pigeon with bulged out black exploded out eyes?

mr dazzler

Aug 28, 2004
I found a dead pigeon in my garden several days ago, and it was most queer.
It had no obvious injuries, no blood, no loose feathers scattered around as happens with the frequent cat attacks and less frequent hawk attacks. But what WAS very odd was its eyes had bulged out almost to the size of ping pong balls, and were blackish-green like damp sea weed coloured. As if bubble gum had popped out through its eye sockets. Any ideas what might have caused its demise?


Sep 29, 2018
SW Wales
Eyes popping!! First thought is it had been deep Scuba diving and not carried out it's decompression stops properly, resulting in a sort of 'Birdy Bends' and internal pressure problems..........:roflmao:

Sorry Mr Dazzler, just being stupid...;) With no external injuries, I wonder if it had eaten something poisonous? A harvested field that had been freshly sprayed with a pesticide perhaps?


Mar 21, 2018
Bomber county
Eyes popping!! First thought is it had been deep Scuba diving and not carried out it's decompression stops properly, resulting in a sort of 'Birdy Bends' and internal pressure problems..........:roflmao:

Sorry Mr Dazzler, just being stupid...;) With no external injuries, I wonder if it had eaten something poisonous? A harvested field that had been freshly sprayed with a pesticide perhaps?

We’re not allowed to spay for pigeon, as it stands there are no approved avianicides in the uk at least :O_O: Speaking as a farmer I can assure you there are no chemicals that have as lethal effect as that that are simply sprayed out on to open fields, if there was there would be utter carnage out in the countryside. If it was any pesticide it sounds more likely to be rodenticide (rat poison) although if used professionally (ie in bait boxes) there should be no way a pigeon should be able to get at the stuff! More likely a reckless/ignorant homeowner or allotment type that hasn’t been trained in their use and has left poison out by their compost heap or similar just in case they have rats visit. Sorry for the rant but I get sick and tired of the old “blame it on farmers” chestnut :banghead2::banghead2::banghead2:


Sep 29, 2018
SW Wales
" We’re not allowed to spay for pigeon, as it stands there are no approved avianicides in the uk at least "

Eh?... spraying for Pigeon??

" I can assure you there are no chemicals that have as lethal effect as that that are simply sprayed out on to open fields, "

That's one version. You'd better have a word with this lot then..:thumbsup:

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Sent off - Not allowed to play
Feb 10, 2016
Grand Cayman, Norway, Sweden
Sounds like the bird hit something head on. A massive, but not immediate head traume can do this.
Massive bleeding for a few seconds until the animal dies.

Do not blame farmer Bionic and his colleaques for their spraying. They spray toxic stuff that the State has approved and allow, so the consumers can get the cheap and plentyful food they demand.

Blame the consumer.

Robson Valley

On a new journey
Nov 24, 2014
McBride, BC
End of life. Nobody lives forever. Decomposition is a fact of life and death.
With the process of decomposition, several gases are products.

I'd find a shovel, dig an 18" deep hole in some garden corner and bury it.


Jun 22, 2009
South Wales
I'd say head injury. It's surprising how large bird eyes can be. In some birds they take up a huge proportion of the skull. Peregrine falcon eyes are supposed to be bigger than human eyeballs but I don't know about pigeons.


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