After many months of admiring some of the gorgeous packs you guys have, the internet gave me this one. It was made in France in 1962 by Lafuma and as far as I can tell (and according to the seller), it has never been used. It is a real beauty (if you are into that sort of thing).
I think it has a certain je ne sais quois, with its green leather straps and trim with matching green buckles.
The build quality seems excellent. It is in pretty much perfect condition. The leather is all good, if slightly dry and the canvas has only a few light marks from storage.
The two outside pockets are big enough for a 1 litre Thermos with room left over. The inside has no pockets or dividers (unfortunately) and I estimate it to be around 40l capacity. The main straps are nice and long and there are two extra straps on top and two on the bottom for bedrolls or whatever. There are also attachment straps on either side.
I am very happy with it.
What do you guys think?
I think it has a certain je ne sais quois, with its green leather straps and trim with matching green buckles.
The build quality seems excellent. It is in pretty much perfect condition. The leather is all good, if slightly dry and the canvas has only a few light marks from storage.
The two outside pockets are big enough for a 1 litre Thermos with room left over. The inside has no pockets or dividers (unfortunately) and I estimate it to be around 40l capacity. The main straps are nice and long and there are two extra straps on top and two on the bottom for bedrolls or whatever. There are also attachment straps on either side.
I am very happy with it.
What do you guys think?