Mungo Goes Mushroom Hunting - Part 1 of 4

I went for another mushroom hunting / photographing trip to the York Region Forest, in Ontario, Canada. Here is the first installment of 4 posts - I don't want to overwhelm with too many images. Lots of specimens I'm not familiar with here, but I'll learn them in time - and you can give me suggestions in the comments at the bottom of this post if you see something familiar.

An odd sight indeed - a gall which has formed on a raspberry cane - normally I have only seen these on the stalks of Canada Goldenrod (Solidago canadensis). It sure makes for a spiky looking home for the larvae of the Goldenrod Gall Fly (Eurosta solidaginis).

Unknown specimen.

Pear-shaped Puffball (Lycoperdon pyriforme).

Unknown specimen.

Pine woods - the cover and composition of the 300 + hectares varies enormously - from Pine to Cedar to Trembling Aspen and more.

Unknown specimen.

Unknown specimen.

Pear-shaped Puffball (Lycoperdon pyriforme).

Fat wood from a decayed pine tree root / trunk. The wood here was extremely hard, and once I was able to cut some off with my knife, it smelled richly of turpentine and resins. I ignited some and it burned fiercely.

Unknown specimen.

Unknown specimen.

Unknown specimen.

Velvet Foot, also known as Velvet Shank (Flammulina velutipes).

Unknown specimen.

Unknown specimen.



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