The Titanic sinking conspiracy theory


Bushcrafter through and through
Oct 1, 2008
W. Yorkshire
Accidents happen :)

I have corrected my earlier post, but not removed anything(or did I woooooo) hahaha this is the livery i wanted so I fact Hillbill you are right on one thing, PART of the aircraft was infact grey! because it was the paint scheme of UA!


My sincere apologies for being so monumentally crazy to put a wrong pic!(or am I)


Bushcrafter through and through
Oct 1, 2008
W. Yorkshire
No worries. I can understand why you would think that. Many people who follow the conspiracy stuff do resort to name calling, and comments like the one you suggested are, unfortunately commonplace in these type of threads. :)

I don't like or agree with them any more than you do mate. :)

Well then I apologise for Implying that you may think me a sheeple:)


M.A.B (Mad About Bushcraft)
Jan 15, 2011
Oh so the video isn't even real now isn't it?

We dont need a silhouette id on an aircraft we can see perfectly clearly. Where is the colour scheme of the aircraft? All civilian airliners have one. Yet this one doesnt. So because there is no colour scheme you now claim that the video is edited...

By editting I mean they fist film the clear pix of military KC-135s taxining and then flying (filmed somwhere and sometime without stress) These are obviously separate from the pix then showing an unclear crash into the tower. And BTW the military craft DO have a paint scheme. One of my duties as a structural repairman was painting aircraft. BUT!!! In the sky, at speed and altitude over 50-60 feet, they ALL look grey or black.


Bushcrafter through and through
Oct 1, 2008
W. Yorkshire
Oh i dont for one second think the aircraft taxiing along in the vid is the same as those that hit the towers. I'm not that daft. :) Sorry for the misunderstanding. :)

I do have experience with aircraft, though not a massive amount. 5 years in the air cadets, joined the RAF as a pilot, but got kicked out for decking a flight sergeant who pushed one button too many after a friend had been killed in a car accident.

Ended up jumping out of aircraft instead :)

By editting I mean they fist film the clear pix of military KC-135s taxining and then flying (filmed somwhere and sometime without stress) These are obviously separate from the pix then showing an unclear crash into the tower. And BTW the military craft DO have a paint scheme. One of my duties as a structural repairman was painting aircraft. BUT!!! In the sky, at speed and altitude over 50-60 feet, they ALL look grey or black.


Bushcrafter through and through
Oct 1, 2008
W. Yorkshire
Yes i did watch it. The blue stripes are lost due to the predominantly white colour scheme and the bright glare from the sun. But then you must understand that if the aircraft in the vid you posted was the same one that i showed you, then you "would" see the colour differences as the colour scheme is 50:50, you would know the bottom was blue or at least a darker colour to the top

You've not watched the you tube link I posted Bill, you'll understand what I mean when you do.

Here, again, you can't see the big blue stripes running down it can you.


M.A.B (Mad About Bushcraft)
Jan 15, 2011
Yes i did watch it. The blue stripes are lost due to the predominantly white colour scheme and the bright glare from the sun...

Add the glare to the distance from the witnesses, speed of the aircraft, disbelief (that this is actually happening) and hysteria of the witnesses; do you really think they're reports are reliable? ANY of them?


Bushcrafter through and through
Oct 1, 2008
W. Yorkshire
Add the glare to the distance from the witnesses, speed of the aircraft, disbelief (that this is actually happening) and hysteria of the witnesses; do you really think they're reports are reliable? ANY of them?

I think you have confused a couple of points there. :)

The witnesses i keep referring to are the ones who were at the scene after the planes had hit. The firemen and paramedics. Its the references to explosions prior to collapse that i'm interested in.

The aircraft part im going on video evidence, as opposed to eyewitness accounts. :)

i do find firemen and paramedics credible :)
Oct 20, 2009
Hello all ,back lurking over here and read most of this thread last night.This 9/11 stuff is,almost interesting but if I may return to the moon,a question for the conspiracy theorists.

If,as the conspiracy theory believers state,Nasa never landed men on the moon,then there will be no Apollo landing sites on the moon,no footprints,flags,lunar descent stages or lunar rovers.Just pristine,unspoilt lunar surface.

And absolutely no way of stopping anyone else from sending a spacecraft to the moon to look for the landing sites.

So the question is,why would Nasa fake the moon landings knowing they would be exposed as fakers by the next space probe to fly over a landing site?

Bear in mind that the Soviets were sending unmanned landers and 2 robotic rovers to the moon during and after the Apollo missions and could easily have gone and had a look at what the Americans were doing.And whilst so far,only later Nasa spacecraft have imaged the Apollo sites from orbit(and proven them to exist) it won't be long before other countries(like ESA,India and China) or even private companies do the same.And if they don't find the landing sites...

then me and Nasa, are both going to look silly:)


Mar 30, 2011
Athens, Greece
Watched a documentary on 9/11 earlier.

What amazes me is that for every scumbag terrorist hijacker there were 20 that were hero's.
This coming for a guy that thinks hero is a term that the mass media have abused till it's watered down to almost nothing.

There is no other word for someone that when a identical tower collapses next them, instead of turning round and going down, they run up the stairs faster.

How those firemen kept running up the stairs while everyone else was running down, how the flight 93 passengers found the courage to try and retake the plane, the folks that ran into a flaming Pentagon to try and get people out.

Truly amazing.

I think the human cost is often forgotten under all this conspiracy rubbish, i must be terrible for the families keep having these geeks, failed journalists and retired lecturers coming out the wood work making money off their tragedy.

Near on 3000 families who lost, brothers, sisters, sons, daughters, fathers and mothers, only for their suffering to be trolled up again and again for some sort of sick entrainment from bored people bordering on mental illness.

The facts are:
American Airlines Flight 11 was flown into the North tower (WTC 1) at 08:46 instantly killing all 87 passengers.
United Airlines Flight 175 was flown into the South tower (WTC 2) at 09:03 instantly killing all 60 passengers

The South tower burnt for 56 mins and collapsed from fatigued and melted structural braces as can clearing be seen here.


No squibs, explosions or thermite, the building started collapsing EXACTLY where the plane hit, it started collapsing from the top not the bottom like every controlled demolition ever carried out.

The North tower collapsed at 10:28 again from the severe structural damage of having a plane hit it at near 500mph then burning for 102mins

In total the were 2606 mothers, daughters, dads, sons, husbands and wives killed in the collapse.
At least 200 of which decided that jumping from 400m was better than burning alive.
341 of those lost were firefighters.

American Airlines Flight 77 was flown into the Pentagon at 09:37, destroying the front of the building killing 125 people in the building and all 59 passengers on board (i don't the hi-jackers as lives).
Over 20 people are record as clearly stating they saw a America Airlines passenger jet fly into the pentagon.

United Airlines Flight 93 was flown into the ground at 10:03 killing all 40 passengers.
Again with many eye witnesses.

At each site we have evidence, debris and in the case of the WTC's hundreds of thousands of live eye witnesses.

Yet STILL in the face of this overwhelming evidence, eye witnesses, reports and data people STILL prefer to think that some absolutely ludicrous, massively complex plot was carried out to absolute perfection in front of hundreds of thousands if not millions of people.

How stupid would a organisation have to be to fly a remotely operated aircraft, with military insignia over one of the most densely populated cities in the world, with every single camera in the city pointed at it's point of impact?

YES - Mistakes were made
YES - Intel was available
YES - Some things were not made 100% clear in the reports

But who would have believed it possible that a old bloke living in a tent who had declared war on the country with biggest armed forces in the world, should be taken seriously?

Some things i've yet to make my mind up about like this gold.
But i am absolutely 100% positively certain that there was no controlled demolition on the WTC's, a plane hit the Pentagon and that man has indeed landed on the moon.
Ohhhhhhh i also believe it is the Titanic that sank.


Jun 10, 2006
south wales
I like this one

More about Steve Jones


Part 3 is on youtube too but contains strong language so I've not posted the link here, Jason the 'Truther' gets very very upset when challenged.

Thankfully nobody here has said they think the Holocaust did not happen.
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Full Member
Aug 13, 2007
Surely if 'they' were planning to fly a plane into the building 'they' would paint it up to look like a Commercial plane....

And how do we account for the passangers on the planes?


Bushcrafter through and through
Jan 12, 2011
Surely if 'they' were planning to fly a plane into the building 'they' would paint it up to look like a Commercial plane....

And how do we account for the passangers on the planes?

and what did "they" do with all the passengers... and why? There are far far simpler ways to blow up a building with the same effect.


Dec 10, 2009
and what did "they" do with all the passengers... and why? There are far far simpler ways to blow up a building with the same effect.

exactly. they could have just blown it up and said it was a terrorist car bombing or something, showed a picture/video of a car going into the car park and let that be the end of it.


Jun 10, 2006
south wales
Surely if 'they' were planning to fly a plane into the building 'they' would paint it up to look like a Commercial plane....

And how do we account for the passangers on the planes?

Area 51 man, cryostasis tanks, you just ain't thinking straight. They gassed the passengers to sleep, landed, put them in the tanks, took off and flew into the buildings...dhuuuu its obvious. Your just another sheeple type who is in denial of the true events.


May 12, 2004
Area 51 man, cryostasis tanks, you just ain't thinking straight. They gassed the passengers to sleep, landed, put them in the tanks, took off and flew into the buildings...dhuuuu its obvious. Your just another sheeple type who is in denial of the true events.

Nah! The cryo-tech hasn't advanced enough yet to work for entire bodies. They just froze the heads. They also scanned and backed-up the brains on some of the NSAs super-computers. Everyone knows that!


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