SJ4000 WiFi Action Camera Review (and Discount)


Making memories since '67
I've posted this review on and am repeating it here as I am sure members have looked at these and like me wondered if they are any use. I've also checked with the supplier that BCUK members can use the discount code too ;)

A few weeks ago the folks at contacted me to see if I would review a few products. Once it was made clear I was free to give an honest review I agreed. Also as a bonus they agreed to a discount for SotP and BCUK members for a period after the review was posted.

The first thing I have been sent for review is the SJ4000 Wifi Action Cam, see here These clearly started as a GoPro copy, however, they have developed a strong following and have begun to develop in their own right. So much so that you now get clones of the SJ4000. The SJ does have some features the GoPro does not, like Motion Detection and they had a screen before the GoPro, also they come with way more accessories. However I am getting ahead of myself.

I was going to use the camera for a few weeks before posting the review but as the clock is ticking on the discount I am doing the review fairly quickly and will come back with more details as I test the camera more.

First off you can see the specs from the link above so I won't repeat them all here. A couple of things worth clarifying. It will record in full 1080 HD at 30 frames a second. The 60 frames a second at 720 is a waste of time as it just copies each of the frames to double up from 30 to 60, so stick with the 30 fps setting.

Also this is only a 3 megapixel sensor so ignore all the photo resolutions above this. They are just interpolated up and wasting memory space and processing power. This lower resolution sensor may actually help with low light recording and picture taking as each photosite will be larger than a higher resolution sensor of the same dimensions.

So what do you get. This is how it arrives.



And this is what is inside.


There are various mounts and brackets for fitting the camera to pretty much anything. There are also different cases for the camera for allowing better sound recording or the one that makes it fully waterproof. I have built up a similar set of OEM mountings for my GoPro and probably spent about a third of the price of this camera in doing so.

It is also worth mentioning these mountings are almost all compatible with the GoPro. I say almost all as while the SJ4000 will fit in all GoPro and aftermarket mountings the GoPro original buckles will not fit in the two baseplates supplied with this camera. Not an issue unless you are going to mix and match this camera with a GoPro.

Lets take a closer look at the camera. First in the waterproof housing.




And out of the housing.



Before you start using the camera you need to add a Micro SD card and charge up the battery. While the camera is charging you can use the camera and look at the settings. This brings me to the first topic I want to cover.

Ease of Use

Bare in mind through all of this the only previous experience I have of Action Cameras is using a GoPro Hero 4 Silver which costs 5 times the SJ4000 WiFi. This is worth remembering when I say the ease of using the SJ4000 menu for settings etc is way better than the GoPro. My GoPro does have a touch screen that makes things easier but using the physical buttons is a pain in the bum. The SJ4000 is logically set out and easy to navigate by comparison.

My only slight complaint is that so far I have not found where to change the default setting that the camera turns on with. It defaults to video but perversely I prefer photo to be the default. It does remember all the settings you have for resolution etc but if you are taking pictures and power it off. It will be in video mode when you turn it on. It is easy to switch onto photo mode but you do need to remember to do so.

Wifi / App

I have only tested this with the Iphone IOS app but understand the Android app to be similar in form and function. Again from a connection point of view I found this more reliable and quicker to connect than the GoPro. The lag on the feed from the camera seems less too. That said there have been a couple of times when it has frozen for a few seconds before picking the feed up again. You can change settings on the camera and start, stop recording, picture taking all from within the app. You can also transfer pictures and video straight to your phone from the app. Handy for some quick editing or posting to your favourite canoe or bushcraft forum ;)

There is a non WiFi version of the SJ4000 which is functionally identical to this model except there is no WifI and so no connection to the phone apps.


Well the quality of the build of the camera is not quite up to the standard of the GoPro but the example I have is perfectly functional and not badly made. The quality of the cases and accessories is all good with everything looking as if it will take plenty of abuse. I certainly have no concerns about the waterproofness of the case.

Photo quality? At this point it looks good to me. It is 3 megapixel which sounds bad these days but is really good enough for any normal sized printing and allows loads of scope for cropping for online use.

Here is the first photo I took just in the kitchen. This, as with all the pictures, is full frame but resized and compressed by Photobucket.


And another example in my office this morning


And from lunchtime when I nicked out to Glasgow Green to sit in the sun and have a coffee, as well as to play with the camera.


Video quality seems good. You do not get the high frame rates available with the GoPro but for normal use this is not an issue for me. As soon as the battery was charged I took some very random footage in the garden and loaded it up last night. Again YouTube will have compressed this. It looked clean and bright on my monitor. As I use the camera more I will revisit this. Anyway the test footage.


Uses and Value for Money

I've combined these two as it is the range of uses that makes this such good value for money. Without discount this is currently £65.60 including postage from although you may have VAT on this when it comes into the country. It is worth mentioning this to Gearbest when ordering ;)

For this investment you get a capable waterproof video and stills camera. Using the motion detection setting you can rig it as a trail cam for day and twilight use. The same function can be used as a security function. You can take time lapse photos.

The possibilities are near endless. Before I got my GoPro I was not sure about action cameras and if they were worth having. Since getting it I am quite the convert and at this price it is not a huge investment to see if it works for you too.

There is a tendency to keep going for the really high resolution, fast paced cameras but ironically as the resolution of photos has increased the required resolution for use has dropped. In my case 99.9% of my pictures are for online use probably no more than 800 pixels wide (compared to the 2048 pixels wide this camera is taking). Yes you can crop more with more pixels but you could just get closer too and with this wide angle lens you need to be close anyway. With video 100% of my use is YouTube or FaceBook and once they have finished compressing the film I'm not going to be able to tell if this was footage from the SJ4000 or the GoPro unless i it slowed down footage that I shot at a high frame rate. I knew this when I bought my GoPro but I was splashing out for the seamless way it deals with doing time lapse movies but have since found that it is easier to just film and then speed up the film.


So in return for doing the review I received a discount code to be used for members if they want to buy one of these cameras. The discount code is SJ4000 and should bring the price down by about 15% ish. It seems to vary a little with the exchange rate. The discount code is valid till the 10th June 2015 so a little under 2 months from now.

As mentioned I will be testing the camera further and will report back with any further thoughts. In the meantime I'd be interested to hear how others have got on with these cameras and any tips they can give.


See post 6 below for a discount code for the higher spec SJ5000 Plus.
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Aug 24, 2009
Ive just got the Sj5000plus for birthday present, but hasnt been opened yet...

if you sign up with gearbest they give you a 5% off first purchase coupon

SJ4000 has ability to be used as ip camera as well



Aug 24, 2009
I've just found out about the SJCAM SJ5000 plus. The spec of it is much more like the high end GoPro cameras with fast frame rates and much higher pixel count. I'd be interested to see how it compares as a direct competitor to the GoPro

If I remember ill post my findings here

i wanted the higher mp still photos of the 5000+ over the 4000

also i wanted car dashcam mode and motion detection which gopro doesnt have.

i plan to link it with tinycam android app to use as portable cctv/nature cam

If anyone wants just the standard camcorder features, and doesnt want stills, or 60fps video, then i think the 4000 would be the way to go, especially with the above discount.



Making memories since '67
I've heard back from my contact and we have a discount code for the SJ5000 Plus ( This has a 16 megapixel sensor and the fast frame rate options. Their current price is £114.55 including postage and with the discount code it is £97.60 so about 15% again.

The discount code is SJ5000 and is valid till the 23rd July 2015


Full Member
Feb 8, 2010
Funnily enough the day I read this article I'd already bought and received an SJ4000 branded Qumox on Saturday. It was £65 from Amazon without any sort of discount, but doesn't have the WiFi and is 12mpix. It is perfectly adequate for my needs - I don't think the wifi would help that much and 12mpix to 16mpix is probably negligible.

I'd trialled it on the helmet, but felt it was a bit too bulky and insecure. I felt it also was a bit silly and perhaps I needed something smaller - a decision I now regret!

Having recently started cycling in London on Boris Bikes, I'd started to notice the real hate that seems prevalent to a few road users towards cyclists. Yesterday a London bus purposely pulled out on me (I was merging left from another road, they were stationary and indicated just as I came up level with the driver. He then pulled directly towards me pushing me into on coming traffic. He then inched forwards to the stationary traffic to stop me merging into the dedicated cycle lane whilst grinning at me. It couldn't be clearer he was doing this on purpose.

This morning I strapped it on as well as glued the mount so it didn't fall off. Next time someone tries that, I will be reporting them with video evidence. I suspect having the camera mounted on the helmet being more obvious may actually prevent this sort of behaviour if they know they're on camera.

It's easy to remove from the waterproof mount and as it comes with so many mounts, it's not that difficult to keep swapping them round.

I plan to run a dedicated power supply to one for my car as well. They will really be an asset in sorting our insurance claims.


Aug 24, 2009
Funnily enough the day I read this article I'd already bought and received an SJ4000 branded Qumox on Saturday. It was �65 from Amazon without any sort of discount, but doesn't have the WiFi and is 12mpix. It is perfectly adequate for my needs - I don't think the wifi would help that much and 12mpix to 16mpix is probably negligible.

I'd trialled it on the helmet, but felt it was a bit too bulky and insecure. I felt it also was a bit silly and perhaps I needed something smaller - a decision I now regret!

Having recently started cycling in London on Boris Bikes, I'd started to notice the real hate that seems prevalent to a few road users towards cyclists. Yesterday a London bus purposely pulled out on me (I was merging left from another road, they were stationary and indicated just as I came up level with the driver. He then pulled directly towards me pushing me into on coming traffic. He then inched forwards to the stationary traffic to stop me merging into the dedicated cycle lane whilst grinning at me. It couldn't be clearer he was doing this on purpose.

This morning I strapped it on as well as glued the mount so it didn't fall off. Next time someone tries that, I will be reporting them with video evidence. I suspect having the camera mounted on the helmet being more obvious may actually prevent this sort of behaviour if they know they're on camera.

It's easy to remove from the waterproof mount and as it comes with so many mounts, it's not that difficult to keep swapping them round.

I plan to run a dedicated power supply to one for my car as well. They will really be an asset in sorting our insurance claims.

London bike crime like you described is so prevalent, i know of cyclists who moved house away from london because of it

what I would advise is keep the SJ4000 on the bike itself, and put an SJM10 or similar microcam on your helmet mounted like a headtorch
better chance to catch issues, and if you turn head and catch grinning ££$%^ youve got him

dont give up on the safety cams!

one of the best features of the Sj range over gopro is the dashcam mode, which ive yet to try
only just got my SJ5000 out of the box the app looks good with wifi, you can also stream to vlc on a computer.

re the megapizel, the SJ4000 has a cap of about 2mp, basically it just takes a still frame of the HD video, so while the spec mentions higher mp, its not actually the case because of the image sensors used.

i wanted wifi and still photos which is why i went for Sj5000plus
so far ive mounted the cam on a walking pole and used it as a monopod and also with the app on my phone to make a periscope.

ive got an 8x monocular than fits nicely infont of the SJ5000 lens, just need to make a collar.
unfortunately i cant seem to mount it to my pocket microscope

the video on mine can do 60 frames a second, sj4000 range 30frames a second, which only really makes a difference on drones ( avoids interference with blades etc) or for action cam.
so for general video and dashcam work i would recommend the SJ4000

btw, the discount that Magikelly has got for us is the best code around. gearbest is quite a popular supplier of the Sj range and have lots of other gadgets, drones etc, another one being banggood ( I only used them as they had a UK warehouse)

Ogri the trog

Apr 29, 2005
Mid Wales UK
I have logged into Gearbest to create an account, but whenever I try to apply the discount code, it asks me again to "Log In" before applying a discount code. The price today is about �63.71 - which isn't bad but I can't seem to apply the discount mentioned!

Ogri the trog

Edited to add
OOps, realised that you have to activate an account, not just log into it, takes todays price down to £55.63



Ogri the trog
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Making memories since '67
The sensor on the SJ4000 SJCAM is definitely a 3 megapixel one. It took some digging to confirm. The camera giving you 14 megapixel pictures is marketing as they are just interpolated up, however, I don't know what resolution the Qumox one will be as it is a different camera. It is all very complicated with a lot of similar looking cameras about.


Aug 24, 2009
The sensor on the SJ4000 SJCAM is definitely a 3 megapixel one. It took some digging to confirm. The camera giving you 14 megapixel pictures is marketing as they are just interpolated up, however, I don't know what resolution the Qumox one will be as it is a different camera. It is all very complicated with a lot of similar looking cameras about.

forgot you mentioned 3mp in initial post

Sj5k+ should be 16mp, i did a test in dim room of Sj vs the 16mp of my galaxy note 4 and when zoomed in the resolution of parts of the images looked very similar, so i think the 16mp rating is accurate,

incidentily the optical image stabilisation of the note 4 makes quite a difference, no more blurry photos, also has a special digital zoom which combines 4 images to make a better resolution image at high zoom, so i got better images than my 8x monocular could should. most phones digital zoom is naff as they just scale up the image so it gets pizelated, on note 4 it doesnt so much.

Any phone that has OIS cannot use those magnetic lens kits by the way ( i had the macro, fisheye, zoom,nwide angle kit which i can no longer use)

the Sj5k can stream its output to vlc running on pc or phone ( address is rtsp://192.1568.42.1/live ) which could be quite usefull.


Aug 24, 2009

For any Sj5000 bushcrafters

there are several versions of Sj5000 made, batch 1,2,3
Make sure you update to the correct firmware

I had v2.0, ive updated to 2.4 which is a leaked oem version

it means you can wifi on and off on the fly, no reboot.
Also the motion activation is now working, and quite well.

Also since tinycam have updated their IP cam viewer app, ive managed to make it work with that

so with my Sj5k attached to trecking pole with bike handle mount.

I can use tasker app, wifi connect plugin and tinycam to with one icon press, connect to wifi of sj5k, and open up a pop up to appear on screen showing footage which makes a handy periscope.

Also you can use tinycam to make a battery powered ip security system to make phone sound an alarm when the app detects motion in the cam.

you could do this with a phones built in cam but this would be independent and can run in the background.

Also cam could be plugged in to a solar battery pack for example.
need to be carefull of overheating.

Yep, I am indeed a geek.


Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Jul 16, 2009
In the woods if possible.
Thanks very much for this review, I've read through it with great interest.

I have a couple of questions, please forgive me if I've missed anything that might answer them.

1. Does the camera carry on working while it's charging? Some seem not to.

2. What sort of range could I expect from the WiFi link if I use a simple antenna such as the little lollipop stick things you see on home routers etc?


Aug 24, 2009
Thanks very much for this review, I've read through it with great interest.

I have a couple of questions, please forgive me if I've missed anything that might answer them.

1. Does the camera carry on working while it's charging? Some seem not to.

2. What sort of range could I expect from the WiFi link if I use a simple antenna such as the little lollipop stick things you see on home routers etc?

Re Sj5000+
1, when you plug in a usb and it is plugged in to phone/computer you get the option of storage ( acts as memory stick) charge ( turns off and keeps charging) or DV ( reboots but is then useable as camera
I have a feeling you cant do this with gopros
Ive had it working in car and on battery pack for a while.

2. Today I did a test and it was about 25m, the wifi aerial in the camera is quite small after all
NB the camera acts as an access point not a client,
the may be a way to use a LAN AP in wireless bridge mode and connect it, and then rebroadcast on a more powerfull network

Ive just done some tests and managed to link up my monocular to the cam, and also my pocket microscope and even a magnifying glass to use as a macro lens.
But with microscope/monocular you only get a round hole of view, it is a fisheye lens after all.

SD card compatibility is a big issue, im using a 64gb and it isnt very stable, when used as dash cam often finds it hasnt been recording, might be heating related as it seems fine in afternoon.
Going to try on a 32gb this week,

As the card is easily popped out, 32gb should be fine.

I would recommend form anyone considering a SJcam4k/5k to get a battery pack ( smartphone type) as they only have about 45 minute record time, and possibly spare batteries for the cam, they are cheap and tiny.

Also an OTG cable and usb microsd card reader would be usefull, although as a 32gb card is only £10, probably easier just to swop cards out.

the photo quality is good but as I said before, if its mainly video you are after, id go for the 4000, and Magikellys discount is the best around
Also his other post re the solar panel looks very tempting and I could see it being usefull with an SJCam for nature recording especially

Anyone feel free to PM any questions re SJ5k+


This post has lots of usefull info as well


Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Jul 16, 2009
In the woods if possible.
Thanks very much for the feedback!

Re Sj5000+
1, when you plug in a usb and it is plugged in to phone/computer you get the option of storage ( acts as memory stick) charge ( turns off and keeps charging) or DV ( reboots but is then useable as camera

So to be clear - it can operate as a camera while taking its power from the USB cable?

2. Today I did a test and it was about 25m, the wifi aerial in the camera is quite small after all
NB the camera acts as an access point not a client ...

That's fine, if you can get 25m like that then with a cantenna or something with a bit of gain it could easily do what I want. AP/Ad-hoc/Master/whatever isn't an issue for me.

it is a fisheye lens after all.

Yeah, that's the main thing that's stopping me rushing out and getting one. :)

SD card compatibility is a big issue, im using a 64gb and it isnt very stable, when used as dash cam often finds it hasnt been recording, might be heating related as it seems fine in afternoon.
Going to try on a 32gb this week

Just remind me - how many hours of video is 64GB? :)

Is the 4000 more or less the same apart from optics/pixels/frame rate?

Thanks again.


Aug 24, 2009
Thanks very much for the feedback!

Just remind me - how many hours of video is 64GB? :)

Is the 4000 more or less the same apart from optics/pixels/frame rate?

Thanks again.

32gb would do about 4 hrs, in chunks

would recommend 32gb for stability.

also if its for video, 4000 over 5000


Aug 24, 2009
Jester bushcraft has been doing a series on youtube of SJ4000 tips and diy mods

ive moded a microscope attachment, macro lens and zoom lens using a monocular


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