There is a high risk to become depressive if you don't see enough sunlight
People differ. I’m told it has something to do with chemical make up/genetics/culture.
In my case, I suffer no ill effects from being nocturnal. I worked a night shift for several years in my sixties. There were a group of us who volunteered for permanent night work when the company couldn’t find enough people to operate a rotating shift pattern. These days I live a compromise. I rise at around 10pm and sleep around 2am but then I don’t have many time commitments.
All of us who are healthy can endure a night out soaked to the skin and cold (not freezing) but why on Earth would we want to? Our species learned to keep warm before it risked migrating away from the equator.
What we do “outdoors” is a compromise. “Shelter” starts with a thermal base layer and two pairs of socks. It extends outwards through fleece or similar mid-layers to an outer hooded jacket, hat, technical pants plus salopettes, boots and poncho. Why spend the energy and a huge amount of time (ref: videos posted here) making a shelter when a tent is just one more layer on top of your kit!
( I can’t see building a shelter as meritorious, necessary or heroic but I do recognise that it can be fun for those of us who enjoy practicing the skills and keeping them alive. Bushcraft is identity as much as it is anything.)
pee ess - I play a tactical game of strip poker!