Full house!


Full Member
May 8, 2008
Up early today to get down to the beach for the high tide. Although it was rather foggy over land as soon as I got near the beach the sky cleared and a large low orangey sun was visible over a nice calm sea - perfect. After a couple of casts I managed to get a full house of mackerel and over the next half an hour several more. By 08:30 I was home with over a dozen beauties. :)

What made it all the more pleasing was the fact I had caught them on my own hand made feather rig and home case lead weights - now I know the set-up works. Makes up for the few blank days I've had but that seems to have been down to the poor weather we had in August.


Full Member
May 8, 2008
Another pleasant evening yesterday. We've been enjoying the warmer weather by going for a few evening swims at our local beach. We've been swimming amidst shoals of sand eels and noticed a few larger fish splashing about a bit further out. So last night I packed my travel rod, went for a swim, then did a little fishing and ended up with three mackerel for tea caught on a little sand eel imitation lure.:)

Nice way to spend an evening as was also surprised to see a few people had been fly fishing at the beach and a couple of others were going spear fishing by the looks of it.


We have a a number of knives, T-Shirts and other items for sale.