weaving around hiking sticks?

Ben Trout

Feb 19, 2006
Wiltshire, GB
I have nearly finished a walking stave with a French Whipping grip on it. Another related option is Cockscombing (or Ringbolt hitching);


Thanks clcuckow, think that's a site I'll visit again!

Both can be tied with a number of differently coloured cords for a nice effect. Both are basically a series of half hitches. In the French whipping, all in the same direction giving a spiral pattern. With Cockscombing the half hitches are in alternate directions giving a plaited pattern.

With my stave I used three shades of Leather thong. As I went along I brushed PVA glue onto the wood before tying the leather down. When I got close to the end I laid three loops of thread under the wrapping. Once I got to the end I used the threads to pull the ends of the leather underneath the wrapping. It seems to be good and solid.


Some other options.

West country whipping;

West Country Whipping

Common whipping. The marinews entry is not what I recognise. As concisely as I can manage: Form a loop with one leg a bit longer than you want the grip, the other with lots. Lay the loop where you want the grip and pointing upwards. Wind the long leg round and round the stave, with 50 or so mm of the short leg out the bottom. Keep the winds snug against on another and continue up as far as you want the grip. Take the end through the bit of loop at the top. Pull the bottom end gently through until the loop has disappeared underneath the grip. Trim the ends.

Hope that makes some sense

Portuguese Sennit;

Portuguese Sennit

Have fun!
May 13, 2008
hi people i have some whittaill antlers and some moose antler and i m planing on making a pick/hawking stick and wondering wot the best way of ataching the antler the the stick or a web site that show u haw to do it


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