Fear of testicular torsion


Hill Dweller
Sep 17, 2003
The local loon when we were kids was called mental daz. He was renowned locally, as he once hurdled a wooden fence with barbed wire wearing shorts and ripped his sack open......
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May 12, 2004
The local loon when we were kids was called mental daz. He was renowned locally, as he once hurdled a wooden fence with barbed wire wearing shorts and ripped his sack open......

'World champion barbed wire hurdler until his tragic accident.'



Full Member
Jan 31, 2005
That's the idea. TurboGirl's the expert so we'll need her opinion but it looks to me as though there'd be enough hair to try 4 or 5 different techniques. We have the Veet, fire and flint so far. Any idea for 2 more?

Huon, some culture use rolling twine to remove hairs, very similar to what happens when making twine on your leg. So we could have Veet, fire, flint and twine removal and creation all in one demo. I also recon pine resin spread onto hairy skin, then some fine cotton strips applies would act like waxing and would add extra insulation to the fabric with the hair and the "Sub-zero Crew" could make some cold weather gear out of it. John will become a teaching legend like Larrs and Ray after this, he cant turn it down.


May 12, 2004
Huon, some culture use rolling twine to remove hairs, very similar to what happens when making twine on your leg. So we could have Veet, fire, flint and twine removal and creation all in one demo. I also recon pine resin spread onto hairy skin, then some fine cotton strips applies would act like waxing and would add extra insulation to the fabric with the hair and the "Sub-zero Crew" could make some cold weather gear out of it. John will become a teaching legend like Larrs and Ray after this, he cant turn it down.

I hadn't realised that we were doing John such a favour. Perhaps we can tell TurboGirl that she no longer needs to pay for the privilege and get John to foot the bill instead.

Twine removal with natural cordage would be perfect and the pine pitch hot wax would combine nicely with the fire-based removal techniques. There are some interesting and innovative ideas in play here. Perhaps there may actually be marketable product coming out of this. Even if there is nothing useful I'm sure this will go viral once the YouTube footage goes up. :D


May 27, 2011
I'm sorry, lifes too short for a woman who has done all her birthing and doesn't have daughters... think I'll stick with my Cider with Rosie :)

What?! You're clearing not putting enough prepping in for being a Mother-in-law. :)

So she proves that being upright hasn't affected the ease of birth and that our cultures influences on birth (maternal obesity, lowered pain threasholds etc) isn't undermining our choices to have children naturally? Amazing :)

The Condensed version is....

In the Womb, you have vertical muscles that push down and make contractions. You have ring shaped muscles at the bottom that "Close the Door".

When you get scared the ring shaped muscles Close.

None of this made sense to me until I saw a Wildebeast on some David Attenborough program that had started birthing and the calf's front legs were sticking out past the knees. Then a Lion came along and the whole heard walked off. The Wildebeast in question simply shut down the birthing process by Closing up and then getting up and walking off with the rest of the heard.

Th gist of Hypnobirthing is that you shouldn't be pushing through a closed door and that it is this that causes the majority of pain.

But women have been made scared of birthing so this is what they are doing. The Hypno part is about doing away with the fear, so that the door remains open.

But it's been taken up a level since then with "Orgasmic Birthing".
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Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Sep 8, 2011
I think if I got near the poor love with napped flint, the demo would include on the spot split sack repairs (and possible black eye cures!) too... if we could catch him! Its amazing that an infection should carry up the leg and into into a gonad, how unlucky were you, Stig :S Is there any relief or first aid for that kinda internalised thing? I'm guessing eat loads of garlic and a LOT of sympathy ;) Hubby had an infected one a few years back but he's not one for homegrown first aid so it was antibiotics, he refuses all my gentle ministrations... :eek: Maybe Veet could be used purposefully to encourage blood flow to the area... ralgex, maybe.... we'll try it on the least succesful experiment on John ,shall we... :) Mrs Fenna might end up warming to the result :rolleyes:

I love those veet amazon reveiws, BR, its always better to giggle at self inflicted pain- I find my guilt spoils the intentional variety. The ideas of tar are wonderful- infact some cultures burn the hair so a good thick layer, rip off and set a bushfire with the rest, whaddya reckon?! And we could sell the resultant mirkin back to the metros in the winter! Win-win ;)

(Cross post with Swallow... I'll read that lovey, looks interesting :))


Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Sep 8, 2011
Interesting stuff in your post, Swallow :) I didn't believe in the ability to leave childbed so quickly until I had a situation in stage 2 labour where I had to jump off the bed and would have been out the window if the nurses hadn't held on hard ;) So I'm a big believer in that one! And pleasure in birth... yeah, for sure, though I heard one poor deluded geezer refering to it in the pub as 'a womans ultimate orgasm' which pretty well ended HIS love life ;)

Stage 1 labour, where the contractions are pulling the cervix back to dilate it, was the painful bit but I'm lucky, despite being attacked on my hospital delivery bed first time and forgotton in the ward store cupboard for the second one, it was ok ;) Should have stuck to my guns and insisted on home births though.


Full Member
Jan 31, 2005
Being honest the only births I've helped in are sheep, goats, cattle and horses. Sheep seem to have it easiest - but then I don't really connect with sheep so it's more of a job, goats I like a lot but they seem to get on OK, cows make a lot of noise and it can be hard going - for everyone concerned they're just huge and heavy. And everyone is always very precious about the horses - but the foals are cute. C section on a cow is not a fun night though.


May 12, 2004
Being honest the only births I've helped in are sheep, goats, cattle and horses. Sheep seem to have it easiest - but then I don't really connect with sheep so it's more of a job, goats I like a lot but they seem to get on OK, cows make a lot of noise and it can be hard going - for everyone concerned they're just huge and heavy. And everyone is always very precious about the horses - but the foals are cute. C section on a cow is not a fun night though.

It strikes me that we're going a little off topic with the childbirth posts and the BS&C posts. This is very discourteous to the OP and we need to move this thread back on topic ASAP. Personally I think the obvious way to do this would be to introduce some testicle de-torsioning into the BS&C exercises. That way we can follow forum etiquette and increase the educational value of John's suffering... I mean demonstration.


Full Member
Jan 31, 2005
It strikes me that we're going a little off topic with the childbirth posts and the BS&C posts. This is very discourteous to the OP and we need to move this thread back on topic ASAP. Personally I think the obvious way to do this would be to introduce some testicle de-torsioning into the BS&C exercises. That way we can follow forum etiquette and increase the educational value of John's suffering... I mean demonstration.

Do we have to pre-torsion him first? and how? We could have a nice pagan pink spork Maypole for him to dance around. Get everyone to bring cordage, wrap it around his waist then pull quickly while he's standing on some slippy bluebells. Get some eagles talons and hang him up like in the film "A Man Called Horse" then twist him 'round. Again all working towards this Fenna smorgasbord of learning.

John Fenna

Lifetime Member & Maker
Oct 7, 2006
Do we have to pre-torsion him first? and how? We could have a nice pagan pink spork Maypole for him to dance around. Get everyone to bring cordage, wrap it around his waist then pull quickly while he's standing on some slippy bluebells. Get some eagles talons and hang him up like in the film "A Man Called Horse" then twist him 'round. Again all working towards this Fenna smorgasbord of learning.

This is so not going to happen......


May 12, 2004
Do we have to pre-torsion him first? and how? We could have a nice pagan pink spork Maypole for him to dance around. Get everyone to bring cordage, wrap it around his waist then pull quickly while he's standing on some slippy bluebells. Get some eagles talons and hang him up like in the film "A Man Called Horse" then twist him 'round. Again all working towards this Fenna smorgasbord of learning.

That sounds like a definite plan. If we could introduce childbirth into that mix then we could keep everyone happy. Unlikely I'd have thought yet modern medical science is truly amazing.


Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Sep 8, 2011
... If we could introduce childbirth into that mix then we could keep everyone happy......
There was Mesquites video of the 2 lads recieving an hours worth of simulated contractions, being motor traders we often get old batteries that are still good for a few volts and I have jump leads for crocodile clips?? We're on it, John, doncha worry ;)


May 12, 2004
There was Mesquites video of the 2 lads recieving an hours worth of simulated contractions, being motor traders we often get old batteries that are still good for a few volts and I have jump leads for crocodile clips?? We're on it, John, doncha worry ;)

John prefers a small carbon footprint so perhaps something greener? Do you have anything we can drive off wind or water? Maybe we could something up to a bike and people could pay for a turn :)


Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Interesting stuff in your post, Swallow :) I didn't believe in the ability to leave childbed so quickly until I had a situation in stage 2 labour where I had to jump off the bed and would have been out the window if the nurses hadn't held on hard ;) So I'm a big believer in that one! And pleasure in birth... yeah, for sure, though I heard one poor deluded geezer refering to it in the pub as 'a womans ultimate orgasm' which pretty well ended HIS love life ;)

Stage 1 labour, where the contractions are pulling the cervix back to dilate it, was the painful bit but I'm lucky, despite being attacked on my hospital delivery bed first time and forgotton in the ward store cupboard for the second one, it was ok ;) Should have stuck to my guns and insisted on home births though.

The orgasmic childbirth thing came from Michel Odent, he is wrong, he is a bloke , and i am yet to meet any woman that agrees. I had a home birth for my second, you cant feel free to scream in a terraced house, I couldn't say it was less painful just a lot less degrading. first stage I say felt like throwing up in the wrong direction, not painful, just something that isn't much of a laugh, and second stage felt like a naga chillis. My ex brother in law got testicular torsion while running down the stairs when he was in his late teens, he passed out through the pain. My old man got a testicle ripped open while nursing the mentally ill, he didnt loose consciencious, but wished he did. It got it sewn all back together, but the tubes were very damaged, and it can still give him pain. How ever i reckon Kidney pain by far out marks childbirth on the pain steaks. Having a 4 inch nail wound on my foot cleaned out is the worst pain I have ever had.
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Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Sep 8, 2011
Ohhh, wound cleaning.... I remember my MIL having to use some fizzy bleach thing on sores from her nodule arthritis on her feet, the lass was as strong a northern stock as you can get but she would go gray as she patiently bathed and cleaned them herself :(

Isn't it strange how we experience pain differently? Even as mothers in childbirth, there's no way women and men could possibly compare or deny each others capacity or degree when its all different person to person :) Theres only willowbark to assist pain, isn't there, any other relief is achieved by adressing the cause... I'm guessing you'll be able to inform us of others, Xylaria? We may have need of some for a freind.... ;)

Andy BB

Full Member
Apr 19, 2010
...back to the wicki explanation, anyone else have a childish snigger at the "The most common underlying cause is a congenital malformation known as a "bell-clapper deformity"?


Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Jan 25, 2011
North Yorkshire, UK
I've had kidneystones. Talking to a nurse about it (she had kids), she said what made it worse than childbirth is that the pain hits - and doesn't go away, doesn't diminish, can stay like that for hours without relief. And you have no idea when it might let up, could be days.

Testicular torsion is possibly the same. Testicle pain (from being thumped or whatever) is hard to explain - it isn't really the pain that's the difficult bit, it is the sensation. Instantly robs you off all strength, makes you feel sick and takes ages to ease off.


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