Forum Changes


White bear (Admin)
Apr 16, 2003
I expect that everyone has noticed that we have upgraded the forum, instead of the PHPbb forum that we had before this is now a vBulletin forum, it is much more powerful and will enable us all to have a better community.

For the most part the forum is quite straight forward, there will be some differences but we have done our best to minimise them so that the change over is as seamless as possible. To some of your questions you will probably find answers in the FAQ so that would be a good place to start, if it's not there then feel free to ask.

We are also in the process of moving hosts, this forum is on a new host and the rest of the website will follow in the near future, it would be advisable to change your favourites to point to this new locations for the community forum. Being with this new host will enable us to grow bcuk, introducing more features to the forum and much more information on the main site.

A big thank you must be said to Adi, Kath and Martyn for their hard work in getting it sorted. And another big thank you to those that have donated money, it contributed to the costs of all these changes, thank you.

I hope that everyone enjoys this new and better place to get together, time to get your friends joined up, the more the merrier.......


White bear (Admin)
Apr 16, 2003
bushwacker bob said:
Are we getting the avatars back Tone?

Yeah, we will put up the Avatars that we had on the server, those that put their own up may need to do so again to esablish the link to them....


Jan 1, 2004
at home
Hey i think that it is alot easir to navigate the site now, for example you dont have to go thru three different "screens" to login and it is obvious that a hell of alot of work has gone in to make this,this good! (and i love the new smilies they :super: ) But ( theirs always a but!) i think that the boxes and the way it is prsented makes it a tad bit confusing and i think the older a simpler way of the last site was better like it was easir to veiw at a glance. I hope nobody is taking this the wrong way but its just my opinons. Im off now to explore the new site and again the site is a hell of alot better and well done to who ever did all the changes. :biggthump also wahts an "Avatar"? just as your reading this just remember im speaking from a first glance approach.


Jun 3, 2004

Today when I logged on, and saw the new design, I thought: :yikes: :( :(

BUT: 5 Hours later i loved it and I still do! :-D

BCUK: :You_Rock_ Hehe... :uu:


Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Sep 3, 2003
I just want to document a few of the tweaks that have been made to the forum to make navigations and use of it a bit easier.

The first is to do with read receipts. The default for the board is to hassle you about them with a series of pop-ups when you make a message. This is a pain and clumsy so what's been added is a checkbox on the Private Message screen. If you want a read receipt, tick this box, if not, leave it blank.


The second and third tweaks cover navigation. We noticed that it was tricky to get from a forum post that you were reading both back to the top of the thread to get to the navigation or to get to the forum homepage. To make this easier, two new links have been added.

Click on this one and you are taken to the top of the screen:


While clicking on this one takes you to the forum index (forum home page):


We hope this makes things a bit easier for you all and if you have any questions/queries/suggestions, let us know! :biggthump

Justin Time

Aug 19, 2003
South Wales
those last two tweaks are very nifty, was thinking we needed something to make navigation easier, hadn't come up with any ideas though.....

Now, how about a way to see how many different threads are either unread or have unread messages from the forum index. Knifeforums has that features and I find it v useful.


Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Sep 3, 2003
Just a quick note to let you know that a spellchecker has been installed on the forum. It's not available in Quick Reply but is available in most other posting pages.

Many thanks to Team phpSpell for making this fantastic tool available! :biggthump



Full Member
Guys, you have done an excellent job on getting the site back up and running, many thanks.

At night on work when there is nothing to do I frequently nip in and I was distraught when it was down.

Hope it all runs well, Oh is it a unix, linux, netware or microsoft based server and are you working off of an SBC or otherwise.

Have a goodun, Leon. :mrgreen:


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