- John Marsh


Jul 8, 2006
Howdy folks! It's been god knows how long since I was last here, but due to a current project I figured I'd contribute this.
I recently decided to make a couple Sgian Dubhs for my father and girlfriend's father for christmas. After a bit of googling I found or more importantly, the Stickmaking shop on As you have perhaps guessed, the shop specialises in stickmaking products :p There's a good supply of sticks, collars, ferrules, spacers, lanyards, finished/nearly finished handles and more importantly (for me, that is) plenty of antler, horn, and Sgian Dubh blades. There are two types of Sgian Dubh blades, plain and damascus, but I bought the plain ones so I can't vouch for the damascus. Perhaps my favourite part about this site is the fact that he offers lots of five on numerous products - so, naturally (for a hobbyist :p ) I got a set of five blades, five red deer antler crown rolls and four packs of epoxy (I'm not sure why they're in packs of four, but never mind). The price for this, in my opinion, was excellent - £36 - and of course means I don't have to buy and butcher five whole antlers :p
My initial query was responded to promptly, and after ordering, I received an e-mail saying that my order had been shipped (that was the on the 4/11) and my order arrived today - great service all round.

The blades are nicely mirror polished, and while not as pointy as I'd like, they're sturdier than I expected (though I won't go splitting logs with them - they are more dressy items, after all). The packs of epoxy are much larger than the ones I normally buy and considerably better priced. If I were to complain about anything, it would be that one of the crown rolls is quite small - but not too small, and at any rate, I can hardly complain that one stag's antlers were smaller than another stag's.

All in all, good prices, great service and fast delivery. I couldn't ask for more, and will certainly be revisiting this site in the future. I'll be sure to post pictures of the finished Sgian Dubhs!



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