Poor show


A bemused & bewildered
Jan 5, 2013
SE Wales
That's truly awful. Brazen cheek like this leaves me lost for words; I can only shake my head in dismay at the attitude of an increasing number of people.


It is what it is.
Mar 5, 2008
~Hemel Hempstead~
Are you also wondering who of the people on this forum did it?

On a more serious note, the site looks clean. When I was a kid we did something similar. We were kids, not vandals.

Storm in a glass?

I'd like to think that no one on this forum would be such a vandal and do damage like that.

As for a storm in a glass... no, it's not.

The guys land and property has been damaged, trees that could make him money have been cut down and burnt, firearms have been used without permission.

The list can go on but end of the day it's criminal what's been done and the owner is totally justified to be angry at what's happened.


Full Member
May 15, 2008
I have to temper my thoughts with the fact that they built a "Bin". I truly wonder if it is a case of easy to ask for forgiveness then permission. It would seem that the owner is not such a "sweetie" as reported.


A bemused & bewildered
Jan 5, 2013
SE Wales
Are you also wondering who of the people on this forum did it?

On a more serious note, the site looks clean. When I was a kid we did something similar. We were kids, not vandals.

Storm in a glass?

Half a mile from the farmhouse, though? Why not just ask?

Folk that do something like this on a small island like ours will always be peeing in someone's back yard, and we just don't really cater for them in the same way as places that have unbounded space.


Jun 29, 2014
I can't see any vandalism, looks more constructive than destructive to me.

If they managed to build and use what they did, within half a mile of the farm house without being noticed, then the land owner has more land than he needs and should share some of it with people who have none.

And has it done much harm to the wildlife? I doubt it.


Jan 21, 2005
S. Lanarkshire
……and at this point I would remind folks that the forum doesn't permit posts that condone, promote or encourage illegal activity.

There are a great number of people who have gone to great efforts to obtain permission to use land; posting that it's better to seek forgiveness than ask permission first, isn't good enough. It has backfired time after time on responsible people who come up agin landowners who simply refuse everyone because of the actions of a few.

I live where the right of responsible access is law, but it comes with responsibilities too. That means keeping it legal. You don't destroy anyone's property, and that includes timber. You don't build permanent structures on someone else's land, you do not intrude on the curtiledge of a demesne, you do not interfere with growing crops or livestock.

As a general rule of behaviour, leave no trace, is something worth the effort.

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Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Nov 25, 2005
Greensand Ridge
I can't see any vandalism, looks more constructive than destructive to me.

If they managed to build and use what they did, within half a mile of the farm house without being noticed, then the land owner has more land than he needs and should share some of it with people who have none.QUOTE]

A noble sentiment while its not your land or are you suggesting "all land should be held in common" so anyone can trash it and remain guilt-free?



Full Member
May 15, 2008
get divisive
I really hope not. I would like to think "we" can express an opinion. I can see this from a number of sides. Me, I would love a spot like that. "Kids", but we did look after the place. "Landowner", just because I am not using it does not mean anyone else can. "Parents", what harm did they do, just blowing off steam. For me the big thing is they where using air rifles, many others would see no harm in this. ( But I still keep thinking about the Bin and the lack of a lot of rubbish!)


Jan 21, 2005
S. Lanarkshire
They built a 'gang hut', they chopped down trees, they built a range for air rifles, built a course for their bikes….all those are illegal on land which they a) didn't own, and b) was given permission for public access by the owner for folks to walk. Land that was deliberately planted and set aside as a wild habitat area too.

Good way to discourage anyone else from enjoying the place, isn't it ? set up a rifle range :rolleyes: build their own wee fort while they were at it.


Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Nov 25, 2005
Greensand Ridge
They built a 'gang hut', they chopped down trees, they built a range for air rifles, built a course for their bikes….all those are illegal on land which they a) didn't own, and b) was given permission for public access by the owner for folks to walk. Land that was deliberately planted and set aside as a wild habitat area too.

Good way to discourage anyone else from enjoying the place, isn't it ? set up a rifle range :rolleyes: build their own wee fort while they were at it.

Sounds like a quote from the latest Stephen King book: "Lord Of The Fly Tippers"



Apr 16, 2009
I see both sides of this. As a kid, myself and mates would pack our survival tins with useless stuff we'd never use, grab the air rifles, and head off across the fields to make camps, have fires etc. It didn't really occur to us we were breaking the law, it was just fun. Ok, we didn't build a shed, but we made elaborate camps where we cooked and sometimes spent a night. Innocent fun really, no damage done.

But, only in hindsight do I realise we weren't allowed to be doing what we were doing and understand the landowners objection. Not encouraging this sort of behaviour, but it's a much healthier lifestyle for a youngster than graffiti, vandalism, drink, drugs, or more serious crime.


A bemused & bewildered
Jan 5, 2013
SE Wales
Important to note that the pictures of the camp would indicate that it was not built by 'kids'; too sophisticated for that.

It's a shame that there's not enough space, land held in common, in the British Isles to allow a bit more freedom for folk, but there's not and that's just the way it is. We live under the laws of the land and it's not optional.
It just can't work any other way.

From my observation of the behaviour of a growing number of the population here, I'm not sure if I'd grant access to land I owned only for this sort of 'harmless fun' to occurr.


Sep 14, 2014
Land that was deliberately planted and set aside as a wild habitat area too.

whilst I agree with your sentiment about not breaking laws etc. that line from the landowner about "wild habitat area" sounds like a load of horse manure.

next think they will be saying is that it was full of crested newts, barn owls or bats etc.


Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Aug 13, 2009
Important to note that the pictures of the camp would indicate that it was not built by 'kids'; too sophisticated for that.

It's a shame that there's not enough space, land held in common, in the British Isles to allow a bit more freedom for folk, but there's not and that's just the way it is. We live under the laws of the land and it's not optional.
It just can't work any other way.

From my observation of the behaviour of a growing number of the population here, I'm not sure if I'd grant access to land I owned only for this sort of 'harmless fun' to occurr.

I have seen public bridleways and disused railways deliberatly destroyed by quad bikers in the pursuit of cheap thrills, they should buy there own land if they want dig it up, it's not green laning, it is deliberatly digging mud pits and making other obstacles on public land. The people who did this are just more sophisticated than the local yobs who go out for a barbecue in the local woods and discard there trash everywhere, they are not bushcrafters in my opinion. Yes if they want to do what they were doing, they should pay for it up front and rent the land.


Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Apr 15, 2005
I see both sides of this. As a kid, myself and mates would pack our survival tins with useless stuff we'd never use, grab the air rifles, and head off across the fields to make camps, have fires etc. It didn't really occur to us we were breaking the law, it was just fun. Ok, we didn't build a shed, but we made elaborate camps where we cooked and sometimes spent a night. Innocent fun really, no damage done.

But, only in hindsight do I realise we weren't allowed to be doing what we were doing and understand the landowners objection. Not encouraging this sort of behaviour, but it's a much healthier lifestyle for a youngster than graffiti, vandalism, drink, drugs, or more serious crime.

Pretty much in agreement with that ^ and if people think knocking a shed up out of pallets is beyond the ken of a kid then maybe they haven't met many kids?

Yeah, its all naughty and all that but its kind of the things that kids do. They make dens, bike tracks and generally fool about.

Am I condoning it? No.

But messing about in someone elses woodland isn't the worst thing kids could get upto.


Full Member
Jan 25, 2014
It is a curious construction, from experience the 'Dens' of feral kids are typically much smaller and better camouflaged though with less robust construction than seen here. The large amount of planking brought onto site suggests a more adolescent perhaps even adult group of miscreants with access to power tools and transport.


We have a a number of knives, T-Shirts and other items for sale.