Hello from across the pond

Damn Yank

New Member
Jun 21, 2022
Thanks for having me. I am Scott from the midwestern US. I am curious on what others from other parts of the world are doing. I like to just get out and enjoy the outdoors. I do some fishing but mainly tinkering. My gear is budget friendly, a mix of civilian and military surplus and from various countries. Favorite mode of transportation to get out in the wild is my bike. I have enjoyed bike riding since youth. It was my mode of transportation to go fishing and exploring. Biking has become important to me again since I'm 64 and have had a couple of health scares (basically I should not be alive). Looking forward to meeting others and learning. (Favorite bit of advice given to me was "The day you wake up and think that you know everything is the day you become the biggest idiot")


We have a a number of knives, T-Shirts and other items for sale.