Latest work, a Leather Apron (picture heavy)


Full Member
Feb 14, 2012
The Netherlands
Hey everyone,

A while ago I purchased an old Sewing machine from a couple that owned a vintage industrial themed antiques etc store.
They wanted a bit more then initially advertised and after chatting for a while and me having tested the machine his wife had advocated the idea of me making a couple of things for them in the future.
When it came down to the hard facts of payment we agreed on a figure plus a Leather apron which I would make especially for their store.
They wanted to keep the costs low so they would have a good margin of profit might they want to become a regular customer of mine and sell my kit on a regular basis from their store.

They wanted the apron to have a rugged look, this is order to market it towards the "Handcrafted" and "Vintage" lovers.
Thus I made my first of probably many leather aprons as I have the feeling I will be making quite a couple of them in the coming months ^^.









The entire apron is treated with Carnuba wax twice in order to give it a durable finish that will protect against stains, the hide was redyed from a wine red colour to this much warmer brown.
all the straps are made from 1st choice 3,8 mm vegtan also treated with carnuba wax. the neck strap is also slicked with gum tragacanth, I did not deem it necessary for the bottom straps though, plus it would add in the costs therefor these were only waxed.
Full copper saddlers rivets hold everything together, and these were all hand peened after the initial peening with the peening dyes in order to give them a more rugged/handmade look.

I have been meaning to look towards the restaurant business for sometime now and I think this would be a great addition to a restaurants line, in combination with my recent chef knife/tool roll, and am quite happy the way they came out.
Personally I would like to add a couple of pockets, and instead of tying the straps together I would like a singeing type fastener but that is for my personal use and I had my clients demands to fulfill. but in future aprons I'm sure these additions will prove to fit nicely.

Funniest thing was the hardest part in this whole process was making a Mannequin.
After allot of fussing about I created it out of my shirt a couple of towels, a piece of cardboard, some dress pins and a bit of electrical tape and this all fixed to a lighting tripod.
But I deemed it functional in the end ^^

For those wondering about my new sewing machine that have missed my thread about that, check out the thread on my new Adler 30-1 here:

Thank you all for watching

Yours sincerely
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Full Member
Jan 10, 2006
Thats a great piece Ruud...but a bit new looking.

Still, everything was new once, even the moon.


Full Member
May 26, 2015
Could be wrong, but isn't that a craftsman's apron rather than a chef's apron?

It's a lovely apron and all, but I think it would suit a carpenter or a blacksmith rather than a chef.


Full Member
Feb 14, 2012
The Netherlands
Thanks for your replies Gents and Ladies.

Thanks mate, means something coming from you ;) !

I certainly enjoy the ragged vintage look every now and then but I like to make "fresh" and clean looking equipment.
a true vintage in my opinion is made through time and work, and the work that stand up to the abuse of the work, that makes a quality vintage product in my eyes ^^

in this case it was an apron that was made after the wishes of a host of a restaurant, as in a steak restaurant they might want to get all the servers in matching aprons.
Although I do agree the leather apron was initially design for the craftsman, but off course this is where they got the idea from and why the style is so well liked in steakhouses and such.
Boy I sure could eat a Black Angus Steak now XD dangit Steak, you got me going now...

XD lots of those gear testers around nowadays, sorry mate if you'd like to test my stuff you really just have to give me a call ;)
as in the crafting world until the business really starts booming you ain't got that change to spare ^^


Full Member
May 26, 2015
Ahh steak houses!!! Good call! Hadn't thought of the image side of using it for chefs.

Some branding blocks seem in order then ;)

Dave Budd

Gold Trader
Staff member
Jan 8, 2006
Dartmoor (Devon)
lovely bit of leather there mate ;) The only drawback I can see from a functional point of view is the straps around the waist. They are nice and thick and heavy, but that means tying them is a pain and they will likely not be comfortable or secure when moving around. I would've gone for a buckle on such nice straps or just thongs to tie.

The mannequin is great! I love the way you even managed to get it to stand nonchalantly whilst posing for the camera. Very you that one :D


Full Member
Feb 14, 2012
The Netherlands
Thanks Dave,
and indeed I will be going for a singeing type fastener, Like the one below for future ones.

also way handier in use than having to tie the thing every time, however for this one I followed the client demands to the letter,
and gave a couple examples with it to show the improvements that could be made. plus adding a couple of pockets and such in my idea are pretty essential.

but that will be for the next ones ^^

Yours sincerely


Full Member
Mar 7, 2013
Nice work. Since the original transaction was about the sewing machine. I would have thought stitching the straps as well as rivets, would have been a request. I would expect vintage quality aprons to favour dual fixings. Very nice heavy leather used. I like to think the waist straps will soften in time and stay tied.
Leather apron in the food service industry sounds a bit gimmicky. Leather not that easy to get food prep clean I would have thought. Then again, redneck BBQers would say different. I have many leather aprons, but I have never made on. My favourite is my latest acquisition. A old,unused,so brand new, craftsman leather apron. Still in its original packaging. I bought it just two weeks ago at my local carboot for just £2. Unfortunately the neck and waist straps were once included loose within the packaging. These tie to brass eyelets on the apron. The straps were no longer in with the apron. Hence the cheap price.


Full Member
Feb 14, 2012
The Netherlands
Hey everyone,
Thanks for the replies!

Heya Mors,
they certainly would although I would go for a bit of a heavier type leather on the main hide.
but it would fare just fine as is, I would prefer it though if I knew I was selling to a smith ^^

Hey Dave,
When ever you can no longer resist the temptation, just be sure to send me a pm.
after that we can figure out just the thing you want ;)

if you need some straps made for that apron just send me some measurements over a pm,
it would be a shame not to put that baby to use, and if properly waxed they can handle some abuse although I will agree with you it isnt the best thing to clean.
but then again in a steakhouse it is part of the charm in my opinion ^^ the charcoal grill, the wooden chopping board that already are starting to warp due to poor maintenance en a grease stain here and then that they tried to clean up but they sadly couldnt XD

Cheers everyone
Yours sincerely


Full Member
Feb 14, 2012
The Netherlands
I just received word from the customer ^^ they are more then happy with it.
And here it is a mile stone for me, my first business to business sale, and my produce proudly displayed in their store!


I might be a bit to excited about it, but still loving it!
Yours sincerely



We have a a number of knives, T-Shirts and other items for sale.