FAQ's - Your question may be asked before

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Aug 9, 2004
Rotterdam (NL)
If you find this FAQ lacks a certain topic, please drop me or any Mod a line (with question and answer / thread) and we'll have a looksy.

General Forum Usage | User Profile Features | Reading and Posting Messages

FAQ's on BushcraftUK


What are the rules & regulations on this forum?

How do I use the search function ? (Incl. searching in PDF files and using Google)

How do I change my e-mailaddress?

How do I change my password?


- Tickets & payment

- Location & food

The Forums:

I'm a new member to BCUK, but find I'm restricted in the use of certain forum functions, like signatures. Why?

Why can't I post on an existing thread in the Member Classifieds section, Swap section or Groupbuy section?

Why can't I sell in the Member Classifieds section?

How do I become a Full Member?

How do I become a commercial seller?

How do I know when my membership is expiring?

What do the titles / ranks Tenderfoot, Native, Bushcrafter, Forager, etc. mean?

What do these abbreviations (FAK, SAK, SWMBO, etc.) mean?

How do I post pictures? You can test your new skills in the Test Forum.

How do I post videos?
You can test your new skills in the Test Forum.

How do I add an avatar?

How do I change my thread display to first post first?

How do I block a certain member? (I don't want to read their posts)

How do I block certain threads? Firefox only

My question is not in the list:
1. Most questions can be solved by going to your User Control Panel (User CP; far top right corner, click 'Settings')
2. Your question may be asked before, try to find it first by using the search function.
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Aug 9, 2004
Rotterdam (NL)
The following are the general rules & regulations. Please be advised there are specific rules for:
- Selling

- Swapping

- Makers

- Groupbuys

Tony said:

You agreed to these rules when you joined Bushcraft UK

These rules & guidelines have been created for the Bushcraft UK community. The rules must be obeyed and the guidelines should be taken into consideration as they help the community area of Bushcraft UK (BCUK) run smoothly. All members are expected to follow these rules & guidelines as part of their acceptance of using the community area. In order to keep the community area running well and to prevent problems, please follow these simple rules. If you have any questions or problems, please feel free to contact us by PM to the administrator or email to info@bushcraftuk.com These rules & guidelines will be updated as and when needed.

1 - Community and site moderation
Admin and Moderators on bushcraft uk will use the rules and their own judgement to moderate. They have full authority to act when & how they see fit and all members should abide by what they suggest or enforce. Due to bushcraft uk being a private forum the admin and moderators act on behalf of the owner and enforce the rules and standards set out here and those given to them verbally.

Guidance for members: Abide by the decisions of the moderators, do not argue or challenge them on the forums. If you disagree with a decision contact them or admin via PM and state clearly and politely your concerns and they will be dealt with. An alternative is to use the report post function with an explanation. Anyone being argumentative, rude or a consistent nuisance will be carded or banned.

Be patient, sometimes things cannot be addressed straight away.

It is expected that members of bushcraft uk will self moderate, if this is done the moderator team will not have to moderate members or threads.

2 - Community area behaviour - Flaming:
Slander, foul language, or harassment of anyone, member or non-member will not be accepted (otherwise known as flaming). As these forums are often viewed both at home and in workplace, family language is encouraged. Moderators will use their discretion.

3 - Bannable activities:
Displaying, conversing about (using any of the community tools) or the posting of links to any type of pornographic site, illegal software downloads, or warez links will earn a ban. Any foul language or behaviour will also earn a ban. One warning can be given at the moderators’ discretion.
Using the community area to Spam the forums, members or any other persons is not and will not be accepted. Members caught or suspected of spamming will be banned.

4 - Do a search:
Before posting members should search the forum for a direct answer to their question. Admins and Moderators may ask members to search for the answer to their questions, should it already have been answered.

5 - Forum subject matter
Some subjects should be avoided on bushcraft uk. Firstly any subject that the moderators say is not appropriate should not be discussed. Particular problem subjects where moderator guidance should be followed are those such as politics, survivalism (often becomes extreme), legal systems, TV shows and criticism of people, religion - this list is not all inclusive and members are expected to follow guidance given by moderators and other members that know the ropes.

6 - Usernames:
Members may have one (1) username, multiple aliases are not permitted. If more than one alias is created on purpose for manipulating the forums, or other personal reasons we reserve the right to ban all instances of the users aliases.

7 - Obey The Law:
The United Kingdom has some of the strictest knife, gun and wilderness laws in the world. It is the responsibility of the members to ensure their activity (particularly in the members classifieds section) conforms to all UK laws. This will be enforced rigorously.

If you do not know the legal status of your post then find out before posting. You can ask questions etc but do not post something as fact if it might not be.

8 - Advertising:
Guidelines for Commercial companies, Distributors, craftsmen, retailers, schools and website owners:

Advertising is not permitted on the Bushcraft UK forum, outside the makers market and the commercial sales areas (these areas are governed by their own set of rules and guidelines.)

Overtly commercial language pertaining to products in which you have a vested commercial interest is not acceptable.

Members should not post links to their own commercial ventures, websites or forums.
Links to such websites in signatures are permissible (at the discretion of BCUK admin) as long as this is not abused and a clearly visible reciprocal link to Bushcraft UK is placed on the website to which the link points.

We do like to see genuine resources made available to our members, if you are a new company/website or have a new product/service which you think would be of interest to the membership of Bushcraft UK, please contact the administration via info@bushcraftuk.com who will (at there discretion) make an announcement on your behalf.

Moderators will use their judgment as necessary to help the forum run smoothly and to avoid any confusion.

General guidelines for making posts in which you intend to make reference to your own products are as follows:

1. Do not under any circumstances make reference to your own products unless a member has requested information with regards to your product specifically or made a factually incorrect statement about your product or you feel a post must be made in the interests of public safety.

2. Only post your response in the thread in which the query or error/safety issue exists and respond to the query/error/safety issue with a single post.

3. Clearly state that you are a representative of the company at the start of your post

4. Provide only information which is clear, factually correct and serves solely to answer the query or address the error/safety issue

5. Provide the information in an unbiased manner ensuring that you make no statements inferring superiority to any other product

6. Do not under any circumstances make reference to any other manufacturers products or services

7. If you are in any doubt as to the legitimacy of your post, send a copy of the post to an administrator or moderator requesting advice, even if you feel that your post conforms to these guidelines it is generally good practice to inform the admin of your intention to make reference to your products on the forum, in many cases it is more appropriate for the administration to make the statement on your behalf.

Any post which makes reference to your own products or services, which does not conform to the above guidelines will be regarded as an overtly commercial post and will be removed as could membership.

Guidelines for BushcraftUK members:

It is perfectly acceptable for you to post information and links for products and services you feel would be of interest to other members, provided they are not of vested commercial interest to yourself or your associates.

We do however ask that you refrain from repeatedly posting information on products or websites (this will raise suspicion of a vested commercial interest)

You are not permitted advertise personal items for sale or trade outside of the members classifieds or swap shop areas of the forum (these areas are covered by their own set of rules and guidelines)

Moderators will use their judgment as necessary to help the forum run smoothly and to avoid any confusion.

9 - Photo Gallery:
The photo Gallery has been provided for use in displaying photographs relating to bushcraft, the natural world, equipment (kit), travel and other related subjects. It is not to be used for selling items either as a trader/dealer or as a member of the site. All such information should be kept in the classifieds section.

All Website design, text, graphics, and the selection and arrangement thereof, and all source code and all other material on this Website are copyright Bushcraft UK or its content providers, unless otherwise expressly indicated. All rights reserved. You are permitted to print or download extracts from this material for your personal use only. None of this material may be used for any commercial or public use. No part of the Website or any material appearing on the Website may be reproduced or stored in or transmitted to any other web site. No material appearing on the Website may be disseminated in any form, either electronic or non-electronic, nor included in any retrieval system or service without the prior written permission of Bushcraft UK. Any other use of the material and content of the Website is strictly prohibited. You agree that you will not (and will not assist or facilitate any third party to) copy, reproduce, transmit, publish, display, distribute, commercially exploit or create derivative works of such material and content.

Thanks for reading this. It is here for the protection of all of us. The bottom line is that the responsibility lies with you, don’t abuse it.
If you have any comments then PM Tony or Ed. Alternatively email info@bushcraftuk.com

Site rules

You agreed to these rules when you joined Bushcraft UK

Bushcraft Media Limited brings you this BushcraftUK.com website ("Website") on condition you accept the following terms and conditions ("Terms and Conditions"). Your use of this Website constitutes your agreement to all such terms, conditions and notices.

All Website design, text, graphics, and the selection and arrangement thereof, and all source code and all other material on this Website are copyright Bushcraft Media Limited or its content providers, unless otherwise expressly indicated. All rights reserved. You are permitted to print or download extracts from this material for your personal use only. None of this material may be used for any commercial or public use. No part of the Website or any material appearing on the Website may be reproduced, stored in or transmitted to any other web site. No material appearing on the Website may be disseminated in any form, either electronic or non-electronic, nor included in any retrieval system or service without the prior written permission of Bushcraft Media Limited. Any other use of the material and content of the Website is strictly prohibited. You agree that you will not (and will not assist or facilitate any third party to) copy, reproduce, transmit, publish, display, distribute, commercially exploit or create derivative works of such material and content, except under those conditions described above.

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You understand that all information, data, text, music, sound, photographs, graphics, video, messages or other materials ("Content"), whether publicly posted or privately transmitted, are the sole responsibility of the person from whom such Content originated. This means that you, and not Bushcraft Media Limited, are entirely responsible for all content that you upload to, post on or otherwise transmit via this Website. Bushcraft Media Limited does not control all the Content posted on the Website and, as such, does not guarantee the accuracy, integrity or quality of such Content. You understand that by using the Website, you may be exposed to Content that is offensive, indecent or objectionable. If you do find such materials please notify bcuk technical staff so that we can act at our discretion in the matter.

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Unless otherwise expressly stated, nothing in the Terms and Conditions shall create any rights or any other benefits whether pursuant to the Contracts (Rights of Third Parties) Act 1999 or otherwise in favour of any person other than you and Bushcraft Media Limited.

bushcraft uk is a privately owned website and forum and as such every visitor is a guest, no rights are conferred by registering or subscribing to bushcraft uk and membership can be cancelled at any time at the owners discretion.

Enjoy the site



Tony said:
Notice to Forum Members

I have noticed that the standards of the forum have been slipping and this needs to be rectified, hence this notice.

The main area that I am very concerned about is the negative comments about people, especially bushcraft teachers and personalities. This must stop. I have had to edit or delete a number of comments that should never have been posted. Do not make comments of a personal nature about anyone. I am not saying that you cannot banter between yourselves as friends. But that is a far cry from making remarks that negatively reflect on other people. Please respect people and the things they do even if you have a different opinion.

To summarise

Do not make negative remarks, participate in gossip or hearsay on this forum in reference to any persons. If you feel the need to do so, do it somewhere else. If you cannot resist doing it on this forum you will be banned.

People also need to refrain from stating things as fact when they are untrue, badly researched, assumption or personal opinion. If you have an opinion, idea or theory you are free to voice it. But do not make it sound like anything other than what it is. If you do state something as fact, make sure it is.

Bushcraft UK does not check the validity of the information posted on this site and it cannot, or the contributors to this forum cannot be held responsible for any inaccuracies or omissions.

Outdoor activities and the use of specialist equipment such as knives, carry a risk. Take all necessary precautions and if you are in any doubt, seek expert advice.

Please also remember that you must stay inside the law. We do not condone any law breaking activity.

For further information please read the Rules and Regs.




Aug 9, 2004
Rotterdam (NL)
When you want to sell on BCUK you need to be a Full Member (FM).

FM's pay a small fee (starting at 15 GBP/year), to support the website. In return they'll get certain privileges like discounts at outdoorshops, discounted BushMoot ticket, extra space for Private Messages, access to the Full Member forum, sell in Members Classifieds, etc.

Click here for more info by Tony.

Hobbyist makers can sell their items in Makers Market after subscribing as a Maker, they share the same privileges as FM's.

For an overview of all privileges, you can click the link below.

Click here for more information or to become a FM. Please note that blogs (a FM benefit) are no longer available on BCUK.

If you want to become a FM or Maker, but rather pay by cheque - please contact any Moderator or Admin and they will help you from there.
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Aug 9, 2004
Rotterdam (NL)
These titles or ranks are based on the amount of posts you made. It doesn't mean anything else. There are 8 ranks:

Member: 1
- Active Member: 20
- Tenderfoot: 50
- Forager: 100
- Nomad: 250
- Settler: 500
- Native: 1,000
- Bushcrafter, boy I've got alot to say!: 3000+

Than there are also:
- Full Members & Makers (members who paid a subscription)
- Moderators
- Administrators (Admin).

These last 4 have a double rank: Mod & Native at the same time; or Full Member & Tenderfoot, etc.
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Aug 9, 2004
Rotterdam (NL)
When you want to sell on BCUK you need to be a Full Member (FM).

FM's pay a small fee (starting at 15 GBP/year), to support the website. In return they'll get certain privileges like discounts at outdoorshops, discounted BushMoot ticket, extra space for Private Messages, access to the Full Member forum, sell in Members Classifieds, etc.

Hobbyist makers can sell their items in Makers Market after subscribing as a Maker, they share the same privileges as FM's.

For an overview of all privileges, you can click the link below.

Click here for more information or to become a FM. Please note that blogs (a FM benefit) are no longer available on BCUK.

If you want to become a FM or Maker, and have or want to use Paypal - but rather pay by cheque or by bank - please contact any Moderator or Admin and they will supply you with relevant details. [Mods, click here]
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Aug 9, 2004
Rotterdam (NL)
This post was originally posted by Jodie in this thread, I've updated the contents since recent forum changes.

Jodie said:
If you want to search for information on a topic before formulating your question (if it isn't answered by the time you've finished your search) the following pointers might be of help.

You probably only need to use the first one - the rest is extra detail that can safely be filed under "more than you wanted to know about searching".

1. Basic search
Right at the top of the page is the BCUK leaf logo. Below this and to the right (in white text on a dark blue background) is the basic search button, with a little white 'down arrow' next to it.

Click on this to open up a mini dialogue box into which you can enter your search term(s). Press 'enter' on your keyboard or click 'go' to run the search.

If you wanted to find out a bit more about preparing nettles for cordage you could type in "nettle" (or 'nettles'), "cordage" or the two terms together ("nettle cordage").

Here's what I found when I searched for "nettle retting" http://www.bushcraftuk.com/forum/search.php?searchid=1785805

Note that the words nettle and retting are highlighted in red which is rather helpful.

2. Advanced search
Click on the same 'search' button as above, but this time, notice the small 'advanced' link at the bottom left of the little dialogue box. Click on that, or use this link: http://www.bushcraftuk.com/forum/search.php

Again type in your keywords and you can now restrict your search to certain forums and / or by date and you can 'find posts by user' or 'find threads started by user'.

To search in more than one forum, hold down the CTRL (control) (Mac / Apple users: CMD - Command) key as you click on the forum names.

Click 'Search Now' at the bottom, or press 'Enter' to run your search.

Here's one I tried earlier, searching for 'cordage' within only the 'resources' or 'lovely grub' forums.http://www.bushcraftuk.com/forum/search.php?searchid=1785819

4. Search a user's posts
First catch your user - you can do a search for them to find any thread they've posted in. Click on their name / avatar and watch as a little menu unfurls before your eyes.

Click on the "find all posts by [user]"

Alternative - click on their Profile and use the "Find all posts by [user]".

5. Using Google to do the search I'm lifting this from a previous thread - cos I'm lazy / efficient like that.

When you search for words or phrases in Google it searches in all of the available web pages - and there are millions of them.

You can restrict things so that Google just searches for that word or phrase within a particular website. The way to do that is to add the word site: in front of whichever website you want to search in.

eg. "site:www.bushcraftuk.com/community firesteel"


It's also possible to restrict your search to particular filetypes, eg filetype:pDF bushcraft hunts for anything where 'bushcraft' is mentioned in a PDF.



Aug 9, 2004
Rotterdam (NL)
You can post videos in 2 ways. Please note you can't store the videos you made on the BCUK fora. For this you need a host like YouTube.

Insertion method
1. Create a new post (new thread or as a reply in an already excisting thread as you would do normally).
2. Make sure you're settings are in the Advanced mode. If you can see smilies, you're OK. If not. Go to your User CP to Edit your settings.
3. Click on this icon:

4. Enter URL in the pop-up screen
5. Click OK

Copy / Paste method
1. See above.
2. Copy URL of the video you want to post.
3. Write in your post the following code (without spaces):

[video ]

4. Paste the URL of your video directly after the code you just typed.
5. Write directly after your video's URL the following code (without spaces):

[/video ]

6. Continue with writing your post.
Last edited:


Aug 9, 2004
Rotterdam (NL)
New members who just joined BCUK, are restricted in the use of forum facilities. It's nothing personal because you're new - but all has to do with spam prevention.

As a new member, with less then 10 posts, you:

1. Can view the forums
2. Can read thread content
3. Can view others' threads
4. Can see thumbnails
5. Can search the forums by using the search function
6. Can post new threads
7. Can reply to threads (see below, under #8)
8. See the calendar
9. Can only send 1 PM at a time

Though you can not
1. Use Email to Friend function
2. Download Attachments
3. See Deletion Notices
4. Edit your posts
5. Upload any pictures
6. Use signatures in your sig line
7. Post visitors messages
8. Reply to any threads in the classifieds, swaps & group buys
9. Start a thread in the Traders area
10. You have a Private Message limit (storage) of 10
Not open for further replies.


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