possible solution to some of the problems on the "what is happening thread"

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Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Dec 2, 2003
having just read the "what is happening" thread, some ideas popped into my mind as to solving one or two issues easily.

adding a few more forum subjects to help ease certain problems, i know it's simlistic but try to see what i mean.

one problem lies with some questions being asked like the "pants" one.

lets use the "kit" forum as an example.

kit blogs telling people about kit or amature reviews, prehaps not requireing answers on the threads, useful to newbies and experienced alike

kit questions, genuine questions you would like answered by those with experience, here the "older members" and people that have used the stuff would be great!
quite often i have come across threads that simply have not been answered by anyone for weeks which with experience of this is a but soul destroying if you think you have a valid question that you want answered
often i will answer as many questions as i can, or make a friendly comment to help this.

quite often newbies ask what kit to take on a course or meetup, prehaps a sticky, thread could be made of the kit one would suggest for a newbie, otherwise threads often continue into a confusing huge list of kit options that would some people off!

often people have simple and cheep kit fixes prehaps a sticky thread could be made for them?

prehaps some sort of extra kit forum for group leaders/instructors i.e ways of stretching cash like using catering B'bean tins. somewwhere that true experience in leading others can be shared with others in a simular position.

this sort of forum change could help people change opinions, i know of at least 2 proffesionals that don't use this site anymore because threads are hi-jacked by people with incorrect or ill-informed strong opinions, often based on little experience! so if the forum could be tweaked like the above it may help to satisfy the "oldies" being able to help others and walcome newbies with open information, and helpfull answers.

obviously the kit blogs would need to be edited occasionally but it could work!

i hope it's a useful idea! :)


Full Member
Jun 21, 2005
North London
I think thats a good idea! Another might be to build up the FAQ feature, so that all the frequently asked questions (no pun intended!) could be put there with definitive answers, or at least good ones. I'd be happy to help compile this list - work permitting! :D


Moderator staff
Oct 6, 2003
I think the biggest problem with compiling lists, apart from getting the members to help compile them, is to somehow make them really REALLY obvious to those looking for information.

Taking Edged tools as an example, there are quite a lot of Stickies at the start, all are great information, but I have heard some people say that it is becoming a little more difficult to spot what you want. The FAQ thread I started for Edged tools kind of fell on its face in three ways. First, for whatever reason, things that were answered, or linked to, within it, are still asked about in new threads on the forum. Second there was a genuinely underwhelming response from other members to a request to help with providing what they felt were Frequent Questions, or with answers, or even with links to threads or sites that they thought were good. Finally, when I have suggested that people could use it, rather than post further repeats on the forum, I have caught flak for being on an ego trip.

I suspect that if such a resource was compiled by someone who isn't a moderator, that last issue would never come up. But, the other two are obstacles to some degree. The layout might be the key :confused:

The problem with adding blogs and such to the normal forums is that they clog it up and make seeing recent posts more difficult. I often get the impression that people don't look much at the main site, sometimes questions get asked that are covered by material posted there. Maybe having the lists integrated, as you say, into the Community area, but under a separate heading is the way to go.

I often feel that what is needed to show people how to get to the info they want is a big, red, flashing sign, however, you can quickly be so inundated with big red signs that finding what you want is no easier. :eek:

Overall though, I would be happier to see basic information presented in a more structured format than for things to stay as they are.

I would really like to know how people who are new to the forums find thing while trying to navigate around



Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Dec 2, 2003
fair point i rearly look at the main site, usually only if i can't get the forum for some reason,s'just how it is.

some of the forums to be fair "like the blades/knives are an area i never look at either for two reasons.

1. i don't have the cash or interest for alot of the products,

2. when i have asked a question it was laughed at, so i don't bother now. :(

but alot of people use british blades anyway.

again prehaps an area that needs an area for experienced and newbies? :confused:

chris chris

Need to contact Admin...
Feb 25, 2004
I personally don't see a problem with new members asking questions that have been answered before - it is upto the more experienced members to help newcomers and point them in the right direction, ie by producing links to the older information if that is what it takes.

It is also good to revisit subjects with new insight and new opinions and in my opinion it is not good to start segregations between newcomers and oldies, we where all once new to this and looked in eagerness for someone to point us in the right direction, we should be more undertstanding and patient to the needs of newcomers to the subject

Chris :)


Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Aug 15, 2005
Cardiff, South Wales
I notice that there's a "rate thread" button at the top of the page and I must confess I've never used it. What does it do? Could its use be encouraged? Is it a possible way to sort the wheat from the chaff as it were? Can you search for higher rated threads?


Full Member
Jun 21, 2005
North London
Fair point Chris, I don't envy your job! :D

RAPPLEBY2000 said:
..when i have asked a question it was laughed at, so i don't bother now. :(

Personally, this is my biggest concern - I really want newbies, young and old, to be able to have an easy, trouble free experience finding answers to all their questions - so encourging yet more people to experience the joys of Bushcraft and of BCUK, I guess we are just having growing pains! :D I'll keep wracking my addled brain for ideas, and always happy to help where I can with other ideas too.


Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Aug 15, 2005
Cardiff, South Wales
I think I've half answered my own question, rating this thread as "average" - it's the only thread on the page to have a rating.


Full Member
Mar 31, 2004
Norfolk U.K.
RAPPLEBY2000 said:
1. i don't have the cash or interest for alot of the products,

2. when i have asked a question it was laughed at, so i don't bother now. :(

but alot of people use british blades anyway.

again prehaps an area that needs an area for experienced and newbies? :confused:

I find that really depressing :( No question should ever be laughed at. :cussing:

That is the lowest form of stupidity;no one knows all the answers and if you don't ask you might never find the answer,or worse,find out the hard way. :eek:

Keep asking and ignore the ignorant swine that laugh,they are probably secretly glad that you asked it anyway. :)


Jan 23, 2004
Southampton, UK
I'm with you on the laughing at others bit but can I make a request. This thread has the potential to get some great ideas that we can use. Can we keep it focused purely on ideas that may resolve the problem, not on the problem if that makes sense. I try to teach that at school, sometimes you spend so long looking at the problem that you forget about the solutions.



Full Member
Mar 31, 2004
Norfolk U.K.
Good point Matt.

One thing for me would be a more obvious link to the main site.

I forget it's there most of the time :eek: and I would be surprised if many newcomers stumble across it.


On a new journey
C_Claycomb said:
The problem with adding blogs and such to the normal forums is that they clog it up and make seeing recent posts more difficult. I often get the impression that people don't look much at the main site, sometimes questions get asked that are covered by material posted there. Maybe having the lists integrated, as you say, into the Community area, but under a separate heading is the way to go.

I think that you may have something here Chris. There is a lot of damn fine info in the main site pages, but folks just don't know it's there, or appreciate the resource that is available. Many questions could be answered if users knew it was a) there, b) found it easier to access (better/more obvious links); and c) didn't always feel the need to be spoon-fed ;)

Would it be possible to have a FAQ link at the top of each forum topic, so someone looking to ask a question on damascus blades - say -could check to see if there are the answers they are looking for, before asking a 'repeat question'?

Just an idea :)


Jan 23, 2004
Southampton, UK
I need to try and work out some details but there is always an option instead of having lots of stickies, having a couple of Index threads with links to the relevant threads. The problem is making sure all the links are relevant and that you don't get so many that you might as well use the search engine.


Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Dec 2, 2003
just as an example i've just asked about how to sharpen an MoD survival knife, on the BCUK edged tools forum.

i may have one that's not the point, it's the answers i'm interested in! ;)

it's a sensible question from a newbie from a military/survival background, so as an experiment i'm going to see what answers are given.
it's not to catch anyone out or name and shame just to potentally prove a point about experienced answers and newbie questions.

it's a sore point(now over it)
but i asked such a question at the first bushcraftuk moot, after a sharpening demo i asked how to sharpen my survival knife(which i'd saved up for and was proud of), none of the 5 or 6 people showed me,laughed and they told me not to bother, which is not helpful to a newbie!

as a self employed bushcraft instructor with fair experience, i can see why they said that, but it still dosen't excuse them,
we should be looking to moving each other forward to new skills and knowledge.
especially skills like having a sharp blade (whatever quality).


Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Dec 2, 2003
ok so i've been proved wrong..about the Mod survival knife question.

but notice the other thread i started yesterday

the Arktis 1714 assault pack poll

only 2 votes! yet a huge 41 people have viewed the thread?

that's not useful to me or if a newbie started the thread, all it shows is it is of little interest, but (for a newbie) does it mean it's good or bad? :confused:
i even re-wrote the thread as a poll so it's a quick answer for everyone!
(look down the page)

This is just what i mean about having a part of the forum just for questions you want/need answered.
for me it's because i don't know much about a bag, which would be relevent to anyone, with a simular query. :confused:


Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Aug 15, 2005
Cardiff, South Wales
I'll put my hand up too. That makes 39. I've neither seen nor heard of it before, but was interested in what you had to say about it. I think the only lesson you can take from that is you need to cover every angle with your options:

used and its fantastic
i know it's good (friend used it)
i think it's good
it's ok
i think it's not good
i know it's not good (friend used it)
used it and i think it's a heap of rubbish

There isn't a "sorry mate, I haven't a clue" option.


White bear (Admin)
Apr 16, 2003
I’ve been away from the site this week (still am) so I’ve not been around to post my thoughts.

What you’re talking about here is the structure of the site, this is being looked at and I’m planning on developing the site further so that there’s more information for everyone. It’s a shame that a few of the more experienced people don’t post on here because they don’t like the way the threads go. Some do get pulled off track and some don’t, that seems to be the nature of forums, if they were constantly brought back into line there would be cries of foul play, if they’re left, some other people get miffed.

weekend_warrior said:
Personally, this is my biggest concern - I really want newbies, young and old, to be able to have an easy, trouble free experience finding answers to all their questions - so encourging yet more people to experience the joys of Bushcraft and of BCUK, I guess we are just having growing pains! :D I'll keep wracking my addled brain for ideas, and always happy to help where I can with other ideas too.

This is how I feel as well, people should be able to come on here and be helped with info and direction, some provided by the site itself and some by the members that are being interacted with….Ideas are useful for this and thanks for those put forward.

I do think that some restructuring would help in many areas, what you’ve got to realise is what a huge undertaking that is in time, skills and money.

We could do with some starting out articles


Full Member
Dec 14, 2004
Goose said:
I am one of the 41,
same here i looked to see if i could help you out but i couldn't all my post would have read is that I've not got any experience of them and i don't own one so i would have wasted your time and mine
at least people are looking at the thread that in its self means people are drawn in by your title and want to help but either don't want to comment or can't comment like me nature of the Internet forum I'm afraid.



Need to contact Admin...
Aug 20, 2004
Dorset & France
I think whatever is done, it needs to be simple. The more 'layers' you introduce the more confusing it becomes; above all, it must be realistic in ambition.

For instance, a 'Top 10/20 Most Asked Questions' type of FAQ would probably address 50% of the most common new member queries. As is 'gently' pointing new members to the Search function and praising effort at all levels.

Personally, I think it is incumbent on moderators (and to a degree other longer term members) to remain patient, offering this kind of guidance for new members, and encouraging the friendly, self-supporting 'community' feel which has drifted off somewhat recently.


We have a a number of knives, T-Shirts and other items for sale.