scouting for boys


Jul 13, 2005
Near Washington, D.C.
Well, since no one came right out and said anything good about scouting, maybe I will. This is an American perspective.

My son was involved in scouting when he was in school (now he is in the army) and I was also naturally involved as an adult. I was likewise involved in scouting, though not for a long time, when I was still in school. And a first cousin was a Boy Scout executive.

Although some of the things the Scouts do seems quaint when seen from afar, it was my impression that they enjoyed it greatly, mainly because it gave them the opportunity to do something they would not otherwise be doing. The attitude at scout camps is so different from the contemporary view of camping and outdoor life and that makes it doubly refreshing. At scout camp you can have a fire, sleep under canvas (not nylon), camp in a group, have ceremonies, sing wonderful songs, and carry on all sorts of semi-dangerous activities (like shoot guns, arrows, fool with knives and play with fire). In the places I usually go for my outings, which is a national park, you can't possibly do a single one of those things. About all you can manage to do is fall down and break something.

There was no drill and the uniforms were saved for the ceremonies but were not a big deal. Most of all I think the biggest benefit was taking part in something big, with something of a long tradition. I know it is worldwide but I was never conscious of that. One particularly interesting evening was spent listening to a talk and slide show given by an astronaut.

In the forgotten past (before about 1930, let's say), there were other groups also in being for the purposes of hiking and camping, purely as a recreational activity. Those were mostly adult groups. I suspect that most had disappeared by the time of WWII but some are still going strong and may have received a boost by the completion of the Applachian Trail. In fact, the Applachian Trail is maintained by a confederation of clubs. A couple of the organizations are especially "clubby," I understand, although I belong to none. In one sense, the Sierra Club is one such organization.

There have been very good books published in the past about what amounts to bushcraft that were aimed at boys (and perhaps girls). I am thinking here of a certain Ben Hunt, who was especially interested in handicrafts and Indian lore.

Now, all this about the scouts makes me wonder why there has been no mention of scouts helping out in Louisana and along the coast. The answer to that is probably that this is the day of the professionals. Amateurs need not apply. Donations welcome, however, because we have a large government that believes in small government. This is the paradox.


Apr 27, 2005
Nearly a hundred years ago, the scouts where formed by kids for kids and that was the way they were surposed to be run.

Looking around now do you think we have gone forward or backward.


Dec 22, 2003
Skerries, Co. Dublin
You both raise some interesting points and it might be better to carry this on in the Leaders forum.

Blue train my personnal experience of scouting was much the same as your sons expect of the Shooting that is. As I mentioned before Scouting in Ireland is going through some major changes and one of the big thinks myself and others are triing to do is ensure that the Idea of it being a youth lead movement is kept. Over the years both of the larger associations slow drifted from this with Adults and Gray beards taking more control. There still are gray beards as they definitly have their place but the focus is on getting the kids inparticular the Scouts, Ventures and Young leaders to drive the movement forward.

Change for changes sake is not good but even BP recognised that the scouting movement like society as a whole is a dynamic and fluid thing. It's core values are still as valid today as they were a 100years ago but in this fast passed media lead world scouting needs too adjust and adapt to ensure that every generations gets the value of those values. If that makes sense.

I enjoy reading the resent reprint of Scouting for Boys and dip into it every now and then, I have also read his works on being a Scout master and as per my signature Rovering to Success and I liked them both and they inspired me to get further involved in our new association and I have found that more often then not the on thing that has hindered Scouting the most is the idea that we don't need need to promote in a way what we do and what scout is that the general public can see how much fun and how profitable it is society.

Any enough rambling on from me.



Apr 27, 2005
The older the scout information is the better it gets.

Have you seen some of the little books from the 20 and 30 and 40. I have found them again and I am serously thinking about scaning at least one article which shows a tent sheet. Just a square of material with ties making a cross from corner to corner but do it in modern materials and it has got to be a wonderful basha.

I think the other good thing they have going for them is no kit reviews, it was nearly all diy because there was no Millets on every high street.

The problem the scouts has is that they have lost their way or place. It is getting harder and harder to foster self reliance because you are stuck doing more and more group work. If you then add in the poltics of any large organision, you may as well give up. It is something I have never understood, the term means someone in front, all of the uses of the noun or verb relate to leading the way, and yet they keep changing the uniform to follow fashion.

I still have my second Baden Powell scout shirt, not sure if it fits any more(Martial arts and Guinness really bad for your body shape) but my third scout assocation shirt (a long sleved shirt which we spent all the time rolling the sleves up on)went in the bin and it was more expensive. You can buy the old style here - A heavy cotton pilot style shirt, they also sell the old style scout belts and hats.

I think scouting for boys is the primer for bushcrafting. If you watch Ray Mears, he still does things in a scout way(he was one as well), like leaving places the way you found them and making sure the tree you have damaged will survive. It may be old or even in some places outdated but so what? We go out of our way to learn skills that have been around for 5,000 + years. Do I think it is the best bushcrafting book, not by a long shot, I just think it should be your first bushcraft book and the one you re-read once a year.


We have a a number of knives, T-Shirts and other items for sale.