Wanted - Twybill


Full Member
Jul 17, 2005
Does anyone by chance have a Twybill they no longer want?

I had mine nicked off a show stand weekend before last and desperately need one so i can get some work done, i placed an order with a well known supplier but he has refunded my money this morning with a little note saying they are out of stock and no known delivery date for more.

I have bushie knives or cash as a trade.


Dave Budd

Gold Trader
Staff member
Jan 8, 2006
Dartmoor (Devon)
you're not going to believe this, but I have just made a batch! I haven't made any for about a decade, but got the urge the other week :D

I haven't worked out a price yet and I can send you a piccy tomorrow when I get my camera plugged in. I did a couple of the modern triangular blade and hook type and another couple of an older chisel and hook format

Dave Budd

Gold Trader
Staff member
Jan 8, 2006
Dartmoor (Devon)
I'll put this picture here so that folks can see what we've been talking about, but I'll pm you regarding potential purchase :)


The one on the left is what people normally think of as a twybill (tybil, twvil, etc), mostly because I think Ashley Isles is the only current manufacturer and so the pattern they use is all over the web. The other one is another shape that pops up lot in historical tool sets and images of craftspeople cutting mortices. They range in size from maybe 9" end to end up to nearly 3 feet! These, as with most, have a point or hook on one side to lever out the lump of wood left between two holes drilled to form a mortice; then cutting edge on one side to pare off the wood on the sides and make tidy.

I haven't made any for years, partly because I couldn't find a way of making them that didn't annoy me (which new tools have made simpler) and partly because they didn't sell well when I did make them. In use, I haven't ever liked the bladed version and I would normally grab a chisel instead of the twybil in my drawer. Now that I have made some of the chisel variety, I think I might have to revisit my mortice cutting and see how it works for me :)


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