What do you not eat that therefore makes you "weird"?


Life Member
Jan 18, 2009
Mid Wales
Ah yes, the smell of Asbach brandy; one sniff and I retch. Comes from getting drunk on it the night before I was on exercise in a main battle tank; nothing like a hangover and undulating terrain in a tracked vehicle to turn you green :)

The Germans are good at many things, but making brandy isn't one of them IMO.


Apr 16, 2009
Mostly other folks seem to find other peoples food allergies, dislikes, etc., as a deliberate inconvenience and sometimes and affront to them.
I’ve been working in a pub kitchen and you wouldn’t believe the attention seeking eaters we get in. One lady recently had the chef go out twice to the table (it’s a busy kitchen, and there are other diners), to put the woman’s mind to rest about gluten and lactose. And then ordered profiteroles for her pudding. So the chef went out a third time to suggest she didn’t eat them. She replied she’d been good all evening and would ‘take a chance on them’. He was bloody furious, well we all were, that she was sucking it up worse than a vegan at a bbq.

I won’t eat shellfish, chitterlings, or Andouillettes. They all either remind me of, or taste of, poo.
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Nov 6, 2008
I’ve been working in a pub kitchen and you wouldn’t believe the attention seeking eaters we get in. One lady recently had the chef go out twice to the table (it’s a busy kitchen, and there are other diners), to put the woman’s mind to rest about gluten and lactose. And then ordered profiteroles for her pudding. So the chef went out a third time to suggest she didn’t eat them. She replied she’d been good all evening and would ‘take a chance on them’. He was bloody furious, well we all were, that she was sucking it up worse than a vegan at a bbq.

I won’t eat shellfish, chitterlings, or Andouillettes. They all either remind me of, or taste of, poo.
I had to endure Tripe as a child.

I share your pain...


Apr 16, 2009
I carry an epi-pen for cleg bites, but your allergy is scary. Gin is such a big bit of bar/ cocktail mixes, that it must be really hard to avoid. At least mine is limited to just a few months of the year. You don't get a break.

Just as a bit of info, and I’m sure you know this Mary. Epipen is only for use in an anaphylactic situation, this is when the blood pressure drops and then so does the person. Epipen is a big dose of wiz.

I got given one for hive reactions by a nurse. I found out afterwards that if I’d used it with the banging high blood pressure and hive type reaction, I could have killed myself. Or bust some moves on the dancefloor, obviously :D


Apr 16, 2009
100% with you on the Andouillettes; you can't compare it shellfish though :)

Used to love shellfish, but the last two times I’ve had mussels, I’ve had a violent reaction and ’bathroom campout’. Never used to, we used to harvest mussels and winkles off Bognor beach (none there now) and take them home to eat. It’s not a food I’ll miss, but I liked the foraging when I was a boy. We used to grab the Sea Kale too, and I don’t miss that much either.

Holidays were either Dorset for fossils and Carnelians (pretty boring but semi precious stones) or Cornwall for mussels, Morecambe for cockles and shrimp. The sea was cleaner in the 70’s, we used to snorkel off the beach at Pagham over rock beds with lobsters running about the place.

Shellfish is pretty much a bottom feeder or filter feeder however you look at it, it’s never been a huge part of my diet. Here on the south coast were huge oyster beds, they fed the Romans and we still find heaps of shells. The South Downs are made of fossilised crustaceans (chalk). But this was before we polluted our seas and rivers.

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Jan 21, 2005
S. Lanarkshire
Just as a bit of info, and I’m sure you know this Mary. Epipen is only for use in an anaphylactic situation, this is when the blood pressure drops and then so does the person. Epipen is a big dose of wiz.

I got given one for hive reactions by a nurse. I found out afterwards that if I’d used it with the banging high blood pressure and hive type reaction, I could have killed myself. Or bust some moves on the dancefloor, obviously :D

Yes, you're right. I do know, and my family know that it's only to be used if I am actually going into anaphylactic shock.
Apparently if I present at hospital even with anaphylactic shock their first option is intravenous anti-histamines. An epi pen dose is a kind of really hard thing on the body and I must go to hospital asap.

My Doctor became really concerned when I arrived to see him on 'urgent appointment' twice in a month. The second time I was shaky and my blood pressure, which is normally rock solid stable, was going a bit haywire. The feeling of having a bird trapped in my chest as my heart reacted too was the last straw, and he said, "You are getting an epi-pen, and you will carry it, and if needed you will use it"
Thank every blooming deity out there, but I've never needed it yet. Long may that last.


Something rather odd there @Nice65
It says at the bottom of your post that it was last edited by Toddy at 10.31 pm yesterday.

I didn't edit your post.

I'm going to flag this for Admin methinks.



Apr 16, 2009

It is probably because I quoted a bit of your post, and it was your edit in your post from August last year? Dunno, but likely.

The quote and then use X button to run out all of the post you don’t want to post is slow and clunky, I’m sure I do it wrong, I might have left a scrap.


Jan 21, 2005
S. Lanarkshire
It's the one with the shellfish photos.
Just a rather odd bit.....unless I have clicked the Like and I had already Liked the post ?
Might be that...maybe ?
Don't know. I'll click the Like again, and we'll see.

Sorry, taken the thread OT :shameful:

Nope, clicking the Like didn't change the edited by Toddy bit. :sigh:


Full Member
Jul 31, 2016
The only thing I have tried and cannot eat is rhubarb. Don't know why, it just makes me gip. Fine with rhubarb and custard sweets though Probably top of the list of things I won't eat is chicken hotdogs. The though of sausages made with meat reclaimed by jet washing carcasses in a factory just doesnt float my boat.
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