Woodlands Meeting Update


Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Apr 20, 2005
Durham City, County Durham
This follows on from the previous thread on a woodland purchase at http://www.bushcraftuk.com/community/showthread.php?t=9278

I thought I'd start a new thread as things are really moving along now.

Spoony and I had a get together this afternoon and got the ball rolling. We discussed how we were going to get a piece of woodland for us all to enjoy and pursue our chosen lifestyle of bushcraft in it's many and varied guises. This is basicaly what we have come up with.

We decided we could talk about it till the cows came home, or we could do something positive right now, and we chose the latter. So, our venture will be known as The Bushcraft Educational Society and will be open to everyone. We have purchased a domain name www.bushcraft-educational-society.co.uk and it should go live tomorrow sometime. I'll let eveyone know when it's up and running. There will be a forum there so we can discuss all the implications of woodland purchase and many other subjects without using all Tony's bandwidth up.

We don't want what we're doing to detract from this fantastic place - rather to compliment it, but we will be suggesting certain aspects of the new forum such as selling and buying stuff that contravenes Tony's rules here on BushcraftUK so we decided a new forum would fit the bill.

The website and forum will be there to educate visitors to the concept of bushcraft. All the information there will be free for all to see. However, we will have a member's area, where for a small subscription members will be able to get some serious discounts from selected suppliers (we are discussing this with interested suppliers right now). There will also be competitions and raffles with donated prizes. Only full members will be able to benefit from these deals.

The income from the website and membership will help to fund the incidental expenses of purchasing woodland. That will include legal costs, stationery, postage and other out of pocket expenses involved in setting this up.

We discussed woodland purchase in great detail and to keep it fair we decided that stakeholders would not be limited in number. We don't envisige hundreds of people signing up, but we don't want to put a limit on numbers that do. We do however think a deadline of the end of March 2006 for contributions. We will set up a proper bank account in the name of the society and have multiple signitories for all financial transactions. All financial matters will be completely transparent to stakeholders at all times.

Funding of woodland purchase.

This will be by stakeholders purchasing a share (amount to be decided).
By fund raising (raffles etc).
By grants (if applicable)
By members providing demonstrations of bushcraft skills at craft fairs etc.
By sponsorship from suppliers

To be decided on at next meeting.
Common sense rules for all members and their guests or visitors to agree to.
Committee - members and their responsibilities.
Feasability of land purchase based on projected income.
Feasability of land rental if insufficient income realised.
Public Liability Insurance.
Health & Safety
First aid cover at events.

Possible income from woodlands.
Charcoal production
Teaching/Training facility
Management initiative and motivation courses.

Let me just say that this will happen. If not enough people come up with money for woodland purchase, we will rent some woodland - maybe for just a year which will give us more time to find money for purchase, but it will happen!

I'll post on this thread when the new website goes live.

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Sep 23, 2005
i cant say how chuffed i am to see this in motion, an other option for funds is letting gourps like souts and things to use it. or somthing along thows lines


We have a a number of knives, T-Shirts and other items for sale.