Sharpening draw knives


Apr 29, 2008
Brisbane, Australia
Hi all :) I'm new here.
I have been given an old draw knife and was wondering how to sharpen it. The edge is a bit worn towards the centre and I'm certainly no expert on sharpening. Chisels I can do but this thing is a whole new experience! Does anyone have any ideas?

Indoors Out (Jon)

**oops, didn't look down far enough to see the edged forum sorry**

Mike Ameling

Need to contact Admin...
Jan 18, 2007
Iowa U.S.A.
A drawknife works best when the cutting edge is beveled and sharpened all to one side - like your chisels or the blade on a hand plane. It will still work if the edge is more centered or V shaped, but really should be beveled just to one side. So as you are sharpening it, spend a little bit more time working that bevel back towards one side. You don't necessarily need to reshape it all at once. But as you use it an need to resharpen it, just start working it back to that "chisel" edge shape. And the closer you get back to that chisel edge shape, the better it will work for you.

Just my humble thoughts to share. Take them as such.

Mikey - yee ol' grumpy blacksmith out in the Hinterlands


Jul 9, 2006
North Carolina, USA
Do you mean the knifes center area is worn more than the edges?

If that's the case don't worry about it. Over time they tend to get more worn where you use it most.

But as Mike said try to keep the back of the knife flat and all of the bevel on the face.

mr dazzler

Aug 28, 2004
I use a cheap fine diamond card (about 1 1/4 inch x 4 inch) I work the bevvel and the back with it, keeping the card flat to the metal. This gives a reasonable working edge for rough shaping, removalling bark etc. If I want a finer edge good enough for finish cutting I additionally strop on a piece of leather smeared with auto solvol paste. I put the leather on the seat of the shaving horse to get a good firm flat surface for this job.


Apr 29, 2008
Brisbane, Australia
I didn't think about the bevel, I meant the centre was more worn. The bevel is in quite good condition really, considering it was my sister who used it last! It is still sharp enough to work but not 'working sharp' like I'd have a plane or chisel. Thanks for the advice. I like the idea of the strop too, I was trying to figure out how to do that. I'd really like to find a project to work on now that will let me learn how to handle it properly, I'd like to make a bow eventually but not right at first eh?


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