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  • That was the knife I intended to buy but when I tried it in the shop it didn't fit my hand.
    Hi, yep still here, how yer doing.
    got my dd frontline hammock: yet to field try. Junglie boots: wearing in nicely. Burghaus "Crusader" 80-120: seems comfortable enough at 25Kg for a few hours.
    Its my legs that have sufferd too many years of sedentry use since the hip and pelvic injuries, so more practice in the hills required.
    Will try to get to the next meet, Last Thurs in the month?? Oh and I bought a Gary Mills "timberwolf" knife. It holds the most amazing edge.
    thanks for the link, Whne I was a kid I used to sleep upside down like a bat
    I wonder what that says about me!!
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