Bushcraft and survival instructor blog


Full Member
Feb 20, 2012
Nice to see you on here John, good to see all that traing on the Wing ain't going to waste!
Could have guessed you'd end up doing something along these lines you cabbage de militaire...
seriously all the best with your venture & keep blogging as it draws future customers done correctly.
Fiat Justitia

(Former Wing Warrior)

Hey !!! TPW days good times, who is this? I have a feeling you were station fed before the wing, just guessing but is it Gary ?


Full Member
Feb 20, 2012
Bookmarked - will read and comment :)
Arrrgh! wish you hadn't chosen blogger, now I have to do the ditzy word security routine each time i comment!

Cheers first blog site to come up afraid!! Hope you enjoy, will answer your question in the next post, hope you enjoy the read


Full Member
Feb 20, 2012
Just thought I would let you know a new post has been uploaded to my blog, have a look at it if you get a chance.

The training has started!!!


Jun 22, 2008
Glad you enjoyed it mate.
Think you're going about this the right way as eventually (like it or not) I can see all Bushie type courses being regulated.being accredited,Q'd, insured etc makes sense and will offer your prospective customers a level of confidence.
In conjunction with the admin skills & drive I know you already possess I'm confident you will be a success in your new career.

John Fenna

Lifetime Member & Maker
Oct 7, 2006
Glad you enjoyed it mate.
Think you're going about this the right way as eventually (like it or not) I can see all Bushie type courses being regulated.being accredited,Q'd, insured etc makes sense and will offer your prospective customers a level of confidence.
In conjunction with the admin skills & drive I know you already possess I'm confident you will be a success in your new career.
I have not been able to get on the blog yet - but it sounds interesting!
I agree that it looks like all Bushy courses will eventually be hogtied by regulation, accredation etc - but first a real NGB needs to arise that folk can recognise as the "one true voice" and as Bushyness is so varied I cannot see this happening in the very near future.
As to insurance - that is easily and cheaply available to instructors already and I would not think of going on a course with anyone purporting to be a professional instructor who could not show their insurance to you.
I have been an outdoor skills instructor for more years than I care to think about (started when I was just 18!)and have amassed a fair bit of paper over the years - at a great financial cost in the way of courses, assessments etc - and some certs I hold are not worth the paper they are printed on as the "assessing body" was not nationally recognised (a good software prog can churn out fancy looking certs for pennies)... even as I was handed my "Mountain Survival Instructor" cert I knew that it was not worth anything realy!
The National Governing Body certificates I hold (ML Summer, BCU level 4 coach etc) mean little without current logbook details or continuous proffessional development courses to back them up and the courses themselves have changed so much since I took the assessments as to be completely different courses!
Certification may be the way things are going but although they may inspire confidence in your abilities for your clients the only ones that realy mean anything in real terms are your insurance certificates!
Have fun with your training though :)


Jun 22, 2008
John, I know exactly what you mean as I currently hold around a dozen Instructor / Trainer Assessor & Examiner Q's and most of them whilst they may impress students & employers have no actual worth to me other than to allow me to practice my craft!
I've even got certificates issued by so called experts & professional bodies who knew much less than me about their specialist course content, indeed some of them had never even been employed in that field but were merely generic trainers delivering death by PowerPoint & handout & couldn't answer any questions that weren't covered in the course material!


Full Member
Feb 20, 2012
I agree with you both, but I have been asked 3 times now by different groups and people ( a forest school, a bushcraft company and a private member of the public) to prove I could do the things I claim, now while I know a certificate does not guarneete good sound knowlage, it seems to be what people are after IMHO !

I also the the formal training side of things as its not just about bushcraft skills but also goes in to group dynamics and h and s and all the things that go on behind the scenes.

Hope you enjoy the blog ! I am always pleased to read your comments there is a vast amount of knowlage on here and I am more than happy to tap in to it!!


On a new journey
Will be certainly reading your blog with interest. But as John said don't get too fixated on these current offered qualifications, I have a bail of them in a box somewhere.
I am more interested in someone ability to a) have the knowledge b) the ability to be able to pass that on in a professional and enjoyable way. i have met many people with all the qualification you could imagine but couldn't convey that knowledge; good bushcrafter, but totally pants instructors.
I would however highly recommend you get yourself a basic teaching qualification, as this is a current requirement for teaching in the UK no matter which sector your in. your local college will have courses on. I believe the current minimum requirement is a 730 certificate. The rules do allow you to teach while you're training as well. These course are quite basic and alot of them are state funded, you just need to fill out a form from your local council.
I wish you luck in your adventure, and hope it brings you what you want

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Dec 11, 2006
You write quite well, I found it quite easy to read. I agree with not fixating on the qualifications, a lot of people going to your blog are probably wanting to learn bushcraft skills rather than become an instructor so you might want to get some tutorials up.
Oh and pictures, it is all text so far so breaking up the bulk of the text with a few "action" pics should make it more accessible.

Look forward to reading more.


Full Member
Feb 20, 2012
Hi cheese monster,

Thanks for your comment I will be adding pictures and lessons as I go, I am glad you enjoyed read and hope you continue to over time,




May 28, 2012
great blog, i know that school well, im currently in training to become an instructor also, ill be reading your blog with interest.

good luck in the training also.


Full Member
Feb 20, 2012
Hi Fellas and a Merry Christmas,

I will be posting some beginner bushcraft subjects on my blog, in the new year and was just wondering if anyone would like any subjects covering? If you do just tell me what you would like and I shall cover it and hopefully it will help some people out.

Any ideas?

Cheers JB


Full Member
Mar 28, 2011
Handdrill from scratch? If you can? There's no really good guide to that anywhere that I'm aware of you'd be filling a gap in the market!:)


Full Member
Feb 20, 2012
Any more for any more or is that it ,
I was thinking starting with basic kit, then shelter, water, food ect ect input would be greatly appreciated

Cheers JB


Full Member
Feb 20, 2012
Hi all,

Hope you had a great Christmas,just to let you know my next blog will becoming in the next few days.

I will be covering Bergen packing, with a how to pack guide for those that are interested.




May 22, 2011
march, cambs
Hi all,

Hope you had a great Christmas,just to let you know my next blog will becoming in the next few days.

I will be covering Bergen packing, with a how to pack guide for those that are interested.



Excellent John!! thats something I would be very interested in seeing!!
Hi guys,

Just thought I would let you know that my blog has been updated with a new post, I would be greatful if its not to much trouble for some feed back, I am new to blogging and would be interested if its enjoyable to read.

If people are interested then I will carry on !!



Hi John.
I would say that your blog should just really be like you are writing your own persoal journal. Just jot things down as you do the practicals, and attend the courses. Then write it up. I like reading blogs that are straight from your mind. None of this clinical checking the dictionary every 5 minutes and then re-writing. Just tell it like as is.


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