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  • You mean like a nice new bushcraft knife? No, afraid not :) Did you? Other than socks and suchlike, I didn't know what to ask for this year. Christmas arrived all of a sudden and most of us weren't prepared, so I haven't actually got the present from my parents yet (they gave me a stand-in box of crystallised fruits until I get whatever it is they wanted to give me).

    I did an all-nighter last night finishing making the things I was giving people, then wrapping them so I could fill stockings before my little nieces and nephews woke up. Had a quick nap between 7am and 10am, but don't feel too bad atm. Must be the practice I got at the bushmoot! It was all worth it - the nieces and nephews say they're having a wonderful time and there has been a lot of giggling going on, though they're all in bed and quiet again now. :D
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