No Replies = No More Topic Posts?


Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Mar 28, 2014
I think some things just get missed here and there based on what time they were posted, i've had this happen myself many times as i am a bit of an insomniac when not in nature so i post things at stupid o'clock like now at 3.46 am UK time, I often find myself interacting with folks browsing from around the world or posting several answers in different topics from earlier in the day and basically talking to myself until everyone wakes up.

Personally i think you put great content out and i've been a subscriber and watcher of your Youtube since the first time you shared a link on here
I think some things just get missed here and there based on what time they were posted, i've had this happen myself many times as i am a bit of an insomniac when not in nature so i post things at stupid o'clock like now at 3.46 am UK time, I often find myself interacting with folks browsing from around the world or posting several answers in different topics from earlier in the day and basically talking to myself until everyone wakes up.

Personally i think you put great content out and i've been a subscriber and watcher of your Youtube since the first time you shared a link on here

Fair enough, & thank you for your comment. But I still wonder when a post gets over 500 views & yet no comments. I just get to feeling, what is the point, what am I getting out of this? Sharing knowledge & knowing someone has learnt something is worthwhile, but if people already know everything that you are sharing, then again, what is the point?
Thank you for subscribing to my youtube channel, very much appreciated.
Regards, Keith.


Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Mar 28, 2014
Fair enough, & thank you for your comment. But I still wonder when a post gets over 500 views & yet no comments. I just get to feeling, what is the point, what am I getting out of this? Sharing knowledge & knowing someone has learnt something is worthwhile, but if people already know everything that you are sharing, then again, what is the point?
Thank you for subscribing to my youtube channel, very much appreciated.
Regards, Keith.

I have went through similar thoughts regarding my own content that i put out, then i reminded myself i started doing this for myself as my aide to memory especially for in the future, when I am senile in the nursing home this content will still be out there for me online and it will make my nursing staff think i am even more senile as i tell them 100+ times per day that is me and that is what i used to do before i spent all day here waiting for these lot to change my sh*tty*rse.

It is great when i know people did enjoy my stuff and got something from it and let you know but i stopped expecting feedback long ago, some videos I have put up have had many many views but not a single piece of visible interaction other than it was watched.

Forums sometimes are terrible places for this, you post a thread and it shows people looked at it but nothing is posted, I've often found my biggest adventures to myself got the smallest interaction from others once shared online, adventures i spent a whole year planning and 6 weeks doing and then god knows how long trying to edit and the thread is gone from the threads being interacted with on the site ten times quicker than your average knife obsession thread or the classic if you could (insert situation) and have just one (insert single item category of tool or kit) what would it be threads, i'll never understand that :D
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Full Member
May 23, 2014
You cant force it mate.

People will post or not s'up to them. i know its good to get thanks and stuff but seasoned forum users will often purposely NOT post 'thanks for sharing' or 'good job' type posts just to reduce clutter and not force other readers to open a thread again to read a comment that doesnt say anything

Just sayin


Full Member
Feb 19, 2013
Stockton on Tees
As said, your stuff, well most that I've seen is video based adventure / informative / tutorial based, it could do with a thumbs up our like button but maybe not a response as I for one couldn't add anything constructive to it, but maybe I will add a comment of thanks if it means you will keep posting them, but take it as a given, your stuff is well received.


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Apr 16, 2009
You cant force it mate.

People will post or not s'up to them. i know its good to get thanks and stuff but seasoned forum users will often purposely NOT post 'thanks for sharing' or 'good job' type posts just to reduce clutter and not force other readers to open a thread again to read a comment that doesnt say anything

Just sayin

I totally agree. I'd rather read some content than "+1" or "good post".

John Fenna

Lifetime Member & Maker
Oct 7, 2006
My broadband is so slow that most videos are unwatchable ... I look to see if there is any content I can read - and if it is a video without readable content I move on...
It could be that there are a fair few folk on the fringes of the grid in the UK who do the same.
I also have no mobile signal at home....
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Oct 9, 2014
Quite often people like myself will read and enjoy a thread but not comment as I don't feel I have anything to add. Sometimes I'm dragged away from the computer before I get a chance to comment. Sometimes I think the thread is rubbish, or has aspects that I disagree with but I'm not in the mood to argue or correct.
Regardless of the above, it would be pretty dull if no-one posted anything, so please keep doing it. Someone somewhere is probably silently enjoying it. ;-)

As to why a 'Pick one...' thread will get loads of comments, it is because it asks for interaction on a specific level. It's really easy for people to comment. Just like sales posts that only give half the relevant information will get more interaction than ones where everything is explained first time out!


Bushcrafter through and through
My broadband is so slow that most videos are unwatchable ... I look to see if there is any content I can read - and if it is a video without readable content I move on...
It could be that there are a fair few folk on the fringes of the grid in the UK who do the same.
I also have no mobile signal at home....

I'm the same John, can never get a video to play properly.

But I do enjoy your posts Le Loup, keep em coming.

rancid badger

Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Would I be correct in assuming that if members can't be bothered to reply to a post, then there is no point in posting any more associated material? Let's face it, it is not hard to simply post "good one, thank you for sharing" if one believes the post has some merit or is at least interesting.

I'd take it that way myself and wouldn't bother sharing whatever it is that obviously leaves people cold in future, not on here anyway.

But then again;
I suppose it must feel a bit pointless when you've currently only got 11,105 subscribers on youtube eh? ;)

Seriously Keith; what does it matter whether a few hundred on here can't be arxed to respond?

What more confirmation/praise do you need beyond people actually watching your videos and liking them enough to subscribe to your channel?:confused:

I've got 35 subs and falling but I really couldn't give a toss if no one watches my stuff or comments either, but then it's just a bit of a hobby to me.

To be honest Keith, the proverbial phrase "Pearls before swine" comes to my mind looking at your stuff ( one that I suspect quite a few might have to google?) so rest ye happy that your efforts are obviously appreciated by 11,000 plus people around the globe as well as lord knows how many who just watch it, like it and keep themselves to themselves.

Sincere best wishes from subscriber 11,106!


Robson Valley

On a new journey
Nov 24, 2014
McBride, BC
I did quite a lot of university lecturing over some 35 years.
Every once in a while, some travelling educator would have profound thoughts regarding the classroom.
There has been one which stuck in my mind.

Someone in class may be bold enough to ask a question. Quickly quiz the entire class:
probably 1/3 of them wanted to know the answer but weren't mentally prepared to ask.

In another forum far away, the OP asked a fair question about being a beginner wood carver.
I responded by saying that there are many distinctively different styles of wood carving.
That you need to pick one that appeals the most. Then get some of the correct tools for that style.
I see no reason to buy a bunch of tools for carving styles which don't interest me.
662 views by today and not another question, reply or comment.


Apr 16, 2009
I'd take it that way myself and wouldn't bother sharing whatever it is that obviously leaves people cold in future, not on here anyway.

But then again;
I suppose it must feel a bit pointless when you've currently only got 11,105 subscribers on youtube eh? ;)

Seriously Keith; what does it matter whether a few hundred on here can't be arxed to respond?

What more confirmation/praise do you need beyond people actually watching your videos and liking them enough to subscribe to your channel?:confused:

I've got 35 subs and falling but I really couldn't give a toss if no one watches my stuff or comments either, but then it's just a bit of a hobby to me.

To be honest Keith, the proverbial phrase "Pearls before swine" comes to my mind looking at your stuff ( one that I suspect quite a few might have to google?) so rest ye happy that your efforts are obviously appreciated by 11,000 plus people around the globe as well as lord knows how many who just watch it, like it and keep themselves to themselves.

Sincere best wishes from subscriber 11,106!


+1, good post, thanks for sharing. :rolleyes:

With regards to the OP, I like your posts. If I read a book and enjoy it, I don't post a review, I just realise I've read something that appealed to me.


Moderator staff
Oct 6, 2003
When I have read your stuff it has been interesting, but as others have said, you are presenting information and I see no reason to clutter things up with chit chat lines of praise, that's just not my posting style. If I can't think of a good question to ask I don't post.

Generally, posts that are essentially fairly heavy duty information dumps are not conversation starters, they don't provide a lot of ways in, they don't ask questions since they are providing answers, so the only way to open a discussion is to absorb the info, think about it and figure out a question to ask. Also, links to off-site blogs and videos are always going to generate less discussion than content posted directly to the forum. By their nature they are asking for more time commitment, so someone might view the thread on the forum, but not go and follow through all the linked material.

It might also work better if you post one item at a time rather than starting five or six threads over a very short time span. Pacing can mean you get more interaction. Someone might reply to several threads if they are spread out, but if they all come together they may only get to posting in one or two.


Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Mar 28, 2014
I am glad you made this thread Kieth, I had loads of imagined stupid niggling brain worms digging away I was trying my best to ignore as to the reason why feedback was different here and there but what everyone has all wrote here kills blows them all away, I get a few viewers who chose to watch my stuff of their own free will and some give feedback, who knows where it will go but i am happy i put content out there.

thanks everyone


White bear (Admin)
Apr 16, 2003
Thanks for posting this Le Loup. I for one have watched your videos and thought they were great, I would measure it on how many have looked at the thread because there's a good chance that most of them have looked at the video and then that some of them have become subscribers.

I think more and more we're consuming information and content that's presented rather than discussing it. Your posts and videos are appreciated and please keep them coming :You_Rock_

Part of the problem might be that the videos don't actually ask any questions or engage anyone in conversation, whereas a question or comments from yourself would more likely do so. Even a short description of the video, why you made it or what you're trying to get across with a question that encourages interaction. "please let me know what you think of this" "Have you tried this method, what results did you get?" sort of thing.

Videos are like statements and I know that most of the time I make a statement on here and other places very few or no one comments.

As I said, keep them coming, I appreciate them goodjob
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Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Mar 28, 2014
I've definitely noticed I get a lot more interaction with my videos shared when i do some sort of write up or description of what is in the vid, i've often noticed i get a lot more interaction also when i am posting more than just links to my videos on whichever forum i am sharing links on, so when I am an active interacting member posting more than just links to my offsite videos i get a much more interactive experience on my video posts


Sent off - Not allowed to play
Feb 10, 2016
Grand Cayman, Norway, Sweden
The problem is - what if every member posted a reply like you suggest on every thread ( I assume you mean 'thread' and not 'post'?) posted? The Forum would be unreadable.

Some threads are truthfully speaking not interesting.

This forum has 31483 members. Imagine if all replied. Chaos.
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