change my mind!



Mar 12, 2010
Wimbledon common
to me, vegatarianisum is wrong and unjust, beasts are here for many reasons, one of which is for the consumtion of man. the idea of eating faux meat to my mind is silly.


May 3, 2009
Weston Super Mare Somerset UK
im assuming by vegaterain you mean some one who dosnt eat the flesh of animals, fowl and fish etc but will eat their produce and dosn't mind them being killed to produce it etc ie milk n eggs etc.

I dont see it as a problem for bushcraft, in the old world of survival plants where the most abundant and easiest to catch form of food freash meat being a difficult to get luxury that you could if not careful expend more energy catching than you got etc Fungi are the bit in between

plus theres a lot more to Bushcraft than food :D



If you are slaughtering a cow to extract it's milk you're doing it wrong, yes I know only the females are kept as dairy stock. but the actual production of milk does not involve butchering any animals. Also the eggs that we buy (not all eggs) are infertile as the cock is in a seperate field with his hareem producing the next generation of layers
Cows are programmed to have a calf every spring to match grass growth.

Nature may have programmed it for every spring.
But modern factory farming has other ideas.
After giving birth, they lactate for 10 months and are then inseminated again, continuing the cycle. Some spend their entire lives standing on concrete floors; others are confined to massive, crowded sheds, where they are forced to live amid their own waste.
Cows have a natural lifespan of about 25 years and can produce milk for eight or nine years. However, the stress caused by the conditions on factory farms leads to disease, lameness, and reproductive problems that render cows worthless to the dairy industry by the time that they're 4 or 5 years old, at which time they are sent to be slaughtered.

Cow milk has one purpose, the nutritional needs of calves, who have four stomachs and gain hundreds of pounds in a matter of months.
Cows produce milk for the same reason that humans do—to nourish their young—but calves on dairy farms are taken away from their mothers when they are just 1 day old. They are fed milk replacers (including cattle blood) so that their mothers' milk can be sold to humans.

Besides humans (and companion animals who are fed by humans), no species drinks milk beyond infancy or drinks the milk of another species.
If we need to drink milk as nature intended, we should be looking for jars of human milk at the supermarket.
May 14, 2006
Consett County Durham
Cow milk has one purpose, the nutritional needs of calves, who have four stomachs and gain hundreds of pounds in a matter of months.
Cows produce milk for the same reason that humans do—to nourish their young—but calves on dairy farms are taken away from their mothers when they are just 1 day old. .

True, and remember only females will ever lactate and so the males are. . . killed. not very veggy at all :(


PS My brothers a veggy but I haven't pointed this out.


Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Oct 9, 2005
There are other reasons for being vegetarian other than not wanting to eat dead things. Some people just don't like the taste of the stuff.


Jan 21, 2005
S. Lanarkshire
Hmmmm, funny that......I've just had braised tofu for my dinner and enjoyed every bite of it :D If there had only been meat available I'd happily have gone hungry.
There's nothing about meat that makes me want to eat it. I'll prep it, cook it and serve it, but I won't even use the same pots to cook it as I will use to cook my food.

Hear ? Who the hang felt qualified enough to claim the research that led to the result that folks will eat 5 spiders in a lifetime ???
Or are they just adding up all those caught roasted and eaten by (who lives where the tarantulas's are native?) and spreading the numbers around a bit :yuck:


p.s. The veggie corollary of the poor hunter thing is, "better farmer, beer and bread :D "


We have a a number of knives, T-Shirts and other items for sale.