Tribe DVD Bruce Parry

falling rain

Oct 17, 2003
Woodbury Devon
I treated myself to TRIBE - Bruce Parry. Absolutely fantastic. I missed a lot of the episodes in all 3 series. And I go as far to say as it's one of the best series I've ever seen. The series has been talked about a lot on here but if you've never seen it, get it on your christmas list. 10 out of 10 :)
Some of the simple ways those folks live compared to the ever declining standards in our society really make you think. Who's the richer and happiest.


Feb 15, 2005
Silkstone, Blighty!
For another good Bruce Parry DVD set, try the Blizzard:Race to the pole DVDs. Absolutely brilliant stuff,the voice over bloke really sets the scene and is that sort of old WWII mission briefing voice! Look out for Sir Ran Fiennes popping up, and a few others, who discuss the merits of both team, and also the failings.

Another fantastic series from Bruce Parry, he is just as good viewing as Ray IMO.

falling rain

Oct 17, 2003
Woodbury Devon
I've got the blizzard one too. very good as well.

Yes I'd agree with you just as good viewing as RM. Those folks in all the places he visited have next to nothing to give, but they willingly give what little they've got, and they share everything amonst the community. Here it'd be 'I'm alright jack I've got my food you go and get your own' from most people. I found that watching these programmes really highlighted the failings in our way of life, and society. I noticed that despite having nothing they are all so happy. No squashing on the tube, deadlines at work, rude, arrogant, impatient, ill mannered people on the phone (in my job I get it all the time, and it was especially bad last night. Was it national rude day yesterday :confused: )
We measure happines in material possesions, wealth, big car, big house, successful career etc but I'd bet per capita those people are generally more happy than most of us. The only problems they have are our incursions such as loggers.
Makes me want to go and live as a nomad away from the maggots :(


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