

It's not very often that I am surprised by the contents of my e-mail inbox. It's the usual spam interspersed with a few bookings of work for the most part. Recently I received one that really intrigued me though.

The post was from a company that runs photo tours overseas and they had stumbled upon my photography web site but also followed links through to the living history, bushcraft and expedition sites too.

It turned out that I was just the sort of person they were looking for to fill the “Guest Artist” position on their upcoming tour of Arkhangai in Mongolia. All their regular guys had other commitments in August it seems.

They were organising an overland trip in Russian Furgon “jeeps” for photographers that are looking for a different sort of experience from the usual coach tours. Accommodation would be mostly in Gers (“Yurts” if you speak Russian.) and the intention is to get right out into the wilderness areas where the nomadic culture is still alive and kicking.

All the itinerary and logistics have been sorted out by a team used to working in the area and it's designed in a sustainable way to work with the local people bringing them a welcome income from tourism that usually only reaches the capital.

Apparently I caught their eye because it was clear to see that I had an interest in such nomadic cultures but also didn't mind roughing it a bit to get my pictures. As they said “ We think you will be a good fit in our team..”


My role would be to support the other photographers on the trip, offering advice, inspiration and help where needed. Something I have done on an informal basis with groups for many years. In return I get a free trip and the opportunity to take my own pictures. This of course will only ever happen if enough people book onto the course so the whole thing is by no means definite yet.

I do have to declare an interest beyond that though, because if the trip is well subscribed I might even make a bit of profit too. In reality I doubt if they'll get that many takers. It's a very long way to go for most people and lacking in the usual comforts that tourists expect. Although it's a long way away, the current trouble in the Crimea isn't likely to improve peoples confidence either.

Before anyone asks, I did run this past Tony first and he said it would be OK to mention something here. I'm not going to post up direct links though, if anyone really wants to see what it's all about you'll have to look for the details on my websites.

I'm posting it now partly to share my news but also to start finding out if anyone here has advice or information they could share on Mongolia. I'm researching like mad at the moment but information seems a bit sparse.


Woodsman & Beekeeper
Aug 19, 2013
Really interesting stuff! Sounds like a great trip, but a planned trip to Sweden already and exams rules me out, good luck, hope you make it! :)


I wasn't fishing for participants Cameron. I think most people here would go for organising their own trips.

It's just one of those bits of news that is difficult not to share and as I say, I'm hoping there are some here that may have already been out there in the past.

John Fenna

Lifetime Member & Maker
Oct 7, 2006
Wow! - you lucky - sorry no ... talented beggar!
It is good to have skills recognised like that :)
Have a good trip!


Woodsman & Beekeeper
Aug 19, 2013
I wasn't fishing for participants Cameron. I think most people here would go for organising their own trips.

It's just one of those bits of news that is difficult not to share and as I say, I'm hoping there are some here that may have already been out there in the past.

I know what you mean mate :). Brilliant trip though, really special! Hope it goes ahead for you! :)


Jan 21, 2005
S. Lanarkshire
Gary, Liz Browne and the women who make the felt Storytelling Yurt have been out to Mongolia a couple of times, and the Mongolians have been over here to meet her too.

Liz is lovely, very easy to get on with, marvellous teacher and a really great craftswoman.
I can find contact details for her very easily for you ? Intro's no problem :)
Her website is HeartfeltbyLiz

You'll have a ball :D Lot of work but so very worthwhile. Really chuffed they approached you for this :cool:
It honestly sounds like it was made to measure for you :D



Full Member
Apr 25, 2009
Wow...I hope you go for it, sounds like a fantastic opportunity and based on your website you are defiantly the man for the job :)


Thanks guys, I'm certainly keeping my fingers crossed.

Gary, Liz Browne and the women who make the felt Storytelling Yurt have been out to Mongolia a couple of times, and the Mongolians have been over here to meet her too.

Liz is lovely, very easy to get on with, marvellous teacher and a really great craftswoman.
I can find contact details for her very easily for you ? Intro's no problem :)
Her website is HeartfeltbyLiz

You'll have a ball :D Lot of work but so very worthwhile. Really chuffed they approached you for this :cool:
It honestly sounds like it was made to measure for you :D


That sounds like a good contact Mary.

I'll a bit more research and get Iceland out of the way and then I'll have a better idea of the questions I need to ask.

As for made to measure I've been eyeing up some of the Deels that they wear out there. Look like very practical bits of kit.
Nov 29, 2004
Lucky you, and well deserved. :)

Mongolia, they do things differently there, expect schedules to vary, enjoy the journey, but do not expect to reach your destination on time, or ever. Develop a good tolerance for very strong alcohol, if you can ride a horse well that might be handy, however if you can only just ride a horse, do NOT get on a horse over there. :)

If you have yet to see it, find copies of 'The Cave of the Yellow Dog' and 'Urga', they will set the scene.

I look forward to the pictures.
Last edited:


Feb 11, 2013
Mongolia was very quiet and peaceful. it was some of th emost silent places ive ever been. the people are friendly but have a tendancy to stare at you a lot, not out of rudeness I think just more curiosity. seeing ice in the desert was a bit weird.


Feb 27, 2014
Well done mate sounds like a very good opportunity, look forward to reading about when you have finished


Funnily enough I re-watched Cave of the Yellow Dog last night and I have the Story of the Weeping Camel on the table as well, both good films. Urga I have yet to find a decent copy of but I'll probably have to get the badly dubbed Russian one because at least it has subtitles.

I've heard that many people in the country just assume that white people come from Russia Kai and they are not too fond of the Russians from what I hear. Hopefully the local guides will improve that situation for us.


Full Member
Jun 28, 2005
Paul Millard of gave a talk on one of the yurt courses I've been on, I last saw him at their farm early last year as we were buying canvas off him, and he was just back from one of his visits to Mongolia... Ive always found him very approachable and informative about his times there.


Full Member
Sep 27, 2005
Oxfordshire and Pyrenees-Orientales, France
We had an artist colleague who went on a similar trip to exchange knowledge of felting techniques. She found it a stimulating experience and it certainly enhanced her own work. Unfortunately we have lost touch with her, so Toddy's link may be helpful to me too. (Thanks Mary!).

It does seem like a fascinating project and one that should feed into different aspects of your professional as well as personal development. Like many others on the site, I look forward to seeing the results. Good luck with planning.


Sep 7, 2013
by the beach
Well done. I've long been an admirer of your work, and you seem perfect for the job. It's nice to see your talent getting the recognition it deserves. Made up for you.


We have a a number of knives, T-Shirts and other items for sale.