Large Cats in Forest of Dean!!!!!!!!!

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British Red said:

Aaah that could be it. I'm afraid I don't buy the caves and holes argument either - not all could do this and most caves are known and explored by potholers etc. Sadly this is a small island as we all know. Much as I would love to believe in big cats in the UK, if there were any bar perhaps one odd escapee that died alone, I suspect one body at least would have been found from any viable population


There's not much chance of finding big cats in the caves and holes because that's where all the Trolls live.

Of course you can spot a Troll hole these days by the broadband connection cables.

Pete E

Dec 1, 2004
North Wales
And folks should remember that "big cats have been caught in the wild in the UK..There was a mountain lion (?) caught up near Aberdeen in the 1970's and a Lynx was caught in a suburban garden in London more recently...Neither case proves there is a viable breeding population though...In fact both instances were
attributed to escapes of illegally kept pets...


Full Member
Mar 26, 2006
if my memory serves me they found a mummified body of a puma on a moor about 10 yrs after someone had released 2 .something pass.the location,and a swamp cat was killed in a rta on iow.but it doesnt point to a breeding population.


Full Member
Jan 10, 2006
I know several people who have seen one.

I think they are quite safe, big cat hunting is a tricky business.

loren Coleman is not a big cat expert but he is the worlds formost cryptozoologist with several books and many articles, both popular and specialist to his name

Pete E

Dec 1, 2004
North Wales
Tengu said:
I know several people who have seen one.

I think they are quite safe, big cat hunting is a tricky business.

loren Coleman is not a big cat expert but he is the worlds formost cryptozoologist with several books and many articles, both popular and specialist to his name

How can you be an expert on things that don't exist? ;)


Aug 14, 2006
Tengu said:
Bushmaster you sound like the sort of person that gives cryptozoology a bad name.

You sound like you write for the sensationalist press.

Im a friend of Loren Coleman, who is `not` sensationalist, Ill find out what he says about this.

(but you are right, a man eating leopard is great fun and what this country needs.)

Swagman, what would a canadian trapper have to do with big cat expertise? Theres not many cats in Canada, after all.

Better find a cat expert (true cat experts are rarer than maltese tigers) or someone who is experienced in dealing with sheep worrying.

The guy made a living from trapping big cats and he was an expert thats why
they used him.
His knolage came from experiace thats why he new that all the photos he was
shown were dog attacs not cat.
He was a proffesional traker.


Jun 25, 2006
Tengu said:
I know several people who have seen one.

I think they are quite safe, big cat hunting is a tricky business.

loren Coleman is not a big cat expert but he is the worlds formost cryptozoologist with several books and many articles, both popular and specialist to his name

I know a professional guide in your area who also owns a farm.
He had six lambs killed a few years back and told me he spotted big cat tracks.
This guy hunts in Africa and knows a thing or three about cats but hasn't shot one yet ;)

My £2k still stands, I'm good for the cash on the nail, just show me the cat, I'll sort the rest. :AR15firin

I mean come ON! we are talking about £2000 squids here, cash waiting don't be shy!

Just in case you think I'm full of the proverbial, I'll leave the £2k with lets say Mr RED! how that for a deal. For all the cat loves out there that's a lot of lambs you can feed the rest with

John (who knows his £2k is VERY SAFE).


Jan 11, 2006
Ok, I'll come clean. A few of me mate's and i did once!,and i mean once! Cut out a large cat like figure ; and place it not too far from the A30. To say the public's reaction was enthusiastic would be a lie!!!!! Just to keep it fair, wer'e planning on doing the next character from jungle book much more lifelike. :D :D :D :

British Red

M.A.B (Mad About Bushcraft)
Dec 30, 2005
Hunter_zero said:
Just in case you think I'm full of the proverbial, I'll leave the £2k with lets say Mr RED! how that for a deal.

I wouldn't anyone leaves that kind of money with me and I'm off to talk Damscus with Cegga or TSRs with Riflecraft :eek:

I'm sure theres safer places so I'll let you guys sort it out amongst yourselves!

With regards to shooting leopards and mountain lion- these creatures are notorious for their ability to take large calibre ,high velocity rounds and still kill the shootist.What eventually kills them is infection.Before the infection does its job the cat turns "a problem" killing weak prey.
Thirteen dogs have gone missing from our village recently . All went while relieving themslves between 11 and 12 at night from their own gardens. one man was able to rescue his j r terrier from Boris' jaws by screaming.
Please dont anyone shoot a big cat.At best you will only wound it.
There are many films and photos of these creatures.Six leopards were filmed here during the last deer count by The Forestry.
Dfra have asked the police to privatelly investigate and plan a response for when people are attacked.They are scared of the effect it will have on our tourism.
As for sensationalism and 2 grand-Not interested! All i am doing is warning fellow bushcrafters for safety sake.
Don't let it ruin your life .Just be aware. For camping out in Dean,i advise a three stone fire to keep cats away when bedding down and if approached in daylight, stand tall and NEVER run.
The Joker said:
Isn't that the one where (I think it was this person, if not apologies)Danny Nineham got made to look really stupid by the canadian trappers.

I would be really interested in seeing a photo of a big cat in the UK :)

Danny Nineham planned the film where 2 Canadian trappers came over here .He took them to a place in Somerset where there has never beenany cat sightings . Look it up and check it out.
He also said before the film that they would never find any evidence there.<Only a fool would give 20 years of research away >.


Bushcrafter through and through
Aug 7, 2003
Bushmaster110 said:
I have been a survival fanatic for 27 years and in all that time i have never experienced a year like 2006!
In June,i was walking my Neopolitan at 1am,when i saw a leopardess and her two cubs by my garage, here in Ruspidge,Cinderford.
One week later i saw a female Mountain Lion at the same spot.My companion laughed herself silly when i told her. She was trembling with fear the follwing afternoon when she was confroted by a huge male Mountain Lion in her mother's orchard .
I have seen leopards before over the years, mostly on Exmoor where my family originate: never as many as here in the Dean-urban cats!!!!!
We are used to seeing strange people here from time to time ,but the big cat situation is out of control here.
Anyone planning a woodland camp here , please be careful.

I know what you mean.

Just last week a spaceship landed in the allotments next to our street. Three naked female aliens abducted me and assulted me in the most unpleasant manner. I told my mate and he didnt believe me - well who would? I mean, what are the chances? But then it happened to him too the next night. At least that's what he told his wife. :lmao:


Full Member
Jul 16, 2006
Martyn said:
I know what you mean.

Just last week a spaceship landed in the allotments next to our street. Three naked female aliens abducted me and assulted me in the most unpleasant manner. I told my mate and he didnt believe me - well who would? I mean, what are the chances? But then it happened to him too the next night. At least that's what he told his wife. :lmao:

I hope you put up a fight.......for at least 30secs anyway:lmao: :lmao:


Bushcrafter through and through
Aug 7, 2003
Hunter_zero said:
Hey it wasn't me who took the first bite :togo:

It was the other chappy :22:

It wouldn't matter what films you had, no one would genuinely believe them to be authentic, in truth would you?

However documented footage of a live cat. Followed by a carcass for examination and autopsy would be undeniable proof.

My £1000 is raised to £2000!

Funny how there is no takers.
Put it this way, if someone offered me £2000 to document a Fallow buck and then shoot it, I'd snatch their hands off but fallow deer exist :rolleyes:


I think you could raise it to £20,000 and it'd be pretty darned safe.

Now if you can shoot me an alien....

Mikey P

Full Member
Nov 22, 2003
Glasgow, Scotland
British Red said:
You can organise a poll if you want TF - theres an option on a new thread post.

I see this has got heated but lets all just agree to disagree huh?

There is no conclusive evidence of a breeding population of "big cats" in the UK. A lack of conclusive evidence does not mean that there are none.

This is one of those "you are free to believe whatever you like" situations and I suspect that there are all sorts of positions from "I've seen one and believe my own eyes" through "I think they do exist but can't prove it! to "I'm sceptical but willing to accept I may be wrong" through to "I think its silly to even entertain the notion"

Thats cool - everyone is entitled to their own beliefs. It isn't necessary to convince the world or get into a flame war (sorry no pun intended)


To take a little heat out of the arguments, I'd like to ask a serious question:

We all know that alien species (grey squirrel, Signal crayfish, mink, etc) have been introduced to the UK by mistake and have had a detrimental effect on native UK species (eg, red squirrel, native crayfish, water voles, etc).

Knowing what we know now, if we'd had the opportunity, I believe we would have tried to eradicate them before the problem grew out of control.

There have been some comments on these big cats along the lines of 'leave them be', 'they shouldn't be trapped/killed', etc. Where should we stand on this? I fully agree that big cats are beautiful animals but the only native big cat in the UK (as far as I know) is the Scottish Wildcat ... and my domestic cat, 'Poppy' - who is 'fat' rather than 'big'. :D

Should we encourage the population of 'alien' big cats to grow, or should we eradicate the problem now to reduce the chance of potential problems in the future?

Finally, how long does a creature have to be resident before it becomes native? Will the grey squirrel be thought of as a native animal in 100 years time?


Aug 14, 2006
Bushmaster110 said:
Danny Nineham planned the film where 2 Canadian trappers came over here .He took them to a place in Somerset where there has never beenany cat sightings . Look it up and check it out.
He also said before the film that they would never find any evidence there.<Only a fool would give 20 years of research away >.

Danny Nineham did not plan the film he was only involved because he was ment to be the so called expert. the trappers serched the places were there had been

Danny Nineham clamed a boy had been hit across the face by a young cat
and the trapper told him if that had hapend the boy would of lost his head as cat claws are razer sharp. All his so called sheep kills were in the trappers eyes all dog attacs. How can Danny be a big cat expert when you dont have big cats in the uk .?


Jun 25, 2006
Mikey P said:
Knowing what we know now, if we'd had the opportunity, I believe we would have tried to eradicate them before the problem grew out of control.

There have been some comments on these big cats along the lines of 'leave them be', 'they shouldn't be trapped/killed', etc. Where should we stand on this?

It wouldn't really come down to our opinions.
Fact is that we live in a very small area with a high population.
As such, big cats or in fact and predatory species that could prey on humans would never be tolerated.
To put it bluntly, the chap who claims he lives in the forest of dean and has all these problems with big cats eating half the village is full or rubbish.
I called a work colleague yesterday, who really does live in Coalford (spelling?) and he confirmed that no new big cats sightings have been reported.

The bottom line is that if big cats did exist in the UK, there are only a few areas that could safely support them, with regards to keeping them away from Joe public BUT these places would be a grossly unsuitable habitat for the cats. They would move on and eventually come in to contact with us humans again.



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