Programmed sleep cycle

So, totally random. I've been working in another town over summer (i'm a student) which had me up at 6.30 every morning. Obviously, all I wanted to do was keep sleeping, but I had to get up.

Now I'm on my first wee day of my wee break before I go back to school and bang! Wide awake at 6 and can't get back to sleep.

Isn't it maddening. Also, I've just realised the dog caught fleas at the weekend off my mates dogs. And we were doing so well all summer. See, the minute you reopen contact with society, your dog gets fleas. Typical


Dog, fleas not pictured.

Well, I'm off to the shops to buy chemical weapons to nuke the dog with. And maybe a pie.



Dec 25, 2009
newcastle upon tyne
try some of that bob martin flea remover, it works belter ! most pet shops sell it, its only a few quid and u just put a little drop on the back of yer dogs neck !
bonny looking dog by the way !
cheers andrew (thats my name too,lol)


Dec 25, 2009
newcastle upon tyne
Does it work as well as spot on? I tried it before in Glasgow and it didn't help much, but that flat was thouroughly infested before I even arrived, so I guess its not a fair trial

i divnt kna mate we just used bob martin the once when the moggy got fleas and it worked straight away ,also its cheaper than the vets,lol.
Aah well, I may go for spot on to be safe. It is expensive, but I swear by it. If it works on my family's pack of shaggy dogs, it is truly the bom-diggity, as the urban youth say.

Also, I always feel like I should get up earlier, but when I do I only spend the extra time drinking coffee and it doesn't make a great difference to the day. That said, I have acheived a great deal if nothing today on the internet and its not even midday yet


Bushcrafter through and through
Jan 12, 2011
2 young Kids have conditioned us to wake up early - revenge will be sweet when they become teenagers and want to lie in until 11 - "Come on, we're wasting the best part of the day!"



Full Member
Jun 9, 2009
North West London
Six is the start of my normal working day so I'm always awake about that time.

In the holidays I tend to just lie there trying not to wake Debs thinking about what I could be doing if I was up and about.

I'm the same at weekend and holidays, lying there trying not to wake the wife. Usually lasts about ten minutes then I get up and about.
:sleeping: :morpheus: :coffee:
You're missing the point here guy's...
What pie was it, meat ?, fruit ?, veg ? some sort of mixture ?.
This is important.

ohmigod! i can't believe I neglected this.

Well, there were several options, as I've just been paid and I'm in "holiday mode" (spending money like it's in unending supply, which it completely isn't) I have opted for a kinda chicken bridie kind of affair and one of those nice cold latte things you get next to the milk in Tesco. I need my caffeine, but it's waaaaaaaarm. I know, living the high life, ih?

What can I say? I'm a man of expensive tastes. I may, later in the day, get a Gregg's pastie, and follow it up with a businessman's lunch in a trendy bar in downtown manhattan, where I shall talk loudly of mergers and outsourcing whilst treating the staff like invisible robots.

Tomorrow, to appease the forum, I shall whittle a 1980's cellphone out of antique bakelite, and fashion a kind of "pants-tent" from my trousers and a roll of gaffa tape



Jan 26, 2012
It depends how long you stay up in the night, so wake up at 6:30, maybe you will find it hard to stay up until 1:00, see how long you can stay up then go to bed, then you will obviously not wake up at 6:30.
It depends how long you stay up in the night, so wake up at 6:30, maybe you will find it hard to stay up until 1:00, see how long you can stay up then go to bed, then you will obviously not wake up at 6:30.

This is a true fact. However, I do my best creative work at night, when my brain is freewheeling and coming up with ideas. It doesn't bother me, but it does make working a regular job difficult. As far as crosses to bear go, this one's fairly light and I reckon I can cope.
Jul 12, 2012
Try working nights full time, my days are flipped over. Even if I want to sleep at night I find it hard and day time just says sleep to me now :(

It's a bugger to change your rythem an sleep pattern.


Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Jun 15, 2010
NE Scotland
2 young Kids have conditioned us to wake up early - revenge will be sweet when they become teenagers and want to lie in until 11 - "Come on, we're wasting the best part of the day!"


OHH yes I'm gonna have SO much fun when mine get there :)

I've never been a morning person but after a couple of years [well getting on for 8 - yikes] of getting up before the postie or the bin men [the only folks I've ever seen up are the guys at the fish mongers on the corner] I've got used to it and now being out first thing in the morning with my dogs while everyone is still in bed is quite nice - especially in the winter when there has been snow and I'm the first one out there to put my tracks in it and make 5ft diameter snow balls for the local kids to marvel at!

Well I hope your pie was nice and I think you maybe onto something with the 'pant-tent' idea...


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