bridgewater canal Around boothstown.


Jan 26, 2007
Hi all its blogg time again.

Today Lin (swimbo),Helen (stu's swimbo),stu and myself went for a paddle. As we wanted to get our better halves into open boats on their own. Just an excuse so i can get another canoe. We decided on a nice and easy paddle around a fixed point rather than a trip. After a natter we opted for the Bridgewater canal as nobody has paddled it before. We met up at Boothstown marina at 10.30 and got the canoes ready. It was also a chance for me to have another go in the 16 footer and to see the new 14 foot white water boat :red: . its the small white one in the middle. :red: :red:


Off we set down the canal after chatting with the marina guys about parking. They said we could park there and even let us use the loo's nice guys.

Soon to be chased by 5 canal boats.


As this was relaxed paddle with time to learn and teach it was nice and easy going messing about trying different strokes. Soon we came across some really nice houses and an off shoot. At the left side of the piccy is a small branch that we explored.


After using the paddles as poles and beaching a couple of times on the silt we entered into a turn around.........but Stu had just paddled into this area before us and he was no where to be seen.......:eek:


As i paddled into the corner to see if Stu had sunk.... i spotted this


And much to my relief i could see Stu in the distance. :puppy_dog i didnt panic honest.:puppy_dog As I emerged stu was chuckling away knowing what i had been thinking........ I did consider sinking him but reckoned he would get the better of me so i left him alone....:BlueTeamE

Anyway onwards down the canal and past a development of houses that will be selling for £450,000 :Wow: :Wow: :Wow: :Wow: :Wow: in this financial climate......I dont doubt they will sell as the area is very snooty.:confused:

Then is was past the dry docks


and time for a brew. After the brew stop we opted to paddle back to the cars and have a play in the marina basin.



Back at the marina we had another brew and chatted about the new canoe and how i wanted my 16 foot fitting out when I order it. then it was PLAY TIME :red: .....:red:

First Lin had a go in the 14 ft



then I had a bash




It turned on a dime and felt really stable even when "giving it some" as they say around boothstown. I cannot wait to get my hands on one when they go into production. it will be the perfect compliment to the 16 ft. All I have to do now is convince Lin that we now need 2 canoes not just 1......and I thought I had had a hard time convincing her that we needed the 16.

Debating the benefits of having 2 canoes....:D :D :D :D Apparently we look like the flumps or garden gnomes. Beware this next piccy is what happens when you make your own kit as everything else just isnt right..........

You have been warned.....


then it was off to the pub for a pint and further negotiations around the 2 canoe issue....:rolleyes: :D ;) :D

Cheers for reading Greg


Apr 14, 2008
It was a nice day out in the sun. We will have to get back down there and do more exploring. As it is just around the corner from middlewood.


Next time you go there can I come please. Im still waiting for a decent oppertunity to try my inflatable canoe. Its a couple a motorway junctions from me as well.



Jan 26, 2007
Next time you go there can I come please. Im still waiting for a decent oppertunity to try my inflatable canoe. Its a couple a motorway junctions from me as well.


Yea no worries mate this trip was organised at the very last minute so I didnt get time to post up....whos coming. I will have to get by backside in gear and organise another group paddle somewhere as the last one we did down the river mersey was a good laugh.

Cheers Greg


Jan 26, 2007
looks like fantastic fun I should go take some lessons i think

They are great fun and we have yet to have a bad day out even in the wind ,rain and constant sinking.

As far as lessons and starting canoeing there are 2 ways to start up

1--- Get some lessons, join your local canoeing club then get a canoe, follow all of their advice and paddle safely and efficiently for the rest of your life.

Or My way

2---- buy a canoe, paddle it everywhere as much as possible, attempting strokes and skills that are beyond my current skill level- but if they can do it in a book why cant I ;) type logic. Try and paddle with people who are better then you are who will push your boundaries , try and gauge risk against skill factor and fear factor.......get it right most of the time, well at least not that wrong that I am no longer here :eek: ........and be prepared to sink an lot :D :D :D :D .

Sometimes I wish I had done it the first way, but never mind its too late now :p :p :p



Aug 4, 2008
Hi Greg, I'm quite new on here I read your post with interest as I too am a canoeist and paddle the canals as my user name suggest ,
Whilst reading your blogg I thought they are not canoeist, then you mentioned a brew stop,I thought now they are canoeist then I spotted Quentin and now I know you are canoeist, enjoyed your Blogg and pics, may see you on the water sometime, in the meantime Happy Paddling Bill


Jan 26, 2007
Hi Greg, I'm quite new on here I read your post with interest as I too am a canoeist and paddle the canals as my user name suggest ,
Whilst reading your blogg I thought they are not canoeist, then you mentioned a brew stop,I thought now they are canoeist then I spotted Quentin and now I know you are canoeist, enjoyed your Blogg and pics, may see you on the water sometime, in the meantime Happy Paddling Bill

Hi Bill you might know me from sotp where i go under the same screen name ;) .
A paddle is not a paddle without a brew stop :lmao:
Hopefully we will get out for a paddle sometime drop me a pm if you are up in our neck of the woods anytime.
Welcome to the fireside
Cheers Greg


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