I wonder if every one read your op in an Alf Roberts (home and away fame) would it have raised so many hackles? You flaming ga'laaa! Sorry SC couldn't resist.
.....but I see little point in the childishness of this thread and the "my knife is better than yours"
as said - it is a knife. it cuts. however it is a knife which apparently commands a similar reaction to the Bernie Garland knives when picked on.
I wonder if every one read your op in an Alf Roberts (home and away fame) would it have raised so many hackles?
Yeah, that's why I put a secondary bevel on mine. Scandi grinds are prone to chipping on bone and wood knots without them. That's why you don't see RM in the jungle or outback with his Woodlore when there is a better tool for the job.
I've read this thread through loads now and can't find a single post where peoples hackles have been raised because of the Woodlore being derided in any way. All I can see is people having alot of confusion with why SC wants an indepth video with as many caveats as he has noted, and how any useful info he wants can be gleaned from such a video anyway. Plus most people here have no idea what a real hardwood is..... apparently, and have no access to such hardwoods, so any test would appear moot. So the original post comes across as pointless unless it was posted to provoke and raise further argument. I think that is the essence to the slightly warm replies it has so far received.
Whilst this is obviously your opinion, since I'm the one who started the post I've got to say you are making an assumption that is in error...... If there is one thing this thread is NOT about, it's looking for genuine feedback on the woodlore.
The Janka hardness rating seems to disagree with you......Australian hardwoods are not harder than UK ones or North American ones.
There is a difference in the growth pattern and size of trees, one of the factors creating the difference between European and American style axe heads.
I must admit it is regretable that you haven't been able to follow the evolution of this thread and have instead relied on a simplified summary.I've kinda lost the point of this thread now. it seems to have degenerated into a 'my hard wood is harder than your hardwood' type parries