The Last Season


Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
I have just finished reading The Last Season the story of a back country ranger in the High Sierra. Our American cousins will probably have read about it. I searched the archives but found no threads. Apologies if this has been mentioned before.

These backcountry rangers spend months each year alone doing patrols and conservancy work at altitude in the Sierra Nevada

It is an excellent book and, if you can skip the temptation to read the end or google the subject, reads like a who-dunnit.

If you are someone who likes spending time alone in the wilderness (or think you would like to) then it is a compelling read especially, if like me, you often think about dying in the wilderness. Not as some thing that you would particularly wish for but as something that may happen to you as a natural process as we are a small and insignificant when detached from our societies.

Randy Morgenson, the ranger depicted in the book, had a gift with the pen and an eye for the small details of great beauty while living in the grandeur of one of natures largest creations

4.5 out of 5


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