Russian Dousing - keeping warm


Jan 30, 2009
never heard of it but from above it sounds like "tempering". like getting out the sauna (when the body is trying to release heat fast so a lot of blood is in the outer extremities) and jumping in a plunge pool. all the blood rushes to the core and creates a sort of temporary fever, very good for illnesses as long as you dont have heart problems. in fact i believe it was widely used to treat bad colds and the flu, the patient was dropped in to a freezing cold bath three times daily.

also tempering is very good after a strenuous work out or walk, jump under a cold shower for about a minute and allow the body to heat up again slowly afterwards and i guarantee your aches and pains will be much less the next day.

cheers dan


Dec 3, 2008
Bruxelles, Belgium
This is something well known in German speaking countries - propagated by Father Kneipp who discovered the healing properties of cold water.

The various treatments are used in clinics and spas in Germany etc.

see this but also google "father kneipp"

A well known person and well known series of treatments.

One of the rules, iirc, were that your body had to be warm before you poured cold water over it - or immersed yourself.


Sep 27, 2007
Yes I do it. For a while I done it everyday, sometimes more than once, but it is one of those things that never becomes easy to do. It may sound silly but psychologically it’s a difficult thing to do as. Its always challenging as for a few seconds its severely uncomfortable. However the health benefits in my opinion are well worth the short period of discomfort. Iv even had feelings of euphoria from doing it, its strange but feels really good after it.
For a long time I suffered severe tonsillitis and was prescribed dose after dose of antibiotics which worked until I finished the course then it hit me again just as badly. This was when I started dousing and what a difference. Almost instantly the swelling went down and the pain was relieved for a time. In the longer term Im sure its what cured me. Any time I feel a cold or other bug coming on its time to douse and Im convinced it works. If nothing else its good for mind over matter training. I think it also helps me not feel the cold as badly as well although I have no evidence of this.

Hope this helps!

Any more questions just ask!


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