For the record I carry a middling sized first aid kit that I bought from Cotswold Outdoor in the car/on holiday/trekking/scouting etc and have found that I have never needed to exceed the (at first glance) comparatively few items in the kit - but I may just have been lucky so far
I probably have some overkill in a few of my kits. In one or two of them I have sutures, resuscitation mask w/bag or pump, scalpels, and so on. It all depends on just how far I think (time wise) I may be from medical assistance. We've had broken bones, puncture wounds, second degree burns, dislocations and anaphylactic shock due to an allergic reaction. We aren't careless or accident prone as these things occurred over a period of some 20 years of family camping. I think I tend to over react:yikes: , in that if something happens or 'almost happens, I want to be better prepared in case there is a next time. 99% of the time all I've ever needed was a Bandaid (plaster?)or something for a sunburn or friction blister and a little ointment for the germs. Can you tell me what is in your kit (just curious)?