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  • Can't you get one of your customers to pay half up front so you can afford the paint? Or talk to your bank manager n get a loan?
    Na - he was fine. They did another performance at 6, and he stood up and sang with all the others, so his daddy could be proud of him :)
    "Soft delete"??? Sounds interesting - I haven't tried deleting conversations yet. Anyway, I best be off to make myself a bacon butty to keep me going through a whole day of work tomorrow. Na night! Sleep well.
    Here we go - blurred barn owl hunting

    There are pics on the canoe club website of me surfing too ;)
    I'm the one in pic no.2 who isn't looking dynamic. Lol!
    lol...Oh fer a proper Job....I miss a regular wage love....havin' t' rob Peter t' pay Paul is gettin' a little tiresome.....but We shall soldier on...managed t' pay fer a couple o' pressies out o' me recent online sales an' I've been workin' again in the merchandise job I've had fer many years... (Will young last night.groan....but QUO on friday!....hussah!
    Aw - when do you get the results?
    I'm enjoying part timery - this is SO the lifestyle I want ;) Saw Mrs Chalwin today - I don't think I ever knew her first name? Anyway, she came in when it was really busy, so I didn't get a chance to chat properly. Shame, as I like her and Zoe. Aparently, Zoe is down here too somewhere.
    Took Ginni to lunch at Lavenders today - opportunity to stock up with their totally drool-worthy locally (well, north Cornwall) oak-smoked bacon...I nearly ate tomorrows sandwiches this evening!!!
    Right, off to make a cup of decaff an a poached egg with hot buttered toast :p
    Susie's just called, so will catch up with the gossip later too.
    Have a good evening sweetie!!
    I'm here!!! Supposed to be sorting out addresses and letters for Christmas. But need a cup of coffee again now...
    You'll be pleased to know the Tawny owl is still here hoo hooing by your bedroom at all hours of the night. But the barn owl I haven't seen at this end of the farm - it just likes hunting over mum's woods. Due to her woods bein' Cornish and a bit more like 1 foot sticks poking out of a ground largely covered by grass, brambles and low-growin' herbs, there are a lot of little fat rodenty beasties living over there - well worth swooping low over and seein' what's what.
    Noooooo - where are ye when I'm feeling like a chat??? I went for a little walk just now and saw Mr Barn owl hunting over mum's woods. Gorgeous!!! :)'s because you commented that the Ninja makes yer bum look big. It was your own words. :D
    3 days a week - that's great! Bit of extra money AND socialising. Sorted. :)
    My hands aren't that bad really yet - the sheepskin tanning was really hard on them - especially the scraping. But kayaking is fine, so hopefully there's still plenty of mileage to be had before I'm crippled. And even then, I could take up boxing. ;)
    Sounds good.....get yersel' a cheap laptop....they're much cheapness for one that's a couple o' years old.....think carphonewarehouse were GIVIN' them away this
    It's so FRUSTRATING!!!! Anyway, evening time atm, so my hands work and I could even make a hash of playin' the piano or the ancient and dangerous game of "tickle Roger's poll"
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